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3 Is killing in combat murder?

Is killing in combat murder?

by Stephen Davey
Hi Cindy, Thanks for your question. The Bible teaches that the taking of life is not always murder. The Old Testament law mandates capital punishment, or the death penalty, for many types of sins of which a person could be found guilty. And even if a modern government today would not use the death penalty in an instance, for example, like striking or disrespecting a parent, it is impossible for us to say that any element of God’s law is unjust, for that would be contrary to His nature as God. read more
3 Why have the Jews stopped animal sacrifice?

Why have the Jews stopped animal sacrifice?

by Stephen Davey
For the Christian, we know that animal sacrifices ended at the moment of Jesus’ death, when the temple curtain was torn in two. That moment signified the final, once-for-all sacrifice of the innocent lamb, Jesus Christ, that replaced the need for animal sacrifices at the temple. In the Old Testament, only a priest could offer sacrifices and they could only be carried out at the temple in Jerusalem. But the apostle Peter encourages us that through Jesus, all believers are “a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 2:5). read more
2 Categories of Sin

Categories of Sin

by Stephen Davey
A member of Martin Luther’s church had the opportunity to sell a home for 10 times the amount he paid for it. Some of us today are seeing housing prices skyrocket and are thinking about doing the same thing! But rather than congratulate his brother on the profit he was set to make, Luther threatened to excommunicate this member from his church unless he cut his asking price in half, citing that believer’s “unbridled greed” as the reason for his discipline. read more
3 Why did Moses tell God he was slow of speech?

Why did Moses tell God he was slow of speech?

by Stephen Davey
In Exodus 4, Moses gives five different excuses to God, each one indicating that he should not be the person sent to Pharaoh. This particular excuse about his speech is the fourth in the list. So keep in mind that Moses was greatly exaggerating his own weaknesses as he attempted to convince God that he was not the right person. And, of course, God saw right through his exaggerations and excuses. But taking Moses’ words as true, there are two different interpretations of what Moses means when he says “slow of speech and tongue.” Some scholars believe that Moses has some speech impediment, or stammer, that affected him as he spoke in public. read more
3 Is organ donation biblical?

Is organ donation biblical?

by Stephen Davey
While I love providing guidance on issues like this, I don’t want to fall into the trap of speaking with God’s authority on an issue He never spoke about in Scripture. There is no mention of blood or organ donation in Scripture because doctors didn’t have the tools to perform those procedures back then. The first blood transfusion took place in the late 1900s and the first successful organ donation occurred in 1954. I cannot answer this question with the definitive authority of God’s Word, but I do want to provide some helpful guidelines, using Scripture, to help you make a godly decision when it comes to these issues. read more
3 Do I have to be baptized to be saved?

Do I have to be baptized to be saved?

by Stephen Davey
The only requirement for salvation is true belief in Jesus Christ as the One who died for sin and rose victoriously over death. Since we reject a works-based salvation, but believe in sola fide—faith alone—we know that baptism is not a requirement for salvation. Many people throughout the years have been saved on their deathbeds, with no opportunity to be baptized, but they are still saved. The sinner on the cross next to Jesus, who Jesus told would be with Him in Heaven, died before any chance to be baptized, yet Jesus pronounced him saved. read more
2 The Stigma of Judgment

The Stigma of Judgment

by Stephen Davey
One of the primary objections people give regarding church discipline is that Christians aren’t supposed to judge others. After all, didn’t Jesus say, “Judge not, lest you be judged”? Yes, he did say that, but Jesus also laid down a moral code for living, and even went so far as to call the Pharisees “dogs” and “pigs.” This verse speaks to a judgmental attitude—one who is quick to look for the flaws in others and takes it upon themselves to be the moral authority for the world. read more
3 Does God remove names from the Book of Life?

Does God remove names from the Book of Life?

by Stephen Davey
In Exodus 32, God pronounces judgment on many sinful Israelites who instigated and willingly participated in the construction and worship of the golden calf. God says to Moses, “Whoever has sinned against me, I will blot out of my book” (Exodus 32:33). This terminology of “the book of life” is found in the Psalms, in Paul’s letter to the Philippians, and throughout Revelation. We do not know whether this is a physical book with names written in it, or just an expression to refer to those who have been saved by God and will be with Him in heaven. read more
2 What Is Church Discipline?

