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(John 1:6-29) The Witness

(John 1:6-29) The Witness

by Stephen Davey
Series: Sermons in John
Ref: John 1:6–29

Pull up a seat at an outdoor gathering that took place some 2,000 years ago and hear the words of one crying in the wilderness: "The King has come!"


“When Heaven Came Down”  Part II

John 1:6-29

Every young student has learned about Isaac Newton's famous contribution.  You remember, he was sitting under an apple tree one afternoon, a ripe apple fell from one of the limbs and hit Newton on the head and Isaac Newton discovered . . . aspirin!  No, he began to formulate the laws of gravity.

But few know that if it weren't for Edmund Halley, the world might never have learned from Newton.  You see it was Halley:

  • who challenged Newton to think through his original notions;
  • corrected Newton's mathematical errors;
  • coaxed the hesitant Newton to write his great work, Mathematical Principles of Natural
  • Philosophy; 
  • edited and supervised the publication of that same work;
  • financed the first edition even though Newton had more wealth!

Historians call it one of the most selfless examples in the annals of science.  Newton began almost immediately to reap the rewards of prominence while Halley received little credit.

The only reason we even know about Halley is because of the comet, named after him that appears briefly once every 76 years and then disappears once again into the vast heavens.

One biographical statement about Halley was that he didn't care who got the credit, his mission in life was to simply advance the cause of science!

Edmond Halley is best known, not for his overlooked contribution to the life and work of Isaac Newton, but for the comet so named after him.  The comet, known as “Halley’s Comet”, was discovered by English astronomer Edmond Halley, who observed it in 1682. Halley computed that the comet had an elliptical orbit and was, in fact, the same comet seen in 1531 and 1607, and he predicted that it would next reappear in 1758. Records show that it has been returning about every 76 years for 2,000 years.  On its most recent passage, during which it came closest to the Sun on Feb. 9, 1986, it was closely observed by spacecraft.                                                                                                                                                                Adapted from the 1995 Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia

If a reporter from the News and Disturber were to approach you for an interview and ask you, "What is your mission in life?"  What would you say?

There is an ever-growing problem in the church 21st century that reveals a widening disparity with the church of the 1st century.  The early Christians were confused on some fronts, but one issue remained crystal clear – they knew why God had left them on planet earth!

Tertullian, who wrote in the year 200, declared of himself and fellow believers to his Roman world, "We are but of yesterday, and we have filled every place among you - cities, islands, fortresses, towns, marketplaces, companies, palace, senate, forum - we have left no territory uncovered except inside the temple of your gods."

Gibbon noted in his Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, that the most sacred duty of the new convert was to diffuse among his friends and relations the blessing which he had received.

Harnack the church historian uses a phrase that jarred my thinking, "We cannot hesitate to believe that the great mission of Christianity was in reality accomplished by means of informal missionaries.  That interesting phrase, “informal missionaries” was actually coined by Justin, an 2nd century church leader and defender of Christianity in Rome until he was martyred in 165 AD

Well enough of church history and historical quotes.  Let’s move into the current century.  How well is the church responding to its mission as informal missionaries?

George Barna in his book "What Americans Believe" revealed the results of a survey where people claiming to be born again believers were asked the question, "Do you have a responsibility to explain your religious beliefs to other who may believe differently?"  Less than 45% agreed that they need to personally witness...

Sounds like an old comedian’s routine I read recently where someone asked him about his religion.  He answered, “I am a Jehovah's Bystander.”  “Jehovah's Bystander?  Never heard of such a thing.”  “Well,” the comedian retorted, “they asked me to be a witness but I didn't want to get involved!”

Witnesses or bystanders?  That’s a penetrating question for every believer to answer!

Let’s pull up a seat at an outdoor meeting a long time ago . . . with ramifications for today, I might add!  Several thousand have gathered to listen to a man who was challenging the “religious establishment.” 

