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Motherhood in a Variety of Settings Booklet

motherhood web 2020 3


  • You are consistently underpaid, often undervalued, and many times taken for granted;
  • You can never call in sick, choose the first shift or ask for the weekend off;
  • You are the one your children call for when they are sick;
  • Once you are a mother, you will never not be a mother, ever again;
  • You are in this for life and you are giving it just that - your life!

In this resource, Stephen Davey offers words of encouragement to moms. You're not alone.

God delivered some encouraging truths especially for moms. Those truths revealed in the home life of a mother named Eunice and Stephen explores all of this in this resource. 

You will receive two files: You can listen along or read this message. 

$ 0.00

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