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1 Does Satan Still Accuse Believers Before God?

Does Satan Still Accuse Believers Before God?

by Stephen Davey
Does Satan still accuse believers before God? While the Bible shows that he does, believers have an advocate in Jesus Christ who defends us. Discover how Jesus has already defeated Satan's accusations and what this means for your life today. read more
2 Never Look Back | Overcoming Failure

Never Look Back | Overcoming Failure

by Stephen Davey
If you’ve ever watched a horse race or the movie Secretariat, you’re familiar with the covering that horses sometimes wear on top of... read more
1 What is the difference between rules and legalism?

What is the difference between rules and legalism?

by Stephen Davey
Are rules in the Christian life the same as legalism? While God’s commandments guide us, legalism distorts them into something harmful. Learn how to follow God's rules out of love, not fear, and how to avoid the trap of legalism. Discover the difference in this insightful blog post. read more
1 Is Superstition a Sin?

Is Superstition a Sin?

by Stephen Davey
Is superstition just harmless fun, or does it pose a deeper spiritual threat? In this article, Stephen explores whether superstition is considered a sin and how it can divert believers from fully trusting in God. Learn why practices like reading horoscopes or using Ouija boards can open the door to deception, and discover the biblical truths that provide true security. Read on to understand how to avoid the trap of superstition and strengthen your faith in God’s sovereign power. read more
1 Why did Jesus say we must eat his flesh?

Why did Jesus say we must eat his flesh?

by Stephen Davey
Have you wondered what Jesus meant when He said we must eat His flesh and drink His blood? It’s a puzzling statement that left His listeners confused, but it holds a profound spiritual truth about how we receive eternal life. Uncover the meaning behind this metaphor and how it reveals the depth of our need for a true, life-giving relationship with Jesus. read more
1 What About Those Who Never Heard the Gospel?

What About Those Who Never Heard the Gospel?

by Stephen Davey
Have you ever wondered: “What about those who have never heard the gospel? Are they going to face the judgment of God?” This question... read more
2 Accepting Reassurance for Doubt

Accepting Reassurance for Doubt

by Stephen Davey
A few months ago, our representatives in Congress selected Mike Johnson to be the new Speaker of the House of Representatives. Many... read more
2 Finding Comfort During Doubt

Finding Comfort During Doubt

by Stephen Davey
The Protestant reformer and theologian, John Calvin, once said, “While we teach that faith ought to be certain, we cannot imagine any... read more
1 Baptism of the Holy Spirit

Baptism of the Holy Spirit

by Stephen Davey
One of the most pivotal moments in Christian history took place in ancient Jerusalem on the Day of Pentecost. ... read more
2 Holding Fast During Doubt

Holding Fast During Doubt

by Stephen Davey
I want to examine our topic this month in reverse order. As we consider the times, places, and manners in which God invites us to ask Him... read more
2 Remaining Humble | The Fall of Gideon

Remaining Humble | The Fall of Gideon

by Stephen Davey
Recently, I watched a video clip of collegiate runner Tanguy Pepiot, a track and field star for the University of Oregon. In the video clip, Pepiot is comfortably leading the race as he approaches the finish line. With just a few final steps to cross the finish line, he raises a hand and gestures for the crowd to cheer for him. What he didn’t realize is another runner is closing the gap. While Pepiot slows down to prematurely celebrate, his victory turns into a loss as he’s passed at the finish line. Pepiot lost the race by one tenth of a second.  What a significant metaphor for running the race as a believer. It only takes a few moments of distraction, an allowance of hubris, a compromise of impurity, or a decision of dishonesty and years of faithful service can end in spiritual tragedy.  read more
2 Is faith a gift from God?