What Is Church Discipline?

by Stephen Davey
What is a church? When you first became a believer, or when you relocated and needed a new church home, what characteristics did you look for? The Belgic Confession of 1561 described the true church with three characteristics: preaching pure doctrine, administering the ordinances, and exercising church discipline. read more
3 Is God responsible for evil?

Is God responsible for evil?

by Stephen Davey
I’ve been asked many variations of the question, “How could a loving God allow …” The idea of a good and perfect and holy God allowing—or perhaps even causing—tragedy and death in this world is no easy thing to explain away. There are two premises that all believers must accept that are the foundation for answering this question: read more
3 Does every person go to Heaven?

Does every person go to Heaven?

by Stephen Davey
While this idea of all people being saved—a concept theologians have termed universalism—may sound appealing, it is a flawed and heretical interpretation of the Bible. Essentially, universalists believe that because God is loving and just, and because Jesus died for the sins of the whole world, every person will be saved, whether or not they recognize their need for salvation and place their faith in Jesus. According to universalists, it doesn’t matter what a person believes religiously, because their eternal salvation is secured, whether they live life on earth as a Christian or not. read more
2 The Ten Commandments in the 21st Century

The Ten Commandments in the 21st Century

by Stephen Davey
You may be surprised to know that most Americans, regardless of their religious identification, believe the Ten Commandments are still... read more
2 Are babies born with sin natures?

Are babies born with sin natures?

by Stephen Davey
Are babies born with sin? Or do they become sinners later in life after committing their first sin? As hard as it might be to look at a sweet, seemingly innocent baby and think of her as a sinner, the truth might surprise you. read more
3 Why did God judge entire cities?

Why did God judge entire cities?

by Stephen Davey
To begin answering this question, we must first look at God Himself, and then look at humanity—the subjects of his judgment. One of the attributes of God is His justice. God is at all times just, and he cannot do anything unjust, because doing so would violate the nature of who He is. Wayne Grudem wrote it this way: “God’s righteousness means that God always acts in accordance with what is right and is himself the final standard of what is right” (Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology). read more
3 How do I know my decisions honor God?

How do I know my decisions honor God?

by Stephen Davey
We know that God has a clear moral code and commandments for His people. But what about topics God doesn’t directly speak on, like homeschooling? What about the topics we call “Christian liberties,” where the Bible may provide guidance but not outright commands. I think there are three questions every believer should ask themselves as they try to align their lives with God’s Word and his will. read more
2 The First Commandment

The First Commandment

by Stephen Davey
As slaves in Egypt, the Israelites were exposed to the polytheism of the Egyptians; the catalog of Egyptian gods and goddesses numbered at... read more
3 Was the paralyzed man paralyzed because of his sin?

Was the paralyzed man paralyzed because of his sin?

by Stephen Davey
Carlos from North Carolina asks, “When Jesus healed the paralytic man lowered down before him, and Jesus said his sins are forgiven, does that mean he became a paralytic because he lived a life of sin?” read more
3 Is it biblical to break fellowship with an unrepentant believer?

Is it biblical to break fellowship with an unrepentant believer?

by Stephen Davey
Beth from Alabama asks, “The Bible clearly teaches that we’re to show love, grace, and forgiveness to everyone, but does that mean that there is never a time to break fellowship with someone who does not respond to the efforts one makes to show those things mentioned?” read more
2 Obedience Results from Grace

Obedience Results from Grace

by Stephen Davey
A common erroneous belief in Christianity is that the Old Testament is focused on the law and works, and the New Testament is when God introduces salvation by faith alone. Someone who believes this will often compartmentalize God, describing the Old Testament God as “just” and the New Testament God as “merciful.” read more
3 Does God allow interracial marriage?

Does God allow interracial marriage?

by Stephen Davey
Thank you for your question, Brenda. Your question is part of one of the most nuanced elements of theological study in the Bible: what parts of the Old Testament Law was strictly for the Israelites, and how much of the Old Testament Law applies to believers today? read more
2 Why does The Law exist?

