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Click Here for a topical index of articles by Stephen Davey.

2 How old is the earth?

How old is the earth?

by Stephen Davey
The popular humorist Mark Twain once wrote, Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. When it comes to creation, and the age of the earth, it’s time to reflect on the majority cultural opinion. Not only is the creation viewpoint in the minority, it has been effectively erased from the public square. Biology textbooks have removed references to a young earth or creation; the mainstream world has completely embraced the theory of evolution.  But as Christians, we know that the majority opinion of culture is not the standard for morality or truth— God’s Word is.  read more
1 Navigating the Immigration Dilemma: A Biblical Perspective

Navigating the Immigration Dilemma: A Biblical Perspective

by Stephen Davey
Explore the complex issue of immigration from a biblical standpoint. Discover timeless principles from the Bible that can shape our understanding and response to immigration challenges. Learn about the importance of recognizing the image of God in every person, the command to love neighbors and strangers, the biblical narrative of migration, the role of law and justice, and the transcendent nature of God's kingdom. read more
1 Do Babies Remain Infants In Heaven?

Do Babies Remain Infants In Heaven?

by Stephen Davey
Explore the theological perspectives on the age of individuals in heaven. Discover insights on whether babies remain infants or if the elderly stay elderly in the afterlife. Gain a deeper understanding of the nature of heavenly existence, spiritual maturity, and the continuity of personal identity. read more
1 Generosity


by Scott Wylie
Discover the profound concept of grace in the Bible – God's unmerited favor, love, and mercy. This article explores the significance of grace, provides practical tips for pursuing it, and offers powerful prayers for experiencing and growing in God's grace as a Christian. read more
1 Grace


by Scott Wylie
Discover the profound concept of grace in the Bible – God's unmerited favor, love, and mercy. This article explores the significance of grace, provides practical tips for pursuing it, and offers powerful prayers for experiencing and growing in God's grace as a Christian. read more
1 How Did Stephen Come To Faith In Christ?

How Did Stephen Come To Faith In Christ?

by Stephen Davey
Read the story of Stephen Davey's journey of faith. Born into a family of missionaries, Stephen's path to salvation was filled with unique experiences and a gripping fear of being left behind after the rapture. Discover how a vivid dream of hell and a deep inner struggle led him to surrender his life to Christ, ultimately reshaping his entire life. In this personal testimony, Stephen shares the profound story of his conversion and its impact on his relationships, choices, and future. read more
2 Why do we stand up for Genesis 1-11?

Why do we stand up for Genesis 1-11?

by Stephen Davey
Over the past 200 years, since Charles Darwin brought the theory of evolution into the mainstream scientific thought, our culture and curriculum have undergone a drastic change.  We’ve gone from a schoolteacher being prosecuted for teaching evolution to evolution becoming the only accepted viewpoint for schoolteachers and textbooks. The theory of evolution has become the law of evolution, as clear-cut as the law of gravity and Newton’s Laws of Physics.  Today, too many pastors fail to speak about the origins of the earth from the pulpit, even though the Bible speaks clearly on this topic. I regularly read theologians who accept Darwin’s theory and try to squeeze the Bible into the box of evolution.  read more
1 Where Is Hell

Where Is Hell

by Stephen Davey
Where is hell? While the Bible doesn't provide a specific location for hell, it offers profound insights into its nature as a place of divine absence, torment, and separation from God. Discover the significance of these biblical perspectives and what they mean for believers. read more
1 Holiness


by Scott Wylie
Explore the profound concept of holiness in the Bible and discover how Christians can actively pursue spiritual purity, sanctification, and devotion to God. This article provides practical tips, biblical verses, and prayers for embracing holiness in daily life. read more
1 Baptism: From John the Baptist to Modern Practice

Baptism: From John the Baptist to Modern Practice

by Stephen Davey
Discover the distinctions between John the Baptist's baptism and contemporary Christian baptism. Explore the historical and theological evolution of this sacred practice. read more
2 The Lord's Prayer:

