About This Series:

What if there were 456 separate clues regarding a single person that were all being fulfilled by one person . . . would that be convincing? Jesus Christ is that person! He has fulfilled the prophecies of His first coming to prove that He is the Messiah, the true King.

Part 1: The Resume of the King

People are convinced of truth if what is predicted will happen in the future actually comes to pass. Prophets, soothsayers, psychics, and diviners have held court worldwide sharing their foresights, and if the predictions materialized as promised, there was no denying the veracity of the prophecy or the one revealing it. What if there were 456 separate clues regarding a single person that were all being fulfilled by one person . . . would that be convincing? Jesus Christ is that person! He has fulfilled the prophecies of His first coming to prove that He is the Messiah, the true King.

Part 2: The Names of the King

Christmas is the season to reflect on the birth of Jesus Christ. Though His birth occurred around 2,000 years ago, the church still worships and exults Jesus as Lord of lords and King of kings, and the prophesied Messiah and Redeemer of the scriptures. The prophet Isaiah focused on His attributes when penning a hymn about His names, granting the church a worshipful picture of the Son of God.

Part 3: The Return of the King

Peace is not only a desire during the Christmas season but is a longing of the world throughout the year. Global peace is possible, but it will only take place when the Prince of Peace returns to set up His kingdom on earth. Sadly, our world often attempts to solve global problems ignoring or rejecting the solutions given by the Creator of the world, the Prince of Peace. Fortunately, the God of the heavens and earth provides us with a future plan – a Kingdom filled with peace, joy, and comfort for 1,000 years and beyond!

Related Resources:

The King is Here (CD Set)