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Mary and the Holy Spirit: Their Roles in the Conception of Jesus

by Stephen Davey

Ginger asks, "Was Mary just the womb for Jesus or did God's Holy Spirit fertilize the egg and make Jesus fully God and fully human?

The Bible asserts that Jesus was Mary's biological son, yet He was without sin. So yes, Mary's egg was miraculously fertilized when Jesus was conceived. The concept of the virgin conception can be traced back to Genesis 3:15. In this passage, God announces enmity between the serpent (later identified as Satan) and the woman, as well as between their respective seeds. The prophecy implies that a specific seed—a biological descendant of Eve, but not of Adam—would ultimately defeat the serpent.

Following this, the prophecy in Isaiah states that a virgin would conceive a child. This prophecy was fulfilled by Jesus, who was conceived in and born of Mary while she was still a virgin (Matthew 1:20-23).

There are several reasons why it is significant that Jesus was Mary's biological son, but not Joseph's:

  1. Jesus could fulfill the prophecy of Genesis 3:15, being biologically of the seed of the woman, but not of the seed of man.
  2. Jesus could fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah 7:14-16, being born of a woman who was still a virgin. This humanly impossible feat was made possible through God (Luke 1:37).
  3. Jesus is genetically Jewish. If God did place a fetus in the womb of Mary, not using her egg, then that would deny Old Testament prophecies that the Messiah would be born to the lineage of David (John 7:42; Psalm 132:11; Jeremiah 23:5). Mary was a descendent of David and the mother of Jesus (Luke 3:23-38 ). If a viable fetus was simply placed in Mary’s womb, then it could have been any woman who could have given birth to him. This would mean there was no lineage to Jesus’ birth, and that would violate the Scripture.
  4. Jesus was not the biological son of Adam, and thus did not inherit humanity's sinful nature. He was conceived not by a man but by the Holy Spirit and bore the image of the invisible God (Colossians 1:15) rather than the sinful image of Adam (Genesis 5:3).

The Bible highlights the contrast between Jesus and Adam in Romans 5. While Adam brought death, Jesus brought life (Romans 5:15-19). As Jesus did not have a sin nature and never sinned, He could pay for the sins of others.

Although the Bible does not provide specific details about the Holy Spirit conceiving Jesus in Mary, it is clear that He was born while Mary was still a virgin. This unique conception allows us to understand how Jesus could be a sinless sacrifice for our sins.


The conception of Jesus Christ is an event of profound significance, embodying an unparalleled miracle that serves as a cornerstone of Christian faith. The roles of Mary, a humble virgin from Nazareth, and the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Holy Trinity, are key to understanding this miraculous event.

Mary: The Chosen Vessel

Mary’s role in the conception of Jesus is nothing short of monumental. She was chosen by God to carry, nurture, and give birth to His Son—a divine plan foretold in Isaiah 7:14, which states, "Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel." The reference to a virgin birth was fulfilled when God chose Mary, a young, unmarried woman, to carry His Son.

In Luke 1:26-38, the angel Gabriel visits Mary and informs her of God's plan. He tells her, "You will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus." Mary's response to this announcement reveals her humble submission to God's will. Despite the cultural and personal challenges this unexpected pregnancy would bring, she responds, "Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word."

Mary’s role, therefore, was that of a willing and obedient vessel who carried, birthed, and raised the Son of God. Her commitment to God's plan was a vital component of the incarnation of Jesus Christ.

The Holy Spirit: The Divine Agent

The role of the Holy Spirit in the conception of Jesus is equally significant. The Holy Spirit was the divine agent responsible for Mary's pregnancy. In response to Mary's question about how she could conceive a child as a virgin, Gabriel explains in Luke 1:35, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be called holy—the Son of God."

The Holy Spirit's involvement affirms the divine nature of Jesus' conception and underscores His identity as the Son of God. This conception was not a natural biological process but a supernatural act of God. The Holy Spirit enabled Mary, a virgin, to conceive Jesus, the God-man who was fully divine and fully human.

This divine conception was necessary for Jesus to be born without a sinful nature. All humans, being descendants of Adam, inherit a sinful nature at conception. But Jesus, conceived by the Holy Spirit, was not a biological descendant of a human father. Thus, He did not inherit a sinful nature, enabling Him to live a sinless life and offer Himself as the perfect sacrifice for humanity's sins.


The roles of Mary and the Holy Spirit in the conception of Jesus reflect the beautifully interwoven aspects of humanity and divinity that define the incarnation. Mary, in her humble obedience, exemplified human submission to God's will. The Holy Spirit, through a divine act of conception, demonstrated God's power and sovereignty, bringing forth the Savior of the world in a unique, miraculous manner. These roles were vital in shaping the foundational narrative of Christianity—the birth of Jesus Christ, God's Son and humanity's Redeemer.

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Ee says:
God placed the Spirit in Mary directly into the womb~ because God said in Genesis all born are continually evil Jesus wasn’t but Mary’s egg was
Bri says:
So I agree and my question really is, even though the holy Spirit impregnated Mary, wouldn't the egg of Mary still have had sun in it her being born of a man under sin herself? This confuses me and makes me wonder if God just used had womb however he was a Jew and prophesied in the line is of David all the way back to Eve 🤷 so confusing because he has to be Eves but my simple question is how can he be sinless with using Mary's egg if she's under sin herself? Tough question
Steve says:
Jesus is the Son of God the Father, not the Holy Spirit. He is human so possesses the 23 chromosomes from each of Mary and His Father. The process by which conception took place is not specific, but of necessity, to be the Son of God, the Father had to be involved.
James says:
Date conceived on April seventeen four. Born September eighteen. Crucified April three three three Resurrected April six three three. Christ Jesus 𝐆𝐨𝐝𝐜𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐱77
John Wallace Godin says:
Thank you Jesus and you mom who had you
William Wynn says:
If the egg that was in Mary's uterus was used by God to impregnate Mary, was the egg not the seed of Adam and Eve? The prophecy of Gen. 3:15 indeed points to Mary, but the seed must have been placed by God into Mary. She, being a descendent of David, made Jesus a descendent of David. If this is not factual, we are not following the Adamic seed of Adam and Eve to its full destination. The seed of Adam and Eve can only be evil.
John Taylor, Jr. says:
Jesus was born with a natural human nature that he obtained from his natural mother Mary. But her egg was fertilized by the power of the "Highest", which is the Spirit of God. So Jesus was born with a divine spirit, but he could still be tempted through the natural body he obtained from his mother. But because his Spirit was divine and he was the Word of God in the flesh, he never gave in to the temptations of his natural body.