Is faith a gift from God?

by Stephen Davey
Don asks, "Based on Ephesians 2:8, does God supply the faith needed for salvation in addition to the grace? ... read more
2 Explaining Hell to Children

Explaining Hell to Children

by Stephen Davey
Cathy asks, "How can I explain the reality of hell to my children?" ... read more
2 Understanding Ephesians 5:32—The Mystery

Understanding Ephesians 5:32—The Mystery

by Stephen Davey
The "mystery" Paul refers to is a term he often uses to describe a truth that was previously hidden but is now revealed by God. In this case, the mystery is the profound relationship between Christ and the church. read more
2 Giving Glory to God | The Victory of Gideon

Giving Glory to God | The Victory of Gideon

by Stephen Davey
I recently finished an extensive biography that covered the life and career of Napoleon Bonaparte. It took six different coalition armies comprising the rest of Europe to finally defeat Napoleon and his French Empire, and Napoleon was banished to the island of Elba.  In a daring move, Napoleon escaped his house arrest on the island and returned to France, hoping to regain his throne. He landed on French soil with 600 soldiers, and less than a month later, he regained his throne in Paris and his emperor’s crown.  read more
1 9 Tips for Helping a Friend Overcome Sin

9 Tips for Helping a Friend Overcome Sin

by Stephen Davey
Need to talk to a friend about sin? Learn how to approach the conversation with wisdom, humility, and love. Discover practical steps for self-examination, praying for guidance, and speaking the truth in love. Explore biblical principles for encouraging repentance and offering support. Read our full article for detailed insights and tips. read more
2 Responding to God | The Call of Gideon

Responding to God | The Call of Gideon

by Stephen Davey
If you had told Albert Einstein’s elementary school teachers that one day he would be a brilliant scientist (the "Person of the Year" as named by TIME Magazine), they would have laughed at the idea. Einstein was considered a slow, lazy child who couldn’t communicate well until he was four years old. Once he finally learned how to speak and began asking questions in school, his classmates and teachers were confused by his abstract questions that seemed to make no sense. It would take time for the world to catch up to Albert Einstein.  The famous evangelist D. L. Moody created similar reactions of concern and doubt from his church leaders. As a young convert, when he applied for church membership, he was rejected by the board of deacons. They were convinced that Moody didn’t know enough about the Bible to be admitted as a church member. So, they demanded from him a year of biblical instruction, to which he agreed. The following year, Moody applied again and— the church records noted—he was admitted “with reservation.”  read more
2 How does Israel fit into Revelation?

How does Israel fit into Revelation?

by Stephen Davey
Israel was under the heel of Rome when Christ was born – and the added persecution by Satan to wipe out the Christ child is one of the underlying dramas of the Christmas story. The anguish of Israel was heard as Herod had all the Jewish boys under the age of two killed in and around Bethlehem in order to destroy the one who was born, King of the Jews. read more
1 Surprised by True Greatness - Understanding Servant Leadership

Surprised by True Greatness - Understanding Servant Leadership

by Stephen Davey
Discover the surprising lesson on true greatness from Luke 22:24-30. Learn how Jesus redefined greatness through servant leadership and humility. read more
1 Biblical Reasons for Divorce

Biblical Reasons for Divorce

by Stephen Davey
This is a challenging yet crucial topic: Biblical Reasons for Divorce and Remarriage. Explore the sanctity of marriage vows and the conditions under which divorce is biblically justified. Learn what Jesus and Paul teach on this sensitive issue. Whether you're seeking guidance for your own marriage or looking to understand God's design for marital relationships, you'll gain profound insights and practical wisdom. read more
2 Engaging with Biblical Skeptics and Doubters

Engaging with Biblical Skeptics and Doubters

by Stephen Davey
C.S. Lewis beautifully characterized the Christian faith when he wrote, “I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.”  The Bible isn’t just something you believe to be true; it is the sunlight— the worldview—through which you see everything else.  The way we interact with others, the way we speak, the way we vote, the way we worship are all influenced by our belief in God and our reliance on His Word. Indeed, the Bible is no less important to our lives than the food we eat and the oxygen we breathe.  read more
3 God's Sovereign Election

God's Sovereign Election

by Stephen Davey
Have you ever wrestled with the concept of God's sovereignty, especially when it comes to the idea of election? If so, you're not alone.... read more
2 Here is the Case for God's Word

Here is the Case for God's Word

In Erwin Lutzer’s book about the trustworthiness of the Bible, he tells the story of a Russian double agent who was stranded in Mexico.... read more
2 Is the Bible literal and always true?