The Lord's Prayer: "Your Kingdom Come"

by Stephen Davey
On the site of the United Nations campus, located in New York City, there is a plaza where protests and gatherings promoting world peace have taken place over the last several decades. Inscribed on the wall of this plaza are these words from the Prophet Isaiah:  “They shall beat their swords into plowshare, and their spears into pruning hooks, nation shall not lift up sword against nation. Neither shall they learn war anymore.”  It’s fascinating to me that most countries in the United Nations reject the Bible yet use the Bible to express their desire for global peace. Even though warfare is always taking place somewhere on planet earth, mankind still longs for this peace and harmony as expressed by Isaiah.  read more
1 Selflessness


by Scott Wylie
Explore the biblical concept of selflessness and learn how it emphasizes placing others' needs above our own. Discover practical tips for living a selfless life and ten prayers to cultivate selflessness based on relevant Bible verses. read more
1 2 Corinthians 4:15-16 Explained: A Message of Hope Amidst Trials

2 Corinthians 4:15-16 Explained: A Message of Hope Amidst Trials

by Stephen Davey
Uncover the deep meaning behind 2 Corinthians 4:15-16 as it relates to God's grace, thanksgiving, and the renewal of our inner selves. Delve into the context of Paul's ministry and how these verses offer a profound message of hope in the midst of trials. read more
1 Unity


by Scott Wylie
Explore the profound biblical concept of Christian unity, transcending denominational and cultural boundaries. Discover what Christian unity means, its biblical foundation, and practical tips for experiencing and fostering unity among believers. Pray for love, humility, forgiveness, cooperation, patience, wisdom, and unity in diversity to strengthen the Body of Christ. read more
1 How Can I Walk By The Spirit?

How Can I Walk By The Spirit?

by Stephen Davey
Explore the teaching of Galatians 5:16-17 about walking by the Spirit in your daily Christian life. Learn what it means to be led by the Holy Spirit, cultivate a deeper relationship with God, and exhibit the fruit of the Spirit. Discover practical steps for living a life that pleases God. read more
1 Comfort


by Scott Wylie
In times of trials, grief, and adversity, the concept of God's comfort serves as a profound source of solace and hope for Christians. Throughout the Bible, God is portrayed as the ultimate Comforter, offering His divine presence, peace, and assurance to those who seek Him. In this article, we will delve into the biblical understanding of God's comfort and provide practical tips for how Christians can pursue and experience this comfort in their lives. Explore key Bible passages that emphasize God's role as the source of comfort in times of affliction. Learn practical tips for experiencing God's comfort. Access a prayer and reading guide to help you deepen your experience of God's comfort. read more
2 The Lord's Prayer:

The Lord's Prayer: "Hallowed Be Your Name"

by Stephen Davey
If your parents were anything like mine, you heard repeatedly, “Don’t forget your last name”; or, “Remember who you represent”; or maybe, “Remember your actions will reflect on our family name.”  They weren’t telling me to think about the word “Davey” as I went about my day; they were concerned with the reputation that would be associated with “Davey” by my attitudes and actions.  This rings true for the citizens of a country. I am an American, and Americans have created a reputation for certain actions. I recall walking the streets in a foreign country, noticing people staring at me with measures of concern. The missionary whispered to me that they assumed that I—as an American—carried a gun. That kind of reputation had been created by American movies and media.  read more
1 A Primer on Church Discipline and Restoration

A Primer on Church Discipline and Restoration

by Stephen Davey
This in-depth article explains the biblical foundations of church discipline and restoration. Learn the importance of church discipline and the practical steps to practice church discipline. Learn what true repentance looks like and get practical tips for church leaders and members on addressing sin within the community. read more
1 Protection


by Scott Wylie
Explore the biblical concept of God's protection in the Christian faith. Discover key passages on God's protection and practical tips for experiencing it in your life. Pray for trust, awareness of God's presence, wisdom, and more, based on relevant Bible verses. God's protection is not the absence of trials but the assurance of His presence and care in every circumstance. read more
1 Do Christians face judgement when they die?

