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Bring The Lamb!

Isaiah 16:1

Send the lamb to the ruler of the land, from Sela, by way of the desert, to the mount of the daughter of Zion.

Listen again to John the Baptizer’s description of our Lord in John 1:29, “’Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!’” Hear again the choir of heaven worshipping Christ in Revelation 5:9, “’Worthy are you to take the scroll and to open its seals, for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation.’” Here in Isaiah 16 is Heaven’s Lamb, incarnating into death’s valley, enduring the wilderness of human corruption, and carrying weary sinners back to Zion. So friend, make this prophecy a prayer for your present: “Oh Lamb of God, come to the rulers of my own land! Bring Your salvation to the streets of Washington and the corridors of Silicon Valley and the cul-de-sacs of Wall Street! Bring Your self-sacrificing love to my neighborhood, my home, and my little corner of the cosmos!

Petitions can change policies, but only Christ can change people. So pray for more of Him in your desolate world, and be the hands and feet that bring Him to it.