About This Series:

J. I. Packer wrote, Disregard the study of God, and you sentence yourself to stumble and blunder through life blindfolded, as it were, with no sense of direction. There is little doubt that the one thing most needed for the church and every believer today is the study of God. In the closing words of the Book of Romans, Paul directs our attention once again to the glory of God. He sharpens our perspective and exalts our eminent Lord. Stephen’s exposition of this great text leads us to proclaim—even to sing—with joy and wonder the greatness of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ. Get ready to sing along . . . to our magnificent Master and King!

Let's Sing it!

Join Stephen as he explores the profound influence of Thomas Ken's Doxology, a hymn of praise that has resonated through the ages. Written by a courageous 17th-century pastor and scholar, this timeless poem has become a cornerstone of Christian worship. Discover the story behind the words "Praise God from whom all blessings flow," and delve into the Greek origins of 'doxa', revealing its evolution from a simple opinion to a declaration of divine glory. This episode isn't just a history lesson; it's an invitation to contemplate your perception of God and the profound reputation of Jesus Christ. It challenges you to align your views with the true nature of Christ. Whether you're seeking to deepen your faith or simply curious about the historical significance of a beloved hymn, this message offers a unique blend of historical insights, spiritual reflection, and practical application. Join us in elevating our perspective of Jesus Christ and celebrating the glory of God through the timeless words of the Doxology.

Unending Praise

"Unending Praise" based on Romans 16:27 is a fitting culmination to the Book of Romans. The sermon celebrates the integrity of the gospel and the character of the church, as Stephen reflects on the powerful impact of preaching scripture in its entirety. In the final doxology of Paul, Stephen unpacks the profound layers of praise encapsulated in the words "to the only wise God, through Jesus Christ, be the glory forever." This message emphasizes the uniqueness of God, the accessibility through Jesus Christ, and the commendable nature of God’s wisdom and glory. It's an invitation to embrace this unending praise, affirming the truth of God's word and committing to live it out. As the exposition of Romans concludes, we're left with a heartfelt "Amen," an affirmation of the truth revealed and a commitment to carry these teachings forward. This message is an experience of growth, reflection, and an unwavering dedication to the truth of the gospel. 


Related Resources:

The Final Doxology (CD Set)