Why does The Law exist?

by Stephen Davey
For as long as written legal systems have existed, many similarities emerge across centuries, geographic locations, and people groups. ... read more
2 Humans


by Stephen Davey
In our brief tour of God’s creation, we have visited two vastly different members of the animal kingdom: the dinosaur and the ant. It’s... read more
2 Ants


by Stephen Davey
Your only experience with ants most likely involves a home infestation and a desperate call to the exterminator! No one wants to see ants hiking along the kitchen counter or building mounds along the back decking. Have you ever stopped and observed ants for a moment or two? When our children were younger, we purchased a small “ant farm” inside a plexiglass container where we could watch them working. King Solomon didn’t have a plexiglass container, but he did write, “Go to the ant, O sluggard, observe her ways and be wise” (Proverbs 6:6). read more
2 Dinosaurs


by Stephen Davey
In 1993, the world was shocked by a cultural phenomenon unlike they had ever seen before. Steven Spielberg’s film, Jurassic Park, shattered worldwide box office records, becoming the highest-grossing film worldwide to that point in film history. And the franchise’s significance hasn’t decreased as time has gone on. In 2020, during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, theaters decided to rerelease classic movies in theaters due to the shortage of new films. In late June of 2020, 23 years after the original release of Jurassic Park, the film again rose to No. 1 at the box office. Thus far, the Jurassic Park franchise has made over $5 billion in box office tickets alone. read more
3 Should we pray for faith?

Should we pray for faith?

by Stephen Davey
Dwight from Alabama asks, “Is there anywhere in the Bible that says we should pray for faith and for our faith to increase?” read more
3 What is biblical hope?

What is biblical hope?

by Stephen Davey
James from Alabama asks, “How does the Bible define hope?” read more
3 Why Does the Transfiguration Matter?

Why Does the Transfiguration Matter?

by Stephen Davey
Nancy from Michigan asks, “What is the significance of the transfiguration?” read more
1 A Christian Response to Islam

A Christian Response to Islam

by Stephen Davey
While the rapid, exponential growth of Islam is a fascinating subject both historically and geopolitically, it is a tragedy spiritually. read more
1 Our Spiritual Patriarch

Our Spiritual Patriarch

by Stephen Davey
Abraham is the only man in human history credited with founding three distinct religions. Jews, Muslims and Christians all claim Abraham as their founder and refer to him as a “spiritual father.” But since these religions worship different gods, believe in different doctrines, and essentially practice different beliefs, Abraham can’t be the founder of all three. read more
3 Does God condemn homosexuality?

Does God condemn homosexuality?

by Stephen Davey
Patricia asks - I have been introduced to a view that says that the word "homosexuality" is a mistranslation of a Greek word that really means 'pedophilia.' We know that people have used the bible to push their own personal agendas, so what does the Bible really say? read more
1 What Is Islam?

What Is Islam?

by Stephen Davey
In the early seventh century, Muhammad—a Saudi Arabian tradesman with wealth and prominence—first announced that he had received a message from the angel Gabriel and was called to be the next prophet of God. Few could have imagined the international significance Muhammad’s prophecies would have today. read more
3 Should Christians resist vaccine mandates?

Should Christians resist vaccine mandates?

by Stephen Davey
Kimberly asks: “What is your opinion about the possibility of losing certain freedoms (traveling, dining out, keeping your job) if you choose not to get vaccinated?” read more
3 Should the church condemn the COVID vaccine?

Should the church condemn the COVID vaccine?

by Stephen Davey
Should the church condemn the COVID vaccine? Let me begin my answer by unequivocally affirming the premise of your question: yes, abortion is evil. It is sin in God’s eyes, and I believe human life begins at conception. Let me also tell you, as I told my church several months ago, I did receive the COVID-19 vaccination. read more
3 Does God number the hairs on our head?

Does God number the hairs on our head?

by Stephen Davey
Debra asked: What does it mean when the Bible says God knows the number of hairs on your head? ... read more
3 The Armor of God

The Armor of God

by Stephen Davey
Every culture accepts the reality of some type of spiritual world beyond our physical senses. The Bible is the correct source to learn about this reality and as we’ve drawn back the curtain on the angelic world, we’ve learned that a battle is underway for the hearts of mankind. read more
1 Satan


by Stephen Davey
Have you ever been betrayed by someone you trusted? Maybe at work, you promoted someone, or gave them a special project, and they let you down or even stabbed you in the back. Perhaps you trusted a close friend with confidential information, only to find out that your friend had used that information to spread rumors about you to others. read more
1 Angels


by Stephen Davey
Unlike Mary, or Zechariah, you’ve probably never been visited by an angel. You’ve never seen one either. Then again, you might be like that quick-witted and very wise husband who once told me—in his wife’s presence—that he had married one! read more
2 Role of Men

Role of Men

by Stephen Davey
You may have heard the well-worn joke that marriage is a fine institution, as long as you’re willing to be put in an institution! Unfortunately, this joke has become the dominant view of marriage in our generation. By the year 2011, 40 percent of poll responders agreed with the statement: marriage has become obsolete in American life. Now, in the year 2021, more Americans age 18 to 44 have lived with a partner outside of marriage than lived with a spouse. read more
3 Where did Israel get bread in the wilderness?

