Sermons in Genesis
Stephen Davey's verse by verse exposition through the book of Genesis.
Stephen Davey's verse by verse exposition through the book of Genesis.
Sermons in Genesis
(Introduction to Genesis) The Book of Beginnings
(Genesis 1:1-23) And God Said . . .
(Genesis 2:18-22) The Climax of Creation
(Genesis 2:23-25) God's Design for Marriage
(Genesis 3:1-24) Goodbye to Paradise
(Genesis 4) The Curse of Cain
(Genesis 5) Truths From an Old Record
(Genesis 6:1-9:17) Ingredients of Integrity
(Genesis 9:20-11:25) Lessons From Sinning Saints
(Genesis 12:1-3) Saying Goodbye to Security
(Genesis 12 - 14:4) Rewarding Faith With Famine
(Genesis 13–19) It Began With a Bad Decision
(Genesis 14) Money Matters
(Genesis 15 - 18) I Wish I Had More Faith
(Genesis 22) A Sacrifice and a Sign
(Genesis 23 - 25:21) Examples of Godliness
(Genesis 25:19-28:9) A Tale of Two Sons
(Genesis 28) Jacob's Ladder
(Genesis 29-31) Discipline, Deception, Distrust
(Genesis 32) Wrestling with God
(Genesis 33 - 36) Growing Old Growing Up
(Genesis 37) Teenage Dreamer
(Genesis 38 - 39) Saying No When Others Say Yes
(Genesis 40) Nobody Loves Me This I Know
(Genesis 41) The Test of Prosperity
(Genesis 42) The Prosecutor Within
(Genesis 42:29 - 43:34) The Jacob Temperament
(Genesis 44 - 45:15) What an Attitude
(Genesis 45:16 - 47:12) Together . . . At Last!
(Genesis 46 - 50) Marks of True Greatness
This is the collection of Stephen Davey's full-length sermons. You can listen, or download the manuscript, for every lesson in Stephen's Bible teaching archive. We believe the Bible is God's Word, and that it speaks with authority to our lives. These messages are faithful to the meaning of of the Bible and will help you understand God's message to you.