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Click Here for a topical index of articles by Stephen Davey.

3 Can a person renounce faith in Jesus?

Can a person renounce faith in Jesus?

by Stephen Davey
The concept of apostasy—the renunciation of one's faith—has long sparked profound discussions and diverging viewpoints within Christian theology. This article explores the biblical perspective on apostasy, the nature of God's saving grace, and the paradox of apostasy. read more
1 Humility


by Scott Wylie
Discover the significance of humility in spiritual growth, relationships, and pleasing God. Explore key biblical passages on humility and learn practical tips for cultivating this essential virtue in your life. Gain insights into recognizing our dependence on God, embracing a teachable spirit, selfless service, gratitude, guarding against pride, seeking reconciliation, active listening, and more. Deepen your understanding of humility and its transformative power as you embark on a journey of personal and spiritual development. read more
3 The Interplay between Faith and God's Will in Prayer: A Biblical Perspective

The Interplay between Faith and God's Will in Prayer: A Biblical Perspective

by Stephen Davey
Faith and praying in line with God's will are not mutually exclusive. They are intertwined aspects of prayer, each feeding and reinforcing the other. When we pray with faith, we show our reliance on God and our conviction that He will accomplish His will. On the other hand, when we pray in alignment with God's will and for God’s will, our faith is strengthened because we’re praying for what He has promised and purposed. read more
2 The Final Invitation to Drink from Living Water

The Final Invitation to Drink from Living Water

by Stephen Davey
On September 2, 1945, General Douglas MacArthur led the Allied forces’ delegation aboard the USS Missouri to accept the surrender of... read more
1 Compassion


by Scott Wylie
Compassion is the heartfelt response of empathy and care for the suffering and needs of others. The Bible consistently emphasizes the importance of compassion and portrays it as an essential virtue for believers to embody in their interactions with one another and the world around them. read more
3 Did evil exist before Adam sinned?

Did evil exist before Adam sinned?

by Stephen Davey
The Bible provides a compelling narrative of pride, rebellion, and the consequences of rejecting God's authority. This article explores the story of how Satan became evil, and its implications for our understanding of the world. read more
3 Why is God making us wait to see Him until His second coming?

Why is God making us wait to see Him until His second coming?

by Stephen Davey
This article explores the biblical reasons for God's delay in returning to Earth. It discusses God's mercy, patience, and desire for all people to come to salvation. read more
3 Are People Born homosexual?

Are People Born homosexual?

by Stephen Davey
The Bible teaches that homosexuality is a sin, but it also teaches that all people are sinners in need of God's grace. Christians should respond to people who are struggling with same-sex attraction with love and compassion, and offer them the hope of salvation through Jesus Christ. read more
1 Perseverance


by Scott Wylie
Perseverance is the ability to endure and persist through challenges, difficulties, and setbacks with steadfastness, determination, and resilience. In the Bible, perseverance is often associated with faith, hope, and the pursuit of God's promises. It is seen as a vital component of spiritual growth and maturity. read more
2 A Unique Window Into Heaven

A Unique Window Into Heaven

by Stephen Davey
Heaven is a real place, and it is our eternal destination if we are believers in Jesus Christ. This article will explore what the Bible says about Heaven, including when we will experience it, what it will be like, and who will be there. read more
1 Wisdom


by Scott Wylie
Wisdom is a biblical quality that is highly valued and celebrated throughout the scriptures. It is the ability to discern and apply knowledge, understanding, and insight to make wise and godly decisions. The Bible portrays wisdom as a vital component of a well-lived and purposeful life, and it encourages believers to seek after wisdom above all else. read more
3 Mary and the Holy Spirit: Their Roles in the Conception of Jesus

Mary and the Holy Spirit: Their Roles in the Conception of Jesus

by Stephen Davey
The Bible asserts that Jesus was Mary's biological son, yet He was without sin. This unique conception allows us to understand how Jesus could be a sinless sacrifice for our sins. read more
3 Is the USA mentioned in Scripture?

Is the USA mentioned in Scripture?

by Stephen Davey
The Bible tells us that the return of Christ is "imminent," but we don't know when that will happen. As a result, we can't say for certain what will happen to the United States when Christ returns. However, we can know that God will keep His Word and His plan will be accomplished. read more
1 Strength


by Scott Wylie
Strength is a biblical quality that is frequently mentioned in the scriptures. In the Bible, strength refers to more than just physical power. It involves having the inner resources to face challenges and overcome obstacles with courage, perseverance, and resilience. The strength that the Bible talks about comes from God, and is seen as a key component of spiritual growth and maturity. read more
2 How To Understand Revelation: A Guide

How To Understand Revelation: A Guide

by Stephen Davey
Humans have been trying to play the role of God since the Garden of Eden. But God gave us the Book of Revelation to remind us of His triumph over sin and death. In this article, we will explore the meaning of Revelation and why it is so important for Christians today. read more
3 Where does Satan live?

