Image of a retirement age couple enjoying a hike in the mountains.Donate from your IRA

If you are 70½-years-old and have an IRA there is a way for you to make a big kingdom impact!  Charitable rollovers from your IRA are a great way to partner with us. 

Here are a few benefits from making a gift via an IRA Charitable Rollover:

  • Pay no taxes on directly rolled over transfers, up to $100,000  
  • Reduce your taxable income
  • Satisfy your required minimum distribution (RMD) for the year
  • Help Wisdom International reach and teach the truth of God’s Word 

The process is simple:

1. Let your IRA plan administrator know that you want to make a gift directly from your IRA to Wisdom International, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  

    Tax ID: 56-2244684
    Have your name included on the memo line or stub of the check

2. Have your IRA funds directly mailed to Wisdom International 

Wisdom International
2703 Jones Franklin Road, Suite 105
Cary, NC 27518.

3. Call (866-482-4253) or email ( to let us know the funds are on the way.  We will let you know once they arrive.  


If you have any questions please contact us at

Wisdom International is committed to faithfully teaching God's Word and sharing that truth with the world. Your partnership makes it possible.