Do Christians face judgement when they die?

by Stephen Davey
Explore the concept of judgment in Christianity and discover the two main judgment events: the Great White Throne Judgment and the Judgment Seat of Christ (Bema Seat). Learn how Christians are exempt from condemnation but face a judgment of rewards based on their earthly works. Understand the difference between salvation and rewards, and how this perspective inspires faithful service. read more
1 Healing


by Scott Wylie
Explore the profound aspect of healing in the Christian faith. Discover key passages on healing, tips for pursuing healing according to the Bible, and a prayer and reading guide for physical and emotional well-being. Learn how faith, prayer, community support, and scripture can contribute to the healing journey. read more
2 The Lord's Prayer:

The Lord's Prayer: "Our Father in Heaven"

by Stephen Davey
When President Theodore Roosevelt was running for his third term as president, he got in a car to head toward an auditorium in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where he planned to give a speech. As he settled into the backseat of his car, Roosevelt was shot in the chest by an assailant with a Colt .38 revolver.  Shockingly, Roosevelt demanded that his driver take him to the auditorium, not the hospital. Despite the earnest protests of his driver, his secretary, and his campaign manager, Roosevelt stood and delivered an 80-minute speech to a packed auditorium with a bullet lodged in his ribcage.  When he was finally taken to the hospital, doctors wondered what saved his life. Well, before entering the car, Roosevelt had folded his 50-page speech manuscript twice and put it into his breast pocket. The bullet, which entered that same breast pocket, was slowed by that speech and a metal glasses case. Roosevelt’s life was saved, in part, by those 200 layers of paper!  read more
1 Can Christians Take Authority Over Their Circumstances?

Can Christians Take Authority Over Their Circumstances?

by Stephen Davey
Discover the truth about Christian authority over circumstances and whether believers can change outcomes. Understand the sovereignty of God, embracing His will in hardships, the right response to difficult situations, and the role of faith and submission. Gain insight into how faith and trust in God can help you navigate life's challenges. read more
1 Renewal


by Scott Wylie
Discover the transformative process of spiritual renewal in Christianity. Explore key passages that emphasize renewal, practical tips for pursuing it according to the Bible, and a prayer and reading guide to guide your journey towards a renewed spiritual life. read more
1 Understanding


by Scott Wylie
Explore the significance of understanding, often referred to as compassion or empathy, in Christianity. This foundational biblical characteristic is rooted in love and reflects God's nature. Discover key passages on understanding, practical tips for cultivating it, and a prayer and reading guide for pursuing this virtue. read more
2 Trust in your Eternal Deliverer

Trust in your Eternal Deliverer

by Stephen Davey
There’s an old adage that says, “Don’t just stand there; do something!” Whether there’s a problem at work, a project at home, or... read more
1 Self-Control


by Scott Wylie
Explore the significance of self-control, also known as self-discipline or temperance, from a biblical standpoint. This content delves into the core virtues of self-control, its importance in leading a righteous life, and provides key Bible passages that highlight its significance. Discover practical tips rooted in scripture for cultivating self-control in various aspects of life. read more
1 Rest


by Scott Wylie
Explore the significance of rest in a believer's life as outlined in the Bible. Learn about the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of rest, and discover practical ways to cultivate rest in alignment with God's design. Click to view the insightful infographic on rest. read more
2 God will help when you are hurting

God will help when you are hurting

by Stephen Davey
I can imagine Moses was the subject of much scorn and derision from his fellow Israelites. While the rest of his nation suffered under... read more
1 Guidance


by Scott Wylie
Explore the profound biblical virtue of divine guidance, offering wisdom and direction for those seeking God's will. Discover how God's guidance is depicted as a guiding light in the complexities of life, illuminating both major decisions and daily choices. Uncover actionable tips to cultivate the ability to seek and recognize God's guidance, fostering a life aligned with His purpose. Join us in this transformative journey of attuning your heart to His voice, embracing prayer, wisdom, and discernment to make choices that resonate with God's divine plan. read more
1 Faithfulness


by Scott Wylie
Delve into the profound virtue of faithfulness, a quality deeply rooted in trust, commitment, and loyalty. Explore how this characteristic mirrors the unchanging nature of God and reflects His steadfast love. Discover actionable steps to develop faithfulness in daily life through prayer, perseverance, accountability, and integrity. Uncover the significance of staying true to promises, seeking God's guidance, and embracing challenges with unwavering determination. Join us on this transformative journey of aligning actions with God's unchanging truth and fostering an enduring relationship with the Creator. read more
2 Are you prepared for trials?

