Sermons in Philippians

Stephen Davey's exposition through the book of Philippians.

(Philippians 1:1) Introducing the Church in Philippi

(Philippians 1:1) Introducing the Church in Philippi


Scripture Reference: Phil 1:1 Series: Sermons in Philippians
(Philippians 1:1) The Meaning of Life

(Philippians 1:1) The Meaning of Life


Scripture Reference: Phil 1:1 Series: Sermons in Philippians
(Philippians 1:1) More Than a Whisper of Treason

(Philippians 1:1) More Than a Whisper of Treason


Scripture Reference: Phil 1:1 Series: Sermons in Philippians
(Philippians 1:2) Not Just an Ordinary Hello

(Philippians 1:2) Not Just an Ordinary Hello


Scripture Reference: Phil 1:2 Series: Sermons in Philippians
(Philippians 1:3–7) A Recipe for Joy

(Philippians 1:3–7) A Recipe for Joy


Scripture Reference: Phil 1:3–7 Series: Sermons in Philippians
(Philippians 1:8–9) All We Need is (Real) Love

(Philippians 1:8–9) All We Need is (Real) Love


Scripture Reference: Phil 1:8–9 Series: Sermons in Philippians
(Philippians 1:10–11) Tested, True and Triumphant

(Philippians 1:10–11) Tested, True and Triumphant


Scripture Reference: Phil 1:10–11 Series: Sermons in Philippians
(Philippians 1:12–14) Moving Forward in Reverse

(Philippians 1:12–14) Moving Forward in Reverse


Scripture Reference: Phil 1:12–14 Series: Sermons in Philippians
(Philippians 1:15–18) Modeling a Godly Response to Mud

(Philippians 1:15–18) Modeling a Godly Response to Mud


Scripture Reference: Phil 1:15–18 Series: Sermons in Philippians
(Philippians 1:19–20) Pray for Me

(Philippians 1:19–20) Pray for Me


Scripture Reference: Phil 1:19–20 Series: Sermons in Philippians
(Philippians 1:21–26) Ready for Either

(Philippians 1:21–26) Ready for Either


Scripture Reference: Phil 1:21–26 Series: Sermons in Philippians
(Philippians 1:23) Stay!

(Philippians 1:23) Stay!


Scripture Reference: Phil 1:23 Series: Sermons in Philippians
(Philippians 1:27) The Main Thing

(Philippians 1:27) The Main Thing


Scripture Reference: Phil 1:27 Series: Sermons in Philippians
(Philippians 1:27) No Room for Superstars

(Philippians 1:27) No Room for Superstars


Scripture Reference: Phil 1:27 Series: Sermons in Philippians
(Philippians 1:28–30) On the Whitewater of Grace

(Philippians 1:28–30) On the Whitewater of Grace


Scripture Reference: Phil 1:28–30 Series: Sermons in Philippians
(Philippians 2:1–2) The Vanishing Virtue

(Philippians 2:1–2) The Vanishing Virtue


Scripture Reference: Phil 2:1–2 Series: Sermons in Philippians
(Philippians 2:2–4) An Unnatural Way to Live

(Philippians 2:2–4) An Unnatural Way to Live


Scripture Reference: Phil 2:2–4 Series: Sermons in Philippians
(Philippians 2:5–8) A Mount Everest of Truth

(Philippians 2:5–8) A Mount Everest of Truth


Scripture Reference: Phil 2:5–8 Series: Sermons in Philippians
(Philippians 2:7–8) Crushing the

(Philippians 2:7–8) Crushing the "Kingdom of Me"


Scripture Reference: Phil 2:7–8 Series: Sermons in Philippians
(Philippians 2:8) The Sovereign Became a Slave

(Philippians 2:8) The Sovereign Became a Slave


Scripture Reference: Phil 2:8 Series: Sermons in Philippians
(Philippians 2:9–11) Jesus Is God

(Philippians 2:9–11) Jesus Is God


Scripture Reference: Phil 2:9–11 Series: Sermons in Philippians
(Philippians 2:12–13) The Truth About Our Tendencies