His name was John the Baptizer, but I believe he could as easily been called John the witness.  Let me show you why.  In John chapter one and verse 6 we read, “There came a man, sent from God, whose name was John.  He came for a witness, that he might bear witness of the light, that all might believe through him.  He was not the light, but came that he might bear witness of the light.”  (John 1:6-8)

In this passage, the word "witness" is related to John the Baptizer more times than to any other character in the Bible, except Jesus Christ. 

You would think that God is trying to make a point.  Well, get out your pencil and underline the 7 times the word “witness” appears in connection to the ministry of John:

                  verse 7.    “He came for a witness, that he might bear witness . . .”

                  verse 8.    “that he might bear witness . . .”

                  verse 15.  “John bore witness of Him . . .”

                  verse 19.  “And this is the witness of John . . .”

                  verse 32.  “And John bore witness saying . . .”

verse 34.  “And I have seen and have borne witness that this is the Son of God.” 

Beth - side bar “Words of Wisdom”?

marturia (marturia) – most often translated “bearing witness” and refers to someone who speaks in behalf of another; one who repeats what he has seen or heard.  (Mark 14:55-59; John 3:11, 31-34; 5:31; Titus 1:13)

Has it ever occurred to you that God never refers to us as His lawyers.  If He had used that word for our manner of testimony, if would certainly have us a different attitude and approach toward evangelism.  But then again, we might have claimed lack of articulation skills and courtroom savvy and stayed away from the courtroom altogether!

But instead, God has called believers witnesses.  And that's great news.  Frankly, that means you and I don't have to be all that intelligent – or articulate.  We don't have to be great thinkers or eloquent speakers.  We're not attorneys . . . we're witnesses.

The role of a lawyer is to argue their case, to prove their point, to influence the jury to agree.  But a witness is called upon for one reason.  To take the witness stand on behalf of someone else (Someone else!) and to simply to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about what they have seen and heard. . .so help them God.

So, imagine John the Baptizer, standing on the witness box in the courtroom of history.  Flanked by the jury of Gentile and Jewish skeptics alike.  The gallery is packed with people sitting on the edge of their seats.  And the attorney leans forward and asks the question, "Who is Jesus Christ"

So what does John have to say;  What kind of witness will he be? 

Well, allow me give you three major pieces, or exhibits, of evidence that John uncovers.  Each of these exhibits were presented in this outdoor drama as the Baptizer witnesses to deity of Jesus Christ.

John 1:6  There came a man, sent from God, whose name was John. 7.  He came for a witness, that he might bear witness of the light, that all might believe through him. 8.  He was not the light but came that he might bear witness of the light

Defense Exhibit A. - Jesus Christ is truly the revealed Light from God.

John’s particular evidence is an analogy that comes from the affect the sun’s light has on the moon.  John mentioned in verse 8 that “he was not the light but came that he might bear witness of (e.g. to reflect) the light.

Beth – here’s a “Heart to Heart” illustration  

Consider further the “light of the moon!”:

-The moon is a dead world in space, a massive chunk of lifeless rock.  It has not one spark of fire, 

 not one glimmer of light producing quality. 

                  -The moon is simply a giant reflector in the sky which picks up the light of the sun and relays that

                   light to the earth. 

                  -The moon is not the light!

                  -Furthermore, the moon's function is only temporary, for when daylight comes in full brilliance, a

                   mere reflection is no longer needed.

So the ministry of John the Baptist was much like the ministry of the moon.  John was not the light, but was sent to reflect the light and point to the coming brilliance of Jesus Christ who was the source of true light.

Notice that John's witness stresses that Jesus was true light!  9. There was the true light which, coming into the world, enlightens every man.

The original word translated "true" is not true in the sense of true verses false.  It is the word that could be rendered genuine instead of counterfeit. 

The word “true” It is the Greek word alethinos (alhqinos) and it refers to that which is “authentic, genuine, real.”  In other words, Jesus Christ is the authentic light and there is no other!  When John the Apostle contrasted John the  Baptizer’s “light” with Christ the “true light”, he didn’t mean to imply that John was a “false light”.  He simply meant that John was an imperfect, shadowy reflection whose radiance was not false, but imperfect.  (Fritz Rienecker in Linguistic Key to the Greek New Testament, Regency Reference Library, 1976, p. 218)

Certainly, there seem to be other “lights” in the world - they are counterfeits.