Are you prepared for trials?

by Stephen Davey
What are your regular resolutions? ... read more
1 Joy


by Scott Wylie
Dive into the profound biblical characteristic of joy, a reservoir of inner contentment that transcends life's challenges. Discover how joy, distinct from fleeting happiness, thrives independently of external circumstances. Explore the centrality of joy in the Christian journey, anchored in God's presence and unwavering promises. Learn practical strategies to nurture joy, aligning perspectives with eternal truths and finding solace in faith. Join us in uncovering the transformative power of joy and its potential to infuse life with unending gladness. read more
1 Purity


by Scott Wylie
Explore the biblical characteristic of purity and its encompassing call for holiness in every aspect of life. Discover how purity goes beyond physicality, encompassing the heart, mind, and soul. Uncover the significance of purity in the Bible and its call for believers to lead morally upright lives free from impurity. Learn practical tips to cultivate purity amidst a world of temptations and moral compromises. Join us in understanding the divine call to purity and the transformative power it holds in our lives. read more
2 Should I engage in the pro-life debate in culture?

Should I engage in the pro-life debate in culture?

by Stephen Davey
Discover practical principles and insights for navigating a post-Roe America with a pro-life perspective. Explore the importance of unimpeachable witness, understanding the ideological disconnect, and filtering discourse through a gospel lens. Embrace the mission of proclaiming the gospel while upholding the sanctity of life. Gain wisdom on walking wisely in a changing landscape and making a lasting impact. read more
1 Discernment


by Scott Wylie
Uncover the vital trait of discernment—a powerful ability for every believer. Learn to distinguish truth from deception, make wise and godly decisions, and embrace the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Explore practical tips to cultivate discernment, develop a discerning mind, and seek God's wisdom in every aspect of life. Click to open the infographic and embark on a transformative journey guided by God's wisdom and discernment. read more
1 Contentment


by Scott Wylie
Learn the biblical characteristic of contentment—a state of inner peace that transcends external circumstances. Embrace an attitude of gratitude and trust in God's providence, finding fulfillment in Christ alone. Join us in this transformative journey of cultivating contentment, from avoiding comparison to focusing on eternal values. Explore practical tips and prayers to develop a deep sense of joy and satisfaction in God's goodness. Rest in His sufficiency and navigate life's ups and downs with true contentment. Click to open the infographic and start your journey to lasting fulfillment. read more
1 Surrender


by Scott Wylie
Explore the essence of biblical hope and learn how to cultivate a resilient and confident expectation for the future. Discover the transformative power of hope in the face of adversity. Read now! read more
2 What is the church's responsibility in the pro-life movement?

What is the church's responsibility in the pro-life movement?

by Stephen Davey
Explore the importance of compassion and practical ministry in supporting women facing unwanted pregnancies. Discover the reality of women who have had abortions and the challenges they face in sharing their experiences within church communities. Learn how the church can create a culture of compassion, offering understanding, acceptance, and love. Discover the significance of financial, emotional, and adoptive care as tangible ways to support women in need. Be inspired to become the hands and feet of Jesus by providing refuge and hope for those facing this sensitive issue. read more
1 Unraveling the Mystery of 1 John 5:16

Unraveling the Mystery of 1 John 5:16

by Stephen Davey
Understanding 1 John 5:16 can be challenging. Discover what constitutes a "sin not leading to death" and a "sin leading to death" and gain insights into John's caution about inquiring further. read more
1 Hope


by Scott Wylie
Explore the essence of biblical hope and learn how to cultivate a resilient and confident expectation for the future. Discover the transformative power of hope in the face of adversity. Read now! read more
1 Guest Post: Growing Up With Wisdom

