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Get a Grip

Deuteronomy 10:3-4
“So I made an ark of acacia wood, and cut two tablets of stone like the first, and went up the mountain with the two tablets in my hand. And he wrote on the tablets, in the same writing as before, the Ten Commandments that the LORD had spoken to you on the mountain out of the midst of fire on the day of the assembly.”

We’ve discussed the error of process theology before, or ‘progressivism’ as its often called today, but I think it’s worth calling it out again in light of the testament of God’s character that re-emerges here. For brief review, process theology is generally the belief that God changes over time, or, better, that He adapts His providential working to man’s constant state of flux, calibrating His standards to our societal norms. For example, there’s a movement in Evangelical circles right now called the ‘Reformation Project,’ led by so-called Bible-believing, protestant Christians who are calling for LGBTQ inclusion in Christendom, arguing for the acceptance of gay marriage and gay clergy on two bases: first, that God doesn’t want men to live alone all their lives; and second, that ‘love is love,’ meaning that as long as a man loves a man with all his heart, then God’s okay with it. Ah, but look at Deuteronomy 10:3-4 again. Look how God responds to these idolatrous people who continually demonstrate a natural bent toward evil. He picks up new stones and writes the exact same laws as before. As if to signify that even in a world of constant flux, there are truths that never lose their gravitational grip on our lives.

I find it significant to ponder that after Aaron fashions a golden calf, after our human inclination toward idolatry manifested itself in such blatant blasphemy, after Red Sea crossings and pillars of protective cloud didn’t cure us of that inner blight, God could’ve erased the first two commandments and just left the last eight, right? He could’ve calibrated His holy standard to our human weakness and saved Himself a world of heartache. He could’ve met us in the middle as it were, lowering the bar of righteousness to accommodate our ineptitude, but, crucially, He hung on the bar for our redemption instead!

God’s words never lose their grip on us even when we loosen our grip on them. Never forget that, friend.


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