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Sabbath Psalm (Adapted from Mary Kidder’s hymn ‘Is My Name Written There?’)

Lord, I don’t care for riches, neither silver nor gold,
I yearn only for heaven—to be part of Your fold!
In the book of Your Kingdom with its pages so fair,

Tell me, Jesus, my Savior, is my name written there?

Lord, my sins are so many, like the sands of the sea,
But Your blood, O dear Savior, is sufficient for me!
For Your promise is written in bright letters that glow—
“Though your sins be as scarlet, I will make them like snow!”

O that beautiful Zion with its summit of light,
With its glorified peoples in pure garments so bright;
Where no thief can gain entrance to destroy what is fair,
Where the angels are watching—yes, my name’s written there.


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