Guest Post: Growing Up With Wisdom

I have vivid memories, even from an early age, of my parents listening to Stephen Davey’s sermons. As I grew in my own faith, my parents have always encouraged me to read the Bible for myself and to praise Him with both my words and my actions. I have many sweet memories of listening to Wisdom for The Heart- one of my favorites would be listening to Stephen on long car rides to visit family. We would often pause the sermon to comment or share about how it relates to another passage of scripture that one of us had previously read. This honest Biblical teaching is a refreshing cup of cold water to a thirsty heart.  read more
2 Does a Christian worldview allow for any exceptions for abortion?

Does a Christian worldview allow for any exceptions for abortion?

by Stephen Davey
Explore the complexities surrounding abortion and the rare instances of rape, incest, and risks to the mother's life. Discover biblical perspectives on these situations and find guidance for making difficult decisions. Gain insights on the sanctity of life and the hope of eternity in the face of loss. read more
1 Courage


by Scott Wylie
Courage is an essential quality for believers as they navigate through the challenges and uncertainties of life. This resource explores the biblical definition of courage, provides tips on how to develop and cultivate it, and includes a prayer and reading guide for those who want to grow in this area. read more
1 Love


by Scott Wylie
Love is one of the most important concepts in the Bible. It is the foundation of all healthy relationships, both personal and professional. But what does it mean to love biblically? And how can we develop this kind of love in our own lives? In this article, we will explore the biblical concept of love and offer some practical tips for developing it in our own lives. We will look at what the Bible says about love, how it is different from worldly love, and how we can put it into practice. We will also discuss some of the challenges of loving biblically, such as dealing with difficult people, forgiving others, and resisting temptation. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of what it means to love biblically and how you can start to develop this kind of love in your own life. read more
1 Sunday vs. Saturday Worship: Understanding the Shift from Sabbath to Sunday

Sunday vs. Saturday Worship: Understanding the Shift from Sabbath to Sunday

by Stephen Davey
Why do Christians worship on Sunday? What are the reasons behind the shift from Saturday (Sabbath) to Sunday worship in Christianity? This article will help you understand the significance of the Resurrection and its impact on the early Christian community's practices. read more
1 Why is Christmas Celebrated on December 25? The History of Christmas

Why is Christmas Celebrated on December 25? The History of Christmas

by Stephen Davey
Dive into the historical journey to understand why Christmas is celebrated on December 25. Discover the roots of this tradition and the intriguing reasons behind the chosen date. read more
2 Is the Bible silent on abortion?

Is the Bible silent on abortion?

by Stephen Davey
Delve into the question of whether the Bible addresses the sensitive topic of abortion. Gain insights into the biblical perspective on life, human dignity, and the sanctity of unborn children. Discover thought-provoking perspectives on abortion based on scriptural principles and teachings. Explore the relevance of biblical passages, ethical considerations, and the Christian worldview in understanding this complex issue. Engage in a thoughtful exploration of the Bible's stance on abortion and how it shapes our understanding of life's sanctity and value. read more
3 What does

What does "things under the earth" mean?

by Stephen Davey
Delve into the deeper meaning of "things under the earth" in Philippians 2:10, exploring its Biblical implications. The term includes both the unredeemed dead and the demonic kingdom, all awaiting final judgment. read more
1 Peace


by Scott Wylie
Explore the profound biblical characteristic of peace and its significance in the Christian faith. Understand that peace extends beyond the absence of conflict, encompassing a deep sense of tranquility, harmony, and wholeness found through a relationship with God. Discover how peace is portrayed as a gift, a result of grace, and a fruit of the Spirit, with practical tips on how to cultivate peace in your life. Learn about seeking peace with God, surrendering to His sovereignty, meditating on His Word, fostering forgiveness and gratitude, nurturing healthy relationships, practicing peaceful communication, exercising self-control, trusting in God's provision, and praying for peace. Develop inner peace and experience the transformative power of biblical peace in all aspects of your life. read more
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