Where does Satan live?

by Stephen Davey
The Bible teaches that Satan is a real being who is opposed to God and His people. But where does Satan live? This article explores the biblical answer to this question. read more
3 Do Christians go to Sheol?

Do Christians go to Sheol?

by Stephen Davey
There are two words in the Bible that refer to the same place. "Hades" in the New Testament is the same place as "Sheol" in the Old Testament. Hades is the Greek word and Sheol is the Hebrew word. These words refer to the place where the souls of unbelievers are staying as they await their summons to the Great White Throne. Everyone who dies as an unbeliever goes to Hades/Sheol. It is a temporary place of torment for those who have rejected God. read more
1 Trust


by Scott Wylie
Trust is a fundamental biblical quality that plays a crucial role in our relationship with God and with others. Trust involves having faith and confidence in someone or something, believing that they are reliable, truthful, and capable of fulfilling their promises. In the Bible, trust is often associated with faith, hope, and love, and is seen as a virtue that is necessary for spiritual growth and maturity. read more
2 Unapologetically Preach the Gospel

Unapologetically Preach the Gospel

by Stephen Davey
A.W. Tozer spoke of Christians in the harvest field of ministry when he wrote, “We are not diplomats but prophets, and our message is not... read more
1 Patience


by Scott Wylie
Patience is a biblical quality that is frequently mentioned in the scriptures. The concept of patience involves the ability to endure, persevere, and wait for something or someone without becoming anxious, frustrated, or angry. In the Bible, patience is often associated with faith, hope, and love, and is seen as a virtue that is necessary for spiritual growth and maturity. read more
2 Missionaries Need Ministry, Too

Missionaries Need Ministry, Too

by Stephen Davey
In 1929, Dr. William Leslie returned to America as a discouraged, disheartened missionary. 17 years earlier, he had felt the call of God to... read more
3 Will there only be eleven thrones in heaven because of Judas' betrayal?

Will there only be eleven thrones in heaven because of Judas' betrayal?

by Stephen Davey
Leroy asks, "Jesus Christ promised that His disciples would sit on twelve thrones ruling over Israel when He reigned. (Matthew 19:28-29).... read more
1 Forgiveness


by Scott Wylie
At its core, forgiveness is the act of letting go of anger, resentment, and bitterness towards someone who has wronged us. It's about choosing to release the other person from their debt, even when they don't deserve it. But forgiveness is not just about the other person - it's also about our own healing and liberation from the pain of past hurts. read more
1 Gratitude


by Scott Wylie
At its core, gratitude is the act of recognizing and appreciating the blessings in our lives. It's about taking time to pause and reflect on the goodness that surrounds us, whether in the form of material possessions, relationships, opportunities, or simple moments of joy. But gratitude is more than just a feeling - it's a choice we make each day to focus on the positive and to give thanks for all that we have. read more
2 Will You Volunteer for God's Service?

Will You Volunteer for God's Service?

by Stephen Davey
Near the end of World War II, a plane carrying 24 members of the U.S. military crashed into the dense New Guinea jungle. Only three... read more
1 Why Do I Struggle While The Wicked Prosper?

Why Do I Struggle While The Wicked Prosper?

by Stephen Davey
One of the many evils of the heresy known as prosperity gospel is the unrealistic expectation put upon God by those who follow this... read more
3 When were angels created?

When were angels created?

by Stephen Davey
Daniel asks, "When do you think angels were created? ... read more
2 God is Our Firm Foundation

God is Our Firm Foundation

by Stephen Davey
The Federal Aviation Administration published a pamphlet detailing a phenomenon they called “Spatial Disorientation.” A pilot suffering... read more
3 What does

What does "being filled with the fullness of God" mean?

by Stephen Davey
Jeff asks, "What does 'being filled with the fullness of God' from Ephesians 3 mean?" ... read more
3 Is the hill of Mizar a real place?

Is the hill of Mizar a real place?

by Stephen Davey
Sabrina asks, "Spurgeon's devotional says, 'Canst thou not remember the hill Mizar?' Is this a real place?" ... read more
2 Finding a Fortress in God

Finding a Fortress in God

by Stephen Davey
During a historic financial collapse in America in the early 1900s, copper miners in Arizona seized upon the opportunity to unionize and... read more
3 Is the end-times mark on the 144,000 witnesses a literal mark?