Is the Bible literal and always true?

by Stephen Davey
The acclaimed film director Woody Allen once remarked that “We have no spiritual center—we are drifting alone in the cosmos.”  This feeling of spiritual limbo is reflected by data released a couple years ago; a Gallup Poll found that for the first time ever in the history of America, a minority of people are members of a church or other religious meeting place. Not surprisingly, this trend is being led by millennials and younger generations. Only 36 percent of millennials are members of a church, while 31 percent report having no religious affiliation whatsoever.  Allen’s observation that our culture lacks a spiritual center is seen most clearly when people are asked if the Bible is the literal Word of God. Only 20 percent of respondents said that it is.  read more
2 Engaging with False Teaching about Hell

Engaging with False Teaching about Hell

by Stephen Davey
Arguments against hell can be very persuasive; they can sound more empathetic toward the plight of human suffering; they can even distort the characteristics of God to make a more “appealing” and “tolerant” version. After all, tolerance—not justice—is the leading virtue of our modern age.  read more
2 Hell Is Real

Hell Is Real

by Stephen Davey
The theologian John Stott wrote, “If we come to the Scriptures with our minds made up, expecting to hear from it only an echo of our own thoughts and never the thunderclap of God’s thoughts, then He will not speak and we will only be confirmed.”  It is for this reason that biblical observation must precede biblical interpretation. If we allow ourselves to approach the Bible with our own ideas about what it says—or what it should say—then our interpretation will be limited to our own ideas.  read more
1 Why Did God Create People, Knowing They Would Sin?

Why Did God Create People, Knowing They Would Sin?

by Stephen Davey
Dive into an evangelical perspective on why God created humanity with the foreknowledge of sin. Explore the concepts of love, free will, and redemption to understand the divine purpose behind creation. read more
2 Is the Theology of Hell Important?

Is the Theology of Hell Important?

by Stephen Davey
Durante di Alighiero, nicknamed “Dante,” was born in 1265 in Florence, Italy. He would eventually be considered one of the greatest... read more
1 The Power of Solitary Prayer: Does God Hear Me When I'm Alone?

The Power of Solitary Prayer: Does God Hear Me When I'm Alone?

by Stephen Davey
Discover the profound impact of solitary prayer, backed by Scripture and examples of Jesus and biblical figures. Learn how to connect with God on a deeply personal level. read more
2 Should Christians Watch Movies Depicting Jesus?

Should Christians Watch Movies Depicting Jesus?

by Stephen Davey
Explore the complexities of watching movies based on the Bible accounts of Jesus and how they compare to the concept of graven images, focusing on the importance of Scripture as the primary source for understanding Christ. read more
1 Why Don't You Use The King James Version?

Why Don't You Use The King James Version?

by Stephen Davey
Explore the reasons behind choosing the English Standard Version (ESV) over the King James Version (KJV) for studying and teaching the Bible, highlighting the importance of faithful translation and global accessibility. read more
1 The Complex Legacy of Martin Luther

The Complex Legacy of Martin Luther

by Stephen Davey
An evangelical perspective on Martin Luther - celebrating his Reformation work while grappling with his antisemitic views and impact on history. read more
1 Why Fallen Angels Have No Chance for Salvation

Why Fallen Angels Have No Chance for Salvation

by Stephen Davey
An evangelical exploration of the reasons why fallen angels don't have an opportunity for repentance like humans. Understand divine justice, Christ's sacrifice, and the consequences of rebellion. read more
2 Wisdom International Is Using A.I.—Here's Why:

Wisdom International Is Using A.I.—Here's Why:

by Stephen Davey
If you are a Friend of Wisdom, you recently received an email announcing the launch of WisdomA.I., a chatbot tool that allows people to more accessibly interact with our Bible teaching ministry. As this program has rolled out, I’ve received many questions like this one: “Why would you create a tool using something as evil as A.I.?” read more
1 How to Discern Theologically Sound Authors and Books

How to Discern Theologically Sound Authors and Books

by Stephen Davey
Discover practical tips for navigating theological literature, ensuring alignment with evangelical beliefs and sound theology. Learn to discern credible authors and books that uphold biblical teachings. read more
1 Does God Have A Plan For Everyone's Life?

