About This Series:

Experience the profound ministry of Jesus in a whole new light in this sermon series, "Ministering to the Multitudes," covering Luke 11:14-14:35. Dive deep into the Gospel of Luke as Stephen unravels the heart of Christ's ministry, revealing his boundless compassion, transformative teachings, and unwavering love for all he encountered. Through engaging and insightful sermons, you'll discover the timeless relevance of Jesus' interactions with diverse crowds and gain a fresh perspective on how to minister to the multitudes in your own life. Join us on this enlightening journey and be inspired to follow in the footsteps of our Savior, extending grace, love, and hope to all those around you..

1 - Drawing a Line in the Sand

Luke 11:14-28
The scene of this study is not unfamiliar in the four Gospel accounts. Yet again, Jesus faces challenges among the crowd, who are being stirred up against Him by the Jewish religious leaders. This time, they question from where Jesus has obtained His miraculous power. But, as we’ve seen so often before, Jesus flips the question back on the corrupt religious leaders, and in the process, reminds us Who’s power we are submitting to when we accept Jesus as our Savior.

2 - Turning Down the Greatest Opportunity Ever

Luke 11:29-32
Like Gideon with the fleece, like Moses with his staff, the Bible is filled with people asking God for a sign of His power. And that’s exactly what the Israelites ask of Jesus during His ministry on earth. They had seen him feed the hungry, heal the sick, even raise the dead, but still they asked for a sign. Rather than give them what they want, Jesus pointed the Israelites to two Gentile witnesses who testify to God’s glory. When we want a sign from God today, we can be challenged and encouraged by the examples of these Old Testament witnesses.

3 - How to See in the Darkness

Luke 11:33-36
As Christians, how should we respond to the darkness we see around us every single day? Sometimes, the darkness can seem too pervasive, too corrosive, too evil. Does our light even make a difference? Jesus encouraged His disciples that just a little light can illuminate a dark room, and our example of godliness can set the example in our world.

4 - How to Become a Better Hypocrite

Luke 11:37-54
If you want to be a spiritual hypocrite, the Gospel of Luke has a passage for you! When Jesus accepted the invitation to dine with the religious leaders, they probably didn’t expect the confrontation and criticism they were about to receive. In a series of principles for hypocrites, we will see how hypocrisy can be tempting for every Christian, and how only accountability and selfreflection can keep us transparent and honest before God and those around us.

5 - The Right Kind of Fear

Luke 12:1-12
If you ask people what they are afraid of, you’ll hear a lot of the same answers. “Heights,” “the dark,” and “public speaking” will be some of the most common. But Stephen Davey helps us understand that there are only two categories of fear that matter, and they have a lot more to do with who we are than what we are afraid of. Those two categories are “saved” and “unsaved,” and the right kind of fear will look drastically different for these two groups.

6 - Consumed by Cravings

Luke 12:13-21
Where do you look for satisfaction? Can you find it in the blessings you have received and the fellowship you have with the Lord, or do you find yourself looking longingly at the blessings and gifts of others? Jesus often contrasted satisfaction with covetousness, because He knew that covetous people can never be satisfied; they will never have enough. Let’s learn from Jesus today that riches are not a guarantee of satisfaction; riches are a test to determine where true satisfaction comes from.

7 - The Antidote to Anxiety

Luke 12:22-34
Fear and worry are a natural part of the human experience. Many people feel anxiety when they encounter a big change in life, face struggles, or are unsure how to handle a specific situation. But Jesus taught His disciples that anxiety and worry uncover a deeper problem, they distract us from the total sufficiency of God and our total dependency on Him. From this teaching, we can learn that the closer we align ourselves to God, the less anxiety we will feel about the matters and concerns of our lives.

8 - On Your Mark, Get Set . . . Wait!

Luke 12:35-48
Many steps of obedience in the Christian life involve frequent moments of action. “Evangelize,” “pray,” “read the Word,” are just a few examples. But what about God’s command to wait? How do we fulfill that command with the same eagerness? Because, let’s face it, waiting is hard. But Jesus teaches in Luke 12 that as we wait for Him to return, how we wait will directly impact what it is exactly we are waiting for. So, let’s learn how to wait today!

