
Select Wisdom Brand
(Acts 18:1–11) Sin City
(Acts 18:12–23) This Was Your Life
(Acts 18:24–28) In the Hands of Tentmakers
(Acts 19:1–7) 1st Century Van Winkles
(Acts 19:8–20) Burning Bridges . . . Killing Spiders
(Acts 19:23–41) The Riot
(Acts 20:1–16) Easter at Troas
(Acts 20:17–27) Four Habits of Highly Effective Christians
(Acts 20:28) Shepherds in Biblical Style
(Acts 20:29) A Warning about Wolves
(Acts 20:30–31) Describing the Deceivers
(Acts 20:32–38) The Sad Farewell
(Acts 21:1–14) When the Multitude of Counselors is Wrong!
(Acts 21:15-36) Personal Suffering 101
(Acts 21:37–40) Reaching the Resistant
(Acts 23) Losing Your Cool
(Acts 24) Later . . . Lord!
(Acts 25–26) The Last Herod
(Acts 27)  Storms
(Acts 28:1–10) Island of Refuge
(Acts 28:11–29) Finally . . . Rome!
(Acts 28:30–31)  The Last Lap

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