About This Series:

What do worry, selfishness, deceit, despair and lust have in common? They are some of Satan’s most effective tools in rendering us unresponsive toward Christ and ineffective in ministry. Are these affecting you today? Stephen brings us the cure in his probing new series “Breaking up Stony Ground.”

1. The Truth About Treasure

Matthew 6:19–24

Some pastors today are teaching that a commitment to Jesus will ensure a wealthier life. But what did Jesus teach? Stephen answers that today in his look at Matthew chapter 6.

2. Strangled by Worry

Matthew 6:25–34

In this insightful look at Jesus' words on worry, Stephen warns us not to add yesterday's sorrows and tomorrow's troubles to today's load.

3. The Price of Character

There are only two types of believers in the world today: those who have suffered for their integrity and those will.

4. Me First!

As believers, let’s pursue the redemptive side of ambition. No matter what the task – no matter how mundane – let’s shoulder it. No matter how tempting to slack off – to lead undisciplined lives – let’s shape up. No matter how challenging – or new – or uncomfortable – let’s showcase the light.

5. In the Slough of Despond

John Bunyan, in his classic book Pilgrim's Progress, likened despair to a muddy, swampy slough that is difficult to wade through. King David knew that slough firsthand and his desperate appeal to God while trudging through it teaches us invaluable lessons about both the crippling effects of despair and the comforting effects of devotion. Stephen uncovers them in this gripping new message.

6. Battling the Beast Within

No one ever lives a life of holiness by accident. It happens on purpose. It comes through discipline and obedience to the Spirit of God, which is a daily, moment-by-moment battle. Are you in the fight?

7. Oh Be Careful Little Eyes

If God treats the sin in our lives with uncompromising severity, how can we treat it so casually?

8. Toying with Temptation

Your greatest obstacle to purity is not a pornographic culture or a dissatisfying marriage or even the devil himself. It's you. In this message, Stephen cuts to the heart of our impurity by cutting to our hearts.

9. Playing with Fire

There is only one way to be truly safe from a blazing fire and that is to run from it! The same is true of immorality.



Related Resources:

CD Set - Breaking Up Stony Ground