Is the end-times mark on the 144,000 witnesses a literal mark?

by Stephen Davey
Randall asks, "In Revelation 7, is the 144,00 people being marked on their foreheads literal or figurative?" ... read more
2 Four Questions from Fathers

Four Questions from Fathers

by Stephen Davey
The biography of Enoch in Genesis 5 ends differently than all the other men mentioned in this chapter. Moses writes that all the other men... read more
3 Do ghosts exist?

Do ghosts exist?

by Stephen Davey
When a person dies, their spirit leaves their body and goes to either a place of torment, or a place of great joy and gladness. Human spirits do not roam the earth, they do not haunt people, and they do not appear or speak to people. Anything that appears like that is a deception. read more
2 The Enoch Example: How to Walk with God

The Enoch Example: How to Walk with God

by Stephen Davey
“Do as I say, not as I do” might be easy to say—or hide behind as a parent—but the truth remains that children learn to mimic just... read more
3 Why did God create in six days?

Why did God create in six days?

by Stephen Davey
Explore the biblical understanding of why God chose a six-day creation process. Discover the deeper meanings embedded in this divine pattern and its relevance in our lives. read more
2 Parents, What Will Your Legacy Be?

Parents, What Will Your Legacy Be?

by Stephen Davey
A popular series of commercials feature young people who are— rather humorously—turning into their parents. The premise for these... read more
3 Who were the captives that Jesus led out of captivity?

Who were the captives that Jesus led out of captivity?

by Stephen Davey
Annette asked: Who were the captives that Jesus led out of captivity? ... read more
3 Does God let people contact the dead?

Does God let people contact the dead?

by Stephen Davey
Someone asking this question is probably thinking about 1 Samuel 28, when King Saul goes in disguse to meet with a medium, and the dead prophet Samuel appears to them. From this we know that mediums did exist in Israel, despite that warning in Leviticus that they should not be consulted. However, in this one instance, God does allow Saul to speek with the dead. But the passage makes clear this was not done by the power of the human medium; in fact, we read in the passage that when Samuel does appear, "she cried out with a loud voice" (1 Samuel 28:12). In other words, she was surprised! She didn't think Samuel would appear, because she knew she didn't really have this power; she was faking it. read more
2 God's Will is Where We Truly Thrive

God's Will is Where We Truly Thrive

by Stephen Davey
Do you sometimes wish that God communicated His will to you today as dramatically and obviously as He did with Moses at the burning bush?... read more
3 Does baptism save?

Does baptism save?

by Stephen Davey
Dwight asks, "There are people who use 1 Peter 3:21 to claim that water baptism saves you. Do you think that it's more likely Peter was... read more
3 How was the Bible preserved during Judah's exile?

How was the Bible preserved during Judah's exile?

by Stephen Davey
Susan asked, "How was God's Word preserved during Judah's exile?" ... read more
2 One President Forgot Thanksgiving

One President Forgot Thanksgiving

by Stephen Davey
You may not recognize the name Sarah Hale, but you know her work. Sarah was born in 1788. She was, among other talents, a poet. Her most... read more
3 What is sanctification?

What is sanctification?

by Stephen Davey
Sanctification requires every ounce of diligence on your part to follow Christ’s example. Sanctification requires every bit of power on God’s part in order for you to follow Christ’s example. read more
2 Following God's Will in Your Life

Following God's Will in Your Life

by Stephen Davey
The difference between “knowing the truth about God’s will” and “doing” God’s will can be the distinction between genuine faith... read more
1 Kindness is not for the weak at heart

Kindness is not for the weak at heart

by Stephen Davey
In 1975, Raymond Dunn was born with a skull fracture and oxygen deprivation that caused severe intellectual disabilities. As Raymond grew,... read more
3 Who were the Nephilim?

Who were the Nephilim?

by Stephen Davey
Laura asked: Who were the Nephilim? ... read more
3 Why did God mandate circumcision?

Why did God mandate circumcision?

by Stephen Davey
Pat asks, "In the practice of circumcision, why did God choose the penis as the place of marking? ... read more
2 Discovering God's Will for You

Discovering God's Will for You

by Stephen Davey
In the 2018 NBA Finals, the Cleveland Cavaliers had a chance to win Game 1 and take an early lead in the series. The game was tied and JR... read more
3 Should I tithe on money I inherit?

Should I tithe on money I inherit?

by Stephen Davey
Otis asked: Must I tithe on inherited money that has already been tithed? ... read more
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