腓立比书 (Philippians)





1 - 介绍在腓立比的教会


Scripture Reference: Phil 1:1 Series: 腓立比书 (Philippians)

2 - 人生的意义


Scripture Reference: Phil 1:1–2 Series: 腓立比书 (Philippians)

3 - 不只是造反言论


Scripture Reference: Series: 腓立比书 (Philippians)

4 - 不只是个普通的“你好”


Scripture Reference: Phil 1:2 Series: 腓立比书 (Philippians)

5 - 喜乐的秘诀


Scripture Reference: Phil 1:3–7 Series: 腓立比书 (Philippians)

6 - 我们所需要的,是真正的爱


Scripture Reference: Phil 1:8–9 Series: 腓立比书 (Philippians)

7 - 检验过的,真实的,得胜的


Scripture Reference: Phil 1:10–11 Series: 腓立比书 (Philippians)

8 - 反向前行


Scripture Reference: Phil 1:12–14 Series: 腓立比书 (Philippians)

9 - 学习以敬虔的方式回应诽谤


Scripture Reference: Phil 1:15–18 Series: 腓立比书 (Philippians)

10 - 为我祷告


Scripture Reference: Phil 1:19–20 Series: 腓立比书 (Philippians)

11 - 做好两手准备


Scripture Reference: Phil 1:21–26 Series: 腓立比书 (Philippians)

12 - 留下来!


Scripture Reference: Phil 1:23 Series: 腓立比书 (Philippians)

13 - 主要的事情


Scripture Reference: Phil 1:27 Series: 腓立比书 (Philippians)

14 - 这里没有超级明星的位置


Scripture Reference: Phil 1:27 Series: 腓立比书 (Philippians)

15 - 在恩典的急流中划橡皮艇


Scripture Reference: Phil 1:28–30 Series: 腓立比书 (Philippians)

16 - 正在消失的美德


Scripture Reference: Phil 2:1–2 Series: 腓立比书 (Philippians)

17 - 非同寻常的生活方式


Scripture Reference: Phil 2:2–4 Series: 腓立比书 (Philippians)

18 - 真理中的真理


Scripture Reference: Phil 2:5–8 Series: 腓立比书 (Philippians)

19 - 破碎我的王国


Scripture Reference: Phil 2:7–8 Series: 腓立比书 (Philippians)

20 - 君王变成奴隶


Scripture Reference: Phil 2:8 Series: 腓立比书 (Philippians)

21 - 耶稣是神


Scripture Reference: Phil 2:9–11 Series: 腓立比书 (Philippians)

22 - 我们的倾向


Scripture Reference: Phil 2:12–13 Series: 腓立比书 (Philippians)

23 - 不再不满足


Scripture Reference: Phil 2:14–16 Series: 腓立比书 (Philippians)

24 - 毫无保留,永不言退,无怨无悔


Scripture Reference: Phil 2:14–16 Series: 腓立比书 (Philippians)

25 - 甘当亚军


Scripture Reference: Phil 2:19–22 Series: 腓立比书 (Philippians)

26 - 用铅笔制定计划


Scripture Reference: Phil 2:19, 23–24 Series: 腓立比书 (Philippians)

27 - 冒险家


Scripture Reference: Phil 2:25–30 Series: 腓立比书 (Philippians)

28 - 被喜乐所保护


Scripture Reference: Phil 3:1–3 Series: 腓立比书 (Philippians)

29 - 忘了那个熏肠吧


Scripture Reference: Phil 3:4–9 Series: 腓立比书 (Philippians)

30 - 渴慕


Scripture Reference: Phil 3:10–11 Series: 腓立比书 (Philippians)

31 - 忘记背后


Scripture Reference: Phil 3:12–14 Series: 腓立比书 (Philippians)

32 - 找到中央C键


Scripture Reference: Phil 3:15–17 Series: 腓立比书 (Philippians)

33 - 跟随犹大


Scripture Reference: Phil 3:18–20 Series: 腓立比书 (Philippians)

34 - 不只是一厢情愿的想法


Scripture Reference: Phil 3:20–21; 4:1 Series: 腓立比书 (Philippians)

35 - 可以调和的矛盾


Scripture Reference: Phil 4:2–3 Series: 腓立比书 (Philippians)

36 - 做一个绅士


Scripture Reference: Phil 4:4–5 Series: 腓立比书 (Philippians)

37 - 杀死忧虑


Scripture Reference: Phil 4:6–7 Series: 腓立比书 (Philippians)

38 - 你在想些什么呢?


Scripture Reference: Phil 4:8–9 Series: 腓立比书 (Philippians)

39 - 足够了


Scripture Reference: Phil 4:10–14 Series: 腓立比书 (Philippians)

40 - 教会历史上最著名的感谢信


Scripture Reference: Phil 4:15–20 Series: 腓立比书 (Philippians)

41 - 平凡的圣徒


Scripture Reference: Phil 4:21–23 Series: 腓立比书 (Philippians)

This is the collection of Stephen Davey's full-length sermons. You can listen, or download the manuscript, for every lesson in Stephen's Bible teaching archive. We believe the Bible is God's Word, and that it speaks with authority to our lives. These messages are faithful to the meaning of of the Bible and will help you understand God's message to you.