In the nineteenth century, men followed the light of Progress.  The belief that mankind would get better and better, more and more knowable, more and more sophisticated - that utopia was just around the corner.

In a different vein, yet in the same counterfeit clothing, the New Age today sermonizes that you can perpetually progress until you reach the divine state of enlightenment that you already embody.

Yet another counterfeit light is Prosperity.  The American dream that a wage hike, a third car, a summer cottage, a four day workweek or a round the world vacation, an independent financial state will bring contentment.  This will bring warmth!  Yet isn’t it interesting that just a few years ago, right at the height of our most prosperous age, one popular secular magazine spoke of ours as "The age of anxiety without any known cure."

Well, John informs us of the only known cure for spiritual hunger and dissatisfaction with all the peddled cures in the contemporary marketplace – the genuine Light of God has come in the Person of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

So what's the reaction on planet earth to John’s Exhibit A?


                  Reaction #1 - the light is not recognized

Verse 10.  He was in the world, and the world was made through Him; and the world did not know

Him.  Literally, the world did not recognize Him.  Another passage will explain why!  

2 Cor. 4:1-4   Therefore, since we have this ministry, as we received mercy, we do not lost heart.

But we have renounced the things hidden because of shame, not walking in craftiness or adulterating the word of God, but by the manifestation of truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God.  And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing.   In whose case the god of this world [Satan] has blinded the minds of the unbelieving, that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

This passage teaches the terrifying truth that those who do not receive Jesus Christ are actually unable to see Him for Who He really is.  The diligence of an underworld actually pulls the blinders down over their eyes. The blinders may be labeled, intelligence, skepticism, works, religion, atheism.   Whatever it is isn’t the point.  The point is that the disbelief of the non-Christian is the result of a blinding influence of Satan so that they cannot see the genuine truth of the gospel.  They just can’t see it! 

You may be reading this Journal knowing, as a believer, that you are married to a blind man or woman.  You may have blindchildren or parents.  My friend, all you are to do . . . all you really can do is pray, "Oh Lord Jesus, open their blinded eyes to the light of Your glorious gospel!”  I know from my own personal family testimony that my grandfather came to faith in Christ after 40 years of diligent praying by my grandmother for his salvation.  We’ll never know why it took so long – we only thank the Lord, several generations later that she diligently prayed for her blind husband to see the light of Christ . . . and he did!

So, in the case of many, their reaction to the truth of the gospel is that they simply do not recognize it as truth.

There’s another reaction to the gospel of Christ’s light.

Reaction #2 - The light is rejected

John goes on to record the reaction of the Jewish nation toward Christ.   “He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him.   He came to His own, and those who were His own did not receive Him.”  (John 1:10-11)

“They did not receive Him” comes from the Greek word “paralambano” (paralambanw) which means that they “did not accept Him to themselves”.  Christ, the true Messiah of His own – the Jewish nation – was rejected  by that nation.

Do you think that happens today?  Do entire nations reject the message of Jesus Christ?  Take another look at the Christmas season wherever you live.  The commercials start jingling around October.  Ladies and Gentlemen this world will always miss the real Christmas on purpose - it does not want to be disturbed with the truth!

It’s as if the unbelieving world cries out, “Leave us alone in the dark – we don’t want the light in our eyes...”

Perhaps you have felt the pain of rejection because of your belief in the gospel of Christ.  Your friends, family, peers have begun avoiding you because of your relationship to Christ.  Or perhaps they’ve begun to politely hold you at arms length.  Jesus Christ knows all about what you’re experiencing.  In fact, you are actually becoming a partaker of His sufferings (Philippians 3:8-10).  Just as people around Christ didn’t want the uncomfortable, penetrating truth of His presence in the 1st century, so also your friends and family may be uncomfortable, and even rude, in the presence of your “light” and testimony as well.  Take heart dear friend – you are more like Christ than ever when you suffer rejection!

