Sermons in John
Stephen Davey's exposition of the Gospel of John.
Stephen Davey's exposition of the Gospel of John.
Sermons in John
(John 1:1–3) When Heaven Came Down
(John 1:6-29) The Witness
(John 1:19–34) That Mysterious Holy Spirit
(John 1:35–51) The Test
(John 2:1–11) A Wedding Sketch
(John 2:12-25) The Lion Roared
(John 3:1-15) Reborn . . . the Declaration
(John 3:16-19) Reborn . . . the Decision
(John 3:19-21) Reborn . . . the Demonstration
(John 3:22–36) A Fading Star
(John 4:1–42) Thirsty Anyone?
(John 4:1–42) Discovering the Missing Jewel
(John 4:43-5:14) Crisis Faith . . . Confident Faith
(John 5:19–47) Motives for Murder
(John 6:1–21) I Flunked Faith 101
(John 6:22–71) Anything Less Won't Last
(John 7) Water Unlimited
(John 8:1–11) Judging the Judges
(John 8:12–9:41) To See or Not to See
(John 8:20–59) The Absolute Truth
(John 10:1–42) Up Close and Personal
(John 11) Living Proof
(John 12:1-11) Scent from a Broken Vase
(John 12:12–21) Here Comes the King
(John 12:22–33) Here Am I, Lord . . . Bury Me
(John 12:34–50) Children of the Night
(John 13:1–20) Happiness and a Pair of Dirty Feet
(John 13:21–30) Cloak and Dagger
(John 13:31–35) Living on the Fourth Level
(John 13:36–38) Heaven Guaranteed
(John 14:4–6) Is Christianity the Only Way to Heaven?
(John 14:3–15) Troublesome Questions . . . Timeless Answers
(John 14:16–22) Introducing the Holy Spirit
(John 15:1–11) Producing Spiritual Fruit is Impossible
(John 15:12–17) Our Prize of Friendship
(John 15:18–27) The Promise of Suffering
(John 16) In Case You Lose Heart
(John 17) The REAL Lord's Prayer
(John 18:1–11) A Tribute to the Lamb - Betrayed!
(Matthew 26:36–46) A Tribute to the Lamb - Gethsemane!
(John 18) A Tribute to the Lamb - Guilty!
(John 18:15–27) And the Rooster Crowed . . .
(John 18:38–40) The People's Choice
(John 18:29–40) The Verdict of Rome
(John 19:15–24) Death by Crucifixion
(John 19:25–30) The Lamb's Last Words
(John 19:38–42) Saturday's Sorrow
(John 20:1–18) Surprise!
(John 20:19–29) Behind Closed Doors
(John 20:30–31) The Reason Why
(John 21:1–14) A Refresher Course . . . Fishing 101
(John 21:15–17) Broken Things
(John 21:18–23) Snooping, Comparing and Other Natural Diseases
(John 21:24–25) John's Final Words
This is the collection of Stephen Davey's full-length sermons. You can listen, or download the manuscript, for every lesson in Stephen's Bible teaching archive. We believe the Bible is God's Word, and that it speaks with authority to our lives. These messages are faithful to the meaning of of the Bible and will help you understand God's message to you.