About This Series:

This series dives into a pivotal section of Luke's Gospel, exploring the final days of Jesus' ministry leading up to his crucifixion. We'll begin with the triumphant entry into Jerusalem, a celebration that quickly gives way to a more complex reality. Join us as we unpack Jesus' powerful teachings, his encounters with opposition, and the heart-wrenching moment when he weeps over Jerusalem. We'll delve into themes of:

  • Messianic Expectations: Understanding the hopes and misunderstandings surrounding Jesus' arrival in Jerusalem.
  • The Price of Discipleship: Examining Jesus' warnings and the cost of following him.
  • Faith in the Face of Doubt: Exploring moments of both joy and sorrow in the disciples' experience.
  • God's Sovereign Plan: Seeing how Jesus navigates the events leading to his sacrifice, fulfilling a greater purpose.

Sermons In This Series

Perfect Timing

As we enter the final week of Jesus’ life, Stephen Davey sets the foundation for this particular part of our study by laying out a timeline for the Passion Week that is sure to surprise and challenge you. We then focus in specifically on Palm Sunday, using three scenes that reveal the two different responses people had to Jesus during His earthly ministry. These are the same two responses people have today; make sure your response is one of acceptance and not refusal.

Jesus Wept . . . Again!

As Jesus enters Jerusalem for the final time, He understands the significance of this moment in the context of biblical prophecy. He knows that the prophet Daniel had been pointing to that very day as the moment when the Messiah would arrive. Yet the Jewish religious leaders offered Jesus no fanfare; it seemed like no one was looking for the Messiah at that moment. And so, Jesus wept. And the question for us today is, Will Jesus celebrate or weep over our eternal fate?

The Heir Has Arrived

After Jesus finished clearing the immoral commercialism and greed taking place in the Temple, He sat down to teach. A crowd formed quickly to hear what He had to say, and so did the religious leaders, who wanted to challenge Him with questions. Jesus was ready for their challenge, and had a question, a story, and a prophecy of His own. The point of Jesus’ teaching still resonates with us today.

Paying Your Dues

As Jesus continues holding court in the Temple during His final week on earth, He has humiliated the religious leaders yet again, calling them out for rejecting the prophets. And so, the Pharisees and the Herodians join forces to challenge Jesus with perhaps the toughest question He was ever asked during His earthly ministry. And Jesus’ response not only gives us several practical principles to apply today, it is one of the most profound political statements in human history.

One Final Riddle

The Sadducees, along with the Pharisees, have completely failed trying to stump Jesus yet again. They thought they could tangle Him in a political web, but Jesus outsmarted them. And now, the Sadducees take one more attempt at trapping Jesus by asking Him an absurd hypothetical about the afterlife. Jesus’ response to them reminds us that it’s past time to make sure we are confident in our eternal future.

The Widow's Mite

One of the greatest examples of true and genuine giving comes from a very unlikely source. Jesus reminded His disciples—and reminds us today—of two very important truths: that our care for widows reflects our love for God, and that our attitude toward giving matters more than the amount of our giving.

The End is Nearer than Ever!

We rightly think of Jesus as our Divine Savior, as a perfect Teacher, and as our Lord and Messiah. But do you think of Jesus as a prophet? He was, during His earthly ministry. And Jesus gave some very specific prophecies about the end times and the tribulation. While these prophecies don’t directly relate to our world today—before the rapture takes place—we can still find key truths and important applications from Jesus’ Olivet Discourse.

What to Expect in Life

After helping His disciples understand the end times, Jesus turned His attention to equipping them to be prepared for their lives in the present. We still live in the period between Christ’s two comings, so the lessons from His teaching are just as applicable to us today. Stephen Davey takes us through six of these implications in today’s lesson.

Forecasting the Future

Every year, false prophets are exposed for attempting to predict the future and failing. That’s why it’s so vital for the believer to depend on the Bible to understand not just truths for our lives right now, but truths for the future as well. As Jesus continues His Olivet discourse, He delivers some warnings to the people of Israel in the form of prophecies, and 40 years later, all of His prophecies came true. That gives us all the more reason to trust His prophecies that haven’t happened yet, as Stephen Davey explains in this sermon.


Jesus’ Olivet Discourse is one of the most remarkable end times prophecies in all the Bible. We live in a world and in a culture that is obsessed with “doomsday scenarios,” apocalyptic fiction, and concern about the state of our planet and our existence. As Christians, we take our environmental responsibilities seriously, because we should be good stewards of God’s creation. However, Jesus’ teaching tells us that nothing humans can do will destroy this earth before God’s ordained time, and no human effort will save this earth once God devotes it to destruction during the tribulation period. Ultimately, we can rest assured in our safety as children of God, who will spend the seven year tribulation safely in the Father’s House in heaven.

Prophecy Matters!

When Jesus teaches His disciples in Luke 21, He knows He is just days away from betrayal, arrest, and crucifixion. So, what He chooses to tell His disciples is remarkably important in these final moments together. Jesus offers eternal encouragement to His audience, and generations of believers to follow, about the end times and the eternal security of believers. We can be assured that the kingdom of God wins eternally, no matter how dark it may temporarily seem here on earth.

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