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Shipping prices are determined by the United States Postal Service. We do not add any additional shipping fees. 

訂單通常使用美國郵政服務在兩個工作日內打包和運送。 我們不在節假日或週末發貨。 如果處理您的訂單有任何延遲,我們將通知您。 如對您的訂單有任何疑問,請致電 866-482-4253。


We hope that you are happy with your products, but if something is not right, please let us know.

我們接受實物產品的退貨,並在購買之日起 30 天內提供全額退款,但需扣除運費。 我們不為數字項目提供退款,包括從我們網站下載的項目,或通過 USB 驅動器發送的數字文件。

在退回任何物品之前,請致電 866-482-4253 聯繫我們。


Wisdom International
瓊斯富蘭克林路 2703 號 105 室
北卡羅來納州卡里。 27518

When returning an item, include a copy of your original invoice or receipt.


Wisdom International is highly sensitive to the privacy interests of consumers and believes that the protection of those interests is one of its most significant responsibilities. 為履行其義務,Wisdom International 採用了以下適用於其在業務過程中獲取的消費者信息的隱私政策:

1. 信息獲取。 我們不會獲取超出法律要求或為高效、安全地提供高水平服務所必需的更多關於消費者的信息。

2. 我們的員工和隱私。 We train all of our employees about the importance of privacy. 我們僅向需要這些信息來執行工作的員工提供有關消費者信息的訪問權限。

3. 安防措施。 We make access to privacy-sensitive information subject to rigorous procedural and technological controls, consistent with legal requirements and the demands of customer service.

4. 向第三方披露。 We will provide individually-identifiable information about consumers to third parties only if we are compelled to do so by order of a duly-empowered governmental authority, we have the express permission of the consumer, or it is necessary to process transactions and provide our services.

5. 隱私和我們的業務合作夥伴。 When we make our technology or services available to business partners, we will not share with them any more consumer information than is necessary, and we will make every reasonable effort to assure, by contract or otherwise, that they use our technology and services in a manner that is consistent with this Privacy Policy.