9 - The Coming Storm

Luke 12:49-59
Every day of our lives, we make lists of priorities. We may make them on paper, or only in our heads, but we are constantly listing the tasks we must do and sorting them by priority. Some are urgent and must be dealt with immediately, others we can afford to put off until later. When it comes to eternal salvation, we can be tempted to put it off. After all, the decision doesn’t have to be made until we die. But no one knows the day or the hour of their death. That’s why our eternal security must always be at the top of our priority list.

10 - Lessons from Unexpected Disaster

Luke 13:1-9
The gospel is an offer of mercy from our sins and grace from the divine Creator coming into our lives. And the gospel is available to all people for as long as they are alive. But far too many people allow this open-ended invitation to lull them into complacency when the gospel is a very urgent call. And we need to approach it with the same sense of urgency that Jesus did.

11 - Simple Events with Eternal Significance

Luke 13:10-21
Often, the “hinge moments” in human history aren’t noticed in real time. We use hindsight and retrospection to understand what moments in history have lasting significance, and which ones may seem important in real time, yet don’t matter in the long term. As Jesus prepares to give a final sermon in the Jewish synagogues, there is no fanfare, no high-ranking dignitaries. This particularly weekly gathering didn’t seem to have any extraordinary meaning. Yet, 2000 years later, we are still reading about this singular encounter between Jesus and an afflicted woman.

12 Non-Negotiable Truths About Eternal

Luke 13:22-30
Like the “COEXIST” bumper stickers we see on cars, the worldview that many paths lead to heaven is pervasive and politically correct in our culture. But this concept, that “all roads lead to God” is not a new philosophy; in fact, Jesus confronted the same issue during His earthly ministry. The world will call it “intolerant,” “judgmental,” and “exclusive,” but the truth remains: narrow is the path to life.

13 - Living as if Heaven Rules

Luke 13:31-35
History books are filled with stories of people the world deems important. Whether they are famous, or infamous, part of society involves determining the important players in the history of the world and documenting their achievements. But in Jesus’ earthly ministry, He didn’t associate Himself with the powerful—the high rollers of history—but with the lowly. And that’s because Jesus knew that the kings on earth had no more power than that which God allowed them. And with that perspective, we see human history—and its influential figures—in a more godly light.

14 - Table Talk

Luke 14:1-24
One Sabbath day, Jesus attended a dinner at the home of a prominent Pharisee. During the dinner, Jesus healed a man, which sparked a debate with the Pharisees over whether it is lawful to heal on the Sabbath. In response, Jesus told a parable about a great banquet. The parable serves as a warning to those who prioritize worldly concerns over spiritual matters. Jesus taught that none of those who were invited but declined to come would taste his banquet. The meaning is clear: those who reject his message will not be able to partake in the blessings of his kingdom. How will you respond to God’s invitation?

15 - Packing for the Right Expedition

Luke 14:25-33
When you go on a trip and begin making your packing list, most likely you begin by checking the weather in the place you will be visiting. You want to ensure that you are packing for the climate you will be entering. Jesus wanted to make sure His disciples understood the climate where they were going on their way to Jerusalem. He knew that many of His followers were expecting a hero’s welcome and a coronation, but He also knew the reality would be quite different. And so, He challenged His disciples to earnestly and soberly count the cost of following Him.

16 - Refusing a Salt Free Life

Luke 14:34-35
As Christians, what is the analogy of who we are supposed to be? Many would say a fighter—we fight for God and go to war against secular culture. Others would say a peacemaker—we offer a message of love that is offered to everyone on earth. Even more people might say a firefighter— we rescue people from the fire and bring them into a place of safety. But what does Jesus say we are to be? Well, I’m sure you have some of it sitting on your dining room table; it’s so small we rarely give it a moment of thought: salt.

Related Resources:

Ministering to the Multitudes (16 Sermon CD Set)