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Sabbath Psalm 5

(from the song ‘When I’m Standing in Your Presence')

When I’m standing in Your presence
for the first time; When the mysteries
of this life are understood; When the
questions I have here all fade from
my mind; When You put my fears
and doubts to rest for good; I will
gaze into Your glorious face at last.
And I’ll bow beneath the splendor
of Your smile. But there’s still one
question I will have to ask: “Oh God,
why is a wretch like me Your child?”

When I break the bread of heaven
for the first time; When I’m seated
at that long-awaited feast; When
I drink with men and angels from
the true Vine; And I see of all who
gathered, I’m the least; I will lift my
cup to You oh Christ, my King! And
I’ll praise You for the vict’ries You
have won. For Your death and life
have bought me everything. And yet
You look at me and say, “Well done!”

My heart was chained down; my
soul was fettered. The love we once
shared: my sin had severed. I lay
in ashes; poor as a beggar. You
should’ve left me lying there forever.
Instead, You reached down; You
took my fetters. You spilled Your
blood out; Your heart was severed.
You gave me Your crown: and died
a beggar. But then You rose again to
give me life forever.


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