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Bowing Before Joseph (Genesis 42:1-28)

Genesis 42:1-28

02/14/2025 Stephen Davey

Have you ever tried to ignore a guilty conscience? In Genesis 42, Joseph’s brothers confront their unshakable guilt when they unknowingly bow... read more

Our weekday program, available across multiple platforms, takes you verse-by-verse through God's Word to help you know God, think biblically, and live wisely.

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Between The Rock and a Hard Place

The Trials of Jesus and the Dilemma of Pilate and Herod

02/14/2025 Stephen Davey

Have you ever felt caught between doing the right thing and protecting your reputation? That’s the dilemma faced by Pilate and Herod as they judged... read more

october 2024 hth

Waking Up The Dead: The Letter to Sardis

Standing inside Westminster Abbey in London, I remember being struck with the thought: This is not what a church is supposed to feel like.  I was not uneasy because of the Abbey’s appearance, which remains one of the most beautiful architectural and artistic sites I have ever visited. Christians can and should appreciate and celebrate artistic achievements, because the ability to create beauty reflects the creative brilliance of God.  I didn’t feel out of place in the Abbey because it is old, having been built in the 1200s. Westminster Abbey has been an icon of British life and culture for centuries. To this day, it remains the traditional location of royal coronations and weddings. 

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unforgivable sin

What Is the Unforgivable Sin?

Many wonder about the "unforgivable sin" in Mark 3:29. Have you committed it? Discover what blasphemy against the Holy Spirit truly means and why believers can rest in God's assurance of forgiveness.

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september 2024 hth copy 1

Thyatira: The Compromising Church

Relative truth has become increasingly popular in our culture, as people seek to replace objective truth with their own feelings, emotions, and opinions. This is never clearer than when people attempt to deny the truth of their own genetic code. Someone born with “XX” or “XY” chromosomes—a concrete scientific fact—can still claim that their gender is different than their DNA, and our culture bows to their preference.  For our culture at large today, the only absolute truth they accept is that there is no absolute truth. They seem to ignore this glaring contradiction! 

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