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Blood Brothers
Blood Brothers
Genesis 25:23
And the LORD said to her, “Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from within you shall be divided; the one shall be stronger than the other, the older shall serve the younger.”
I can’t help but think of the fractious histories of Israel, the Church, and of their relationship to each other as I read the poetic imagery above. Like brothers fashioned in the womb of Providence, one born at Sanai and the other at Pentecost, often divided, often fighting over birthrights, and often struggling to accept the other. Of course I’m speaking metaphorically, friend, but I see in this nutshell of Genesis 25:23 all the branches of God’s family tree. I see Cain and Abel, Isaac and Ishmael, Solomon and Absalom, the Northern tribes and the Southern Tribes, Paul and Barnabas, the Jewish widows and the Gentile widows, the Eastern churches and the Western churches, and you and me. Like my three-year-old daughter who yells at her brother to get lost whenever I’m holding her, it’s as if we’ve all been playing king-of-the-mountain on our Father’s lap from the beginning.
Christian, make room for your brothers and sisters today. Encourage your weaker siblings, serve and mentor your younger ones, and love them all as equals.
The Wisest Counselor
On the Lookout
The Prayer of the Servant
The Servant’s Prayer
Life in Retrospect
A Promising Field
Missing: Identity
Monumental Moments
Saving Isaac
The Big Dilemma
Sabbath Psalm 8
She Saw a Well of Water
A Five-Minute Feast
Laughing Matters
When God Intervenes
Lesson Learned
Sabbath Psalm 7
Questionable Ethics
The Art of Letting Go
A City Blinded
The Down Low
Sabbath Psalm 6
Today’s Testimonial
Hard Questions
How Sweet the Sight!
Gone but Not Forgotten
He Laughs!
Sabbath Psalm 5
A Life-Changing Word
Progressive Revelation
Another Man’s Treasure
Mirror, Mirror
Sabbath Psalm 4
Wake-Up Calls
Godlike Faith
Picture It
Sabbath Psalm 3
An Unfolding Drama
Adding it All Up
Abraham Coming Clean
Choice and Consequence
Forward in Reverse
Sabbath Psalm 2
A Harvest at Twilight
An Inspiration
Sign, Seal, Commitment
Towers in the Rearview
The Language Barrier
Sabbath Psalm 1
Tribes and Tongues
Mighty in God’s Eyes
Divine Nudges
A Voice in the Dark
Inspired Words
Cut it Out!
Only Jesus
For Where Your Treasure Is
Compassion is King
Coming Clean
Pardon the Interruption
When Truth Hits Home
The Hardest Mission
The Crazed Crowd
The Same Boat
Heaven’s Harvest
Redeeming Love
From Persecution to Praise
Uncomfortable Mercy
The Difficulty of Forgiveness
Mundane Miracles
By the Sea
What Only Jesus Can Do
The Baptizer
Peripheral Vision
A Call and a Coronation
Doubt or Desperation?
A Very Present Peace
Personal Words
Passing the Test
Lay Down Your Arms
Hope for Today
Like a Rock
An Unbreakable Vow
The Parenting Principle
The Choice is Yours
Raising the Bar
The Distinctive Argument
The Way
Ego Eimi