(Philippians 2:12–13) The Truth About Our Tendencies


Scripture Reference: Phil 2:12–13 Series: Sermons in Philippians
(Philippians 2:14–15) Leaving the State of Discontent

(Philippians 2:14–15) Leaving the State of Discontent


Scripture Reference: Phil 2:14–15 Series: Sermons in Philippians
(Philippians 2:16–18) No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets

(Philippians 2:16–18) No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets


Scripture Reference: Phil 2:16–18 Series: Sermons in Philippians
(Philippians 2:19–22) Satisfied with Second Place

(Philippians 2:19–22) Satisfied with Second Place


Scripture Reference: Phil 2:19–22 Series: Sermons in Philippians
(Philippians 2:19) Making Plans in Pencil

(Philippians 2:19) Making Plans in Pencil


Scripture Reference: Phil 2:19, 23–24 Series: Sermons in Philippians
(Philippians 2:25–30) The Gambler

(Philippians 2:25–30) The Gambler


Scripture Reference: Phil 2:25–30 Series: Sermons in Philippians
(Philippians 3:1–3) Protected by Joy

(Philippians 3:1–3) Protected by Joy


Scripture Reference: Phil 3:1–3 Series: Sermons in Philippians
( Philippians 3:4–9) Forget the Baloney

( Philippians 3:4–9) Forget the Baloney


Scripture Reference: Phil 3:4–9 Series: Sermons in Philippians
(Philippians 3:10–11) Hunger

(Philippians 3:10–11) Hunger


Scripture Reference: Phil 3:10–11 Series: Sermons in Philippians
(Philippians 3:12–14) Moving Past the Past

(Philippians 3:12–14) Moving Past the Past


Scripture Reference: Phil 3:12–14 Series: Sermons in Philippians
(Philippians 3:15–17) Finding Middle C

(Philippians 3:15–17) Finding Middle C


Scripture Reference: Phil 3:15–17 Series: Sermons in Philippians
(Philippians 3:18–20)  Running After Judas

(Philippians 3:18–20) Running After Judas


Scripture Reference: Phil 3:18–20 Series: Sermons in Philippians
( Philippians 3:20–21) More Than Wishful Thinking

( Philippians 3:20–21) More Than Wishful Thinking


Scripture Reference: Phil 3:20–21; 4:1 Series: Sermons in Philippians
(Philippians 4:2–3) Reconcilable Differences

(Philippians 4:2–3) Reconcilable Differences


Scripture Reference: Phil 4:2–3 Series: Sermons in Philippians
(Philippians 4:4–5) Ladies and Gentlemen

(Philippians 4:4–5) Ladies and Gentlemen


Scripture Reference: Phil 4:4–5 Series: Sermons in Philippians
(Philippians 4:6–7) Killing Anxiety

(Philippians 4:6–7) Killing Anxiety


Scripture Reference: Phil 4:6–7 Series: Sermons in Philippians
(Philippians 4:8–9) What's on Your Mind?

(Philippians 4:8–9) What's on Your Mind?


Scripture Reference: Phil 4:8–9 Series: Sermons in Philippians
(Philippians 4:10–14) Enough

(Philippians 4:10–14) Enough


Scripture Reference: Phil 4:10–14 Series: Sermons in Philippians
(Philippians 4:15–20) The Most Famous Thank-You Letter in Church History

(Philippians 4:15–20) The Most Famous Thank-You Letter in Church History


Scripture Reference: Phil 4:15–20 Series: Sermons in Philippians
(Philippians 4:21–23) Ordinary Saints

(Philippians 4:21–23) Ordinary Saints


Scripture Reference: Phil 4:21–23 Series: Sermons in Philippians

This is the collection of Stephen Davey's full-length sermons. You can listen, or download the manuscript, for every lesson in Stephen's Bible teaching archive. We believe the Bible is God's Word, and that it speaks with authority to our lives. These messages are faithful to the meaning of of the Bible and will help you understand God's message to you.