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Memories Fade -- Memorials Last
Joshua 4:4-7
Then Joshua called the twelve men from the people of Israel. … And Joshua said to them, “Pass on before the ark of the LORD your God into the midst of the Jordan, and take up each of you a stone upon his shoulder … that this may be a sign among you. When your children ask in time to come, ‘What do these stones mean to you?’… these stones shall be to the people of Israel a memorial forever.”
I still retain fond childhood memories of outgrowing our church building in Cary, North Carolina and breaking ground on a new spot a couple of miles up the road. I remember my dad driving us kids to the construction site as the new buildings were being built: we’d climb through the foundation pipes, play hide-and-seek in the uncovered, bare structural walls, and collect loose nails and screws and whatever other ‘treasures’ we could find. In fact, right now, thirty years later, I’m currently sitting in a quiet upstairs room in the children’s wing of that same building I once crawled through, writing this devotional and marveling at the manifold provisions of the LORD over the past 38 years.
The reason my mind just raced back to those early days is because of the very last sermon my dad preached in that original building that I’ve never forgotten. He preached from this very Scripture, from Joshua 4:4-6, and ended his sermon with a challenge to the congregation: “Friends, in years to come, whenever you pass by this lot, no matter what sort of new enterprise gets built here, I want you to see twelve stones! May this land on Tryon Road be a lasting memorial to the wonder-working power of God in your life and in this town.” And still today, three decades after he delivered that challenge, whenever I drive by that old church property that is now an office complex, I see twelve stones.
Friend, what marvelous ventures has the LORD brought you through? What Jordan River is now in your rearview that you thought you’d never cross? Better yet, what memorials have you taken with you from those triumphs? I challenge you: go back to that river crossing, make a tactile, tangible memorial stone to God’s wonder-working power, and carry it with you as a testimony for future generations.
Reciprocal Meaning
This is God's Earth
Sabbath Psalm (“In the Hearts of the Small,” from Seth Davey’s album Kingdom Rising)
Necessities verse Niceties
Awaken the Dawn
Passover, Pt. 2 (An Angel of Life)
Rahab's Confession
One in a Million
Sabbath Psalm (“Broken, Beautiful,” from Seth Davey’s album Kingdom Rising)
Do As I Have Done
A Haunted Cosmos
New Voice - Old Words
The New Dawn
Great Co-Mission
His Dying Request
Rebels, All
Come, to the Waters
Story Shared
Moses' Complaint 1
High Notes, Low Notes
Between Angels
Waxing lyrical
The Face of It
Plot Twist
Down with the Ship!
Come, All Who Thirst!
Reassuring Truth
Book Signing
Pitching- In
Treasures in Dust
Genesis, First Hand
Some Through the Fire
Falling Up
Reluctant Hero
Anti Hero
Open Wide the Floodgates
Well Done, Thou Good and Faithful Servant
Prologue or Epilogue?
In the Arms of Love
To Our Rescue
Sabbath Psalm Altars (from my upcoming album, ‘Kingdom Rising’)
How Lovely is Your Dwelling Place!
The Bright Morning Star
Bucking the Trend
The Song of Moses, pt. 2
The Song of Moses, pt. 1
Sabbath Psalm The Seed (from my upcoming album, ‘Kingdom Rising’)
How Great a Treasure
Oh, Say, Can You See?
Pro-Life Advocacy
The Big ‘If’
Sabbath Psalm The Sower (from my upcoming album ‘Kingdom Rising’)
He Will Hold Me Fast
The Deeper End
Stinging, but Tender Mercies
A World of Difference
The Horror! The Horror!
Sabbath Psalm To Be More Like You (from my upcoming album, ‘Kingdom Rising’)
What Will You Do?
A Treasury Trove
Underlining Virtues
Not So Fine Art
Tactical Stewardship
Sabbath Psalm (Revision of Barney E Warren’s hymn, ‘Beautiful’)
Repeat After Me
A Double Take
No Poor Men Here
That’s an Order
The Golden Rule
Sabbath Psalm (Revision of Charles Wesley’s hymn ‘And Can it Be’)
The Blessing is Greater than the Curse
Purity—the Purge
Mercy Rule
Hate Speech
Your Neighbor
Sabbath Psalm (Revision of Fanny Crosby’s hymn ‘Able to Deliver’)
A Curious Curse
Modern Protest—Missing Perspective
Scorched Earth Policies
In His Hands
Red Letters
Sabbath Psalm (Revision of Grace Weiser Davis’ hymn ‘A Better Day Coming’)
Painted Red
Rocks of Offense
Broken Branches
Sovereign Simplicity
Sabbath Psalm (Revision of John Peterson’s hymn ‘When We All Get Home’)
The Messiah Complex
An Out-Pouring
Start with a Song
Redeeming the Grinch Heart
A Mighty Mirror
Sabbath Psalm (Adapted from Fredrick Blom’s hymn ‘He the Pearly Gates Will Open’)
The Substance of Signs