About This Series:

As the Apostle James comes to the end of his letter, one word comes to mind: endurance. How do you run the race when you can't manage the clock, can't find a shortcut, events don't match up to life's plans, and problems outnumber solutions? In this series of 7 sermons, Stephen reveals the practical truths of James' final words—truths that produce endurance . . . for life!

1 - Observations from a Farm

James 5:7–9
When you think of the word "endurance," what comes to mind? A marathon? A battlefield? A hospital room? When the Apostle James thought of endurance, he thought of a farm. Why a farm, of all places? Listen now to find out.

2 - Following the Footprints

James 5:10–11
The prophets weren’t perfect people. They wrestled with doubt, depression, and other diverse temptations throughout their lifetimes. But what makes them so memorable is they finished the race; they kept the faith. And if the prophets could do it . . . so can we!

3 - Honest to God . . . and Everyone Else!

James 5:12
What if God could change His mind or break His promises? Can you imagine the terrible implications that would have on us as Christians — or Christianity, as a whole? God has to be honest, or Christianity falls apart. In this message Stephen reminds us that just as Christianity depends on God’s integrity, our Christian testimony depends on our own integrity.

4 - Does Prayer + Oil = Healing?

James 5:13–15
Repentance leads to revival . . . every time. So pray: 1. Pray when you are overflowing with emotion. 2. Pray when you are overcome with weakness 3. Pray when you are overpowered by sin And you will be revived . . . guaranteed!

5 - Ordinary Prayers from Ordinary People

James 5:16–18
It’s easy for us to think that God hears only the prayers of the most devout Christians, isn’t it? But in this message, Stephen proposes that if God only paid attention to the saintliest of saints . . . none of us would ever be heard! Join him now as he encourages us with the truth that God accepts “Ordinary Prayers from Ordinary People.”

6 - Drifting

James 5:19–20
Do you feel distant from God today? Are you lacking the motivation to pray and read the Bible? Well in this message Stephen challenges us to search our hearts to see whether there is anything standing between us and the Savior. As we’ll learn today, confession to God is the key to a connection with God!

7 - Family Talk

Conclusion to James
If an unbelieving friend walked into your church on Sunday, what would he or she discover? A place of joy and love . . . or a place of discontent? Unity in the congregation . . . or cliques and social castes? In this message Stephen reminds us that if the Church isn’t a place where unbelievers find a reason to believe, it will be a place where they find a reason not to.

Related Resources:

Endurance (7-Sermon CD Set, covering James 5:7-20)