Where did Israel get bread in the wilderness?

by Stephen Davey
Kevin asks: If the children of Israel were eating manna in the wilderness, where did they get their bread for the showbread in the... read more
3 How can I find Bible word meanings?

How can I find Bible word meanings?

by Stephen Davey
Just because you are not reading the Bible in its original languages does not mean you are missing out on some secret insight or further communion with God. The best English translations are perfectly adequate to commune with God and understand His meaning and intention in His words. read more
2 Submission: Voluntary Selflessness

Submission: Voluntary Selflessness

by Stephen Davey
Much of New Testament biblical teaching on marriage comes from 1 Peter 3. Many believers who read through his third chapter are immediately struck by the fact that Peter writes six verses instructing wives and one verse instructing husbands. read more
2 For Better or For Worse

For Better or For Worse

by Stephen Davey
Spend five minutes surfing the Internet and you’ll discover how the world views marriage. Rather than buy a wedding ring with no return policy, a couple can now lease their rings on a month-to-month basis. The traditional marriage vow that once read, “As long as life shall last,” has been rewritten to promise, “As long as love shall last.” The Pew Research Center, which regularly polls Americans on a range of issues, reported that the marriage rate is down by almost one-third compared to 60 years ago. read more
3 The Physician for our Pain

The Physician for our Pain

by Stephen Davey
After Jim Elliott and four other missionaries were brutally speared to death while trying to make contact with the Auca Indians in Ecuador, Jim’s wife Elisabeth returned to the United States with her young daughter Valerie, where they grieved the loss of their husband and father and reflected on the suffering they were enduring. read more
2 A Study of Suffering: The Life of Mrs. Job

A Study of Suffering: The Life of Mrs. Job

by Stephen Davey
Often overlooked in the dramatic suffering of Job is the unnamed, second-hand sufferer — Job’s wife. In the space of one day, Job’s wife — let’s call her Mrs. Job — watched her husband lose his businesses, social status and wealth. Together, they witnessed the tragic deaths of their ten children. Following that, she would helplessly attempt to comfort Job when his body was covered with unimaginably painful boils. read more
2 Pain - A Perfect Gift From God (Booklet_

Pain - A Perfect Gift From God (Booklet_

by Stephen Davey
A few months ago, you may have participated in a much-loved Christmas tradition — a white elephant Christmas party. If you have never participated in this gift exchange, let me briefly explain. Every person invited to the party brings one present, and one-by-one, people pick out a present and open it. The twist is that each person can choose to either keep their present or trade it for someone else’s gift if they prefer. Eventually, some poor soul, out of options, is left with the least desirable gift under the tree, having been forced to give away what they originally wanted. read more
3 Is Plan B Pill a Sin? A Biblical Perspective on Abortion Pills

Is Plan B Pill a Sin? A Biblical Perspective on Abortion Pills

by Stephen Davey
Donna asked, “Is the morning after pill the same as an abortion?” ... read more
3 Is attraction different from lust?

Is attraction different from lust?

by Stephen Davey
Vance from North Carolina asks, “What is the difference between natural desire or attraction and lust?” ... read more
3 Where does my soul go when I die?

Where does my soul go when I die?

by Stephen Davey
Gracie asked: I know I’m saved, but where will my soul go when I depart from this life? Will I stay asleep in the ground until Jesus comes, or will I go straight to Heaven? read more
3 What did it mean to be cut off?

What did it mean to be cut off?

by Stephen Davey
Dwight asked: In Leviticus, Moses describes someone who is unclean who disobeys God’s commands as being “cut off” from the people. Does that mean he/she is to be banished from Israel, ex-communication or is it a sentence of execution? read more
2 The Shepherd's Church

The Shepherd's Church

by Stephen Davey
At the end of 2020, Stephen Davey’s home church in Cary, North Carolina underwent a significant name change, from Colonial Baptist Church to The Shepherd’s Church. This change was the result of prayer and conversation between Stephen and his elder team, and as they continue moving forward with this transition, we wanted to sit down with Stephen to find out more. read more
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