Does God Have A Plan For Everyone's Life?

by Stephen Davey
Explore the biblical perspective on God's unique plan for every individual. Delve into key verses from Jeremiah, Psalms, Ephesians, Proverbs, and Romans that highlight God's sovereignty, care, and purpose for our lives. Find comfort and assurance in the divine design of your existence. read more
1 Acceptance


by Scott Wylie
Explore the profound biblical concept of acceptance, its significance, and practical tips for experiencing and practicing acceptance as a reflection of God's love and grace. Discover the transformative power of embracing others as Christ has embraced us. read more
1 How to Address Sin in a Friend's Life: A Guide to Compassionate Correction

How to Address Sin in a Friend's Life: A Guide to Compassionate Correction

by Stephen Davey
Learn how to approach a friend about sin in their life with humility and love, ensuring your intentions are pure and your approach is grounded in grace, guided by Jesus' teachings on self-examination and restoration. read more
1 Peacefulness


by Scott Wylie
Explore the biblical concept of peacefulness, its profound significance, and practical tips for experiencing and walking in peacefulness as a reflection of God's divine peace. Discover the transformative power of inner calm and harmony. read more
1 What is the difference between Jehovah and Lord?

What is the difference between Jehovah and Lord?

Dive into the nuances of biblical terminology to uncover the difference between Jehovah and Lord. Learn how translators signal God's personal name and titles, enriching your understanding of God's identity in the Bible. read more
1 Does God take people from us as a punishment?

Does God take people from us as a punishment?

by Stephen Davey
One of the most challenging questions we face as Christians is why God allows suffering and bad things to happen. It's a question that has stirred debate among theologians, scholars, and believers for centuries. One common assumption is that suffering is a result of personal wrongdoing. But is this necessarily true? I want to answer Cindy’s question by establishing a theological framework on suffering and loss. read more
2 A Model of Evangelism

A Model of Evangelism

When you were in kindergarten and first began to write the letters of the alphabet, you probably started by tracing the lines that were printed in your notebook. Tracing helped your brain remember the exact muscle-movements in your hand to create each letter. Over a period of time, you developed what’s called, “muscle memory,” and now you can write each letter without a second thought.  In many ways, the book of Acts is similar to a tracing notebook. God knows that prayer, witnessing, and fellowship do not come naturally to us at the moment of salvation. They require practice and patience— spiritual muscle memory.  Acts includes a template for us—a model—for our evangelism, and it comes from a lesser-known apostle of Christ.  read more
1 Submission


by Scott Wylie
Explore the biblical concept of submission, its significance, and practical tips for experiencing and practicing submission in various aspects of life. Discover how submission reflects humility, obedience, and trust in God's divine plan. read more
1 Righteousness


by Scott Wylie
Explore the profound biblical concept of righteousness, its significance, and practical tips for experiencing and walking in righteousness as an expression of faith and obedience to God. Discover the transformative power of aligning your life with God's standards. read more
1 Freedom


by Scott Wylie
Explore the profound biblical concept of freedom in Christ, its significance, and practical tips for experiencing and living in this remarkable freedom. Discover how faith in Jesus brings liberation from sin's bondage. read more
2 Effective Christianity

Effective Christianity

A farewell address comes with a profound sense of urgency.  Whether it’s a valedictorian speech to classmates, a resignation speech to coworkers, or a president’s farewell address, ‘last words’ carry a poignant power.  As President George Washington delivered his farewell address, he concluded, in part, by saying “I am nevertheless too sensible of my defects not to think it probable that I may have committed many errors. Whatever they may be, I fervently beseech the Almighty to avert or mitigate the evils to which they may tend.”  read more
1 Are All Sins Equal?

Are All Sins Equal?

Delve into the complex question of whether all sins are equal in God's eyes. This article explores the biblical teachings on the nature of sin, its varying consequences, and the distinctions between different types of sins according to Scripture. read more
1 Is Love Between Christians Unique?

Is Love Between Christians Unique?

by Stephen Davey
Dive into the nuances of Christian love as it differs from the universal call to love all people. Understand how the distinctive, sacrificial love among believers, as guided by the Holy Spirit, sets apart the Christian community and serves as a witness to the transformative power of the gospel. read more
1 Graciousness


by Scott Wylie
Explore the profound biblical concept of graciousness, its significance, and practical tips for experiencing and demonstrating graciousness as an expression of Christ's love. Discover the transformative power of kindness, empathy, and generosity. read more
1 A Guide to Explaining the Rapture to Children

A Guide to Explaining the Rapture to Children

by Stephen Davey
Discover how to explain the complex concept of the rapture to children with clarity and compassion. This guide offers Christian parents practical advice on using child-friendly language, addressing fears, and reinforcing the hope in Jesus' return. read more
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