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We're taking the truth of God's Word to over 120 countries in 8 languages. Your support makes this ministry possible.


Your gift enables us to...

...produce daily Bible lessons and manuscripts that are heard across the United States and around the world.

...translate biblically faithful resources into eight languages for global impact.

...develop digital resources that are currently reaching into 160 countries.

...provide free disciple-making resources to prison inmates.


Wisdom International is committed to faithfully teaching God's Word and sharing that truth with the world. Your partnership makes it possible. 

我們從像您這樣的人那裡得到的支持是我們唯一的資金來源。 Your entire donation goes into sustaining and expanding our ministry. 您可以通過多種方式進行捐贈。

做一份一次性禮物 / 成為您經常性禮物的合作夥伴 / 捐贈加密貨幣 / 設置 IRA 慈善禮物 / 捐贈股票或債券 / 在您的遺產規劃中加入 WISDOM INTERNATIONAL

Donate by Mail or Phone

You can also send a donation in the mail. Send your check to:

Wisdom International; 
2703 Jones Franklin Road, Suite 105; 
北卡羅來納州卡里。 27518

Or call: 866-482-4253

Wisdom International is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
(EIN 56-2244684)