There’s a final reaction to the truth of Christ’s light:

Reaction #3 - the light is received

12.  But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name.

How do you become a Christian?  Well, let's start with "How you don't become a Christian!"

John explains in verse 13 – “Who were born not of blood. . . .” – in other words, you aren't a Christian just because you are a living human being - or because you have been born into a Christian home for that matter. As the familiar quote goes . . . God doesn’t have any grand-children!

Furthermore, you don’t become a Christian “by the will of the flesh. . .” – The Apostle John means that a person doesn’t become a Christian because of the things they’ve accomplished by their flesh, or what their hands have done for God.  Perhaps your hands have given money, helped the poor, signed a church membership card. . .wonderful things.  But they don’t make you a Christian!

One more way you don’t become a Christian as explained in John 1:13.  It isn’t “by the will of man . . .” In other words, you are not going to heaven just because you've decided you are, or because you’ve worked your way there and believe that you deserve it, or even because you happen to be convinced that God ought to let you in.

Just imagine if I showed up at your front door and announced that I wanted to be a member of your family.  And I even changed my last name to whatever your name might be on the mailbox. You’d probably say,  "You can't become a member of my family just because you want to, even if you have changed your name to match our family name!”  “But wait” I insist.  “I’ve even changed the name on my drivers license and bank records . . . I plan to come over and repaint your house and keep the yard clean . . .  I’ll do whatever so that I can become a member of your family . . . please!”

It doesn’t work like that, does it?  No, in order to be member of someone’s family, you have to be born or adopted into that family. 

So how do you become a member of God’s family?  The same way.  And you’re born into God’s family the moment you believe in Christ as your personal Redeemer and Savior. 

John explains in verse 12“But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name.”

What does it mean to believe in His name?

In the ancient world, a person’s name was more than just a personal designation.  It was a reflection of a person’s character and attributes.  In fact, people were often re-named for some noticeable character trait.  In the Old and New Testaments, the Jews often named their children with names that they hoped would signify the future character of their son or daughter.  So also, God the Son was given the human name “Jesus” because it meant more than just a few letters strung together.  It meant “redeemer, savior and Messiah.”  

So, when John says that salvation comes to those who “believe in His name”, that means you are believing in what His name represents – His character, person, attributes, deity and messiahship. 

So, EXHIBIT “A” from John the Witness was the Jesus Christ is the truly revealed Light from God.

There’s another exhibit to John’s testimony:  

EXHIBIT B. - Jesus Christ is the truly reliable lesson about God.

14.  And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us and we beheld His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.

Imagine that!  God choosing a body of flesh and blood.

Now if you were God, what kind of body would you choose.   To put it more bluntly, what color would your eyes be; would you choose a different nose; how tall would you be and how strong?  Oh, and what about your complexion and the shape of your mouth and ears?  Would you change anything about yourself if you had the chance?

Be honest!  I’ll bet, even though preacher’s shouldn’t bet, that if you ladies had the choice you would probably all look like you just stepped out of some fashion catalog instead of the kitchen sink.

How ‘bout you men - you'd probably choose a different waist size and I can imagine your biceps would bulge more than your belly currently does, right?!   

Well, imagine this!  God is going to take on a body.  That means, since He’s Creator God, He can choose any size shape and color He wants.  So . . . what kind of man did He look like?  The only physical description of our Lord is given in Isaiah chapter 53. And there, we are stunned to discover what Christ chose to look like.

Who has believed our message?

                         And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?

                        For He grew up before Him like a tender shoot,

                         And like a root out of parched ground;

                         He has no stately form or majesty

                         That we should look upon Him,

                  Nor appearance that we should be attracted to Him.  (Isaiah 53:1-2)

In other words, Isaiah tells us that Jesus had no stately physique or noble bearing that we should take a second look at Him.  He had no physical appearance that we would even be attracted to Him.  In other words, when God chose to look like a man, He also chose to look like an ordinary, even unattractive man!

We're all concerned these days on what kind of person we think God can really use.  We get overheated thinking how God could really benefit from the beautiful and famous giving testimony to Him. The  reality is, God uses ordinary people like you and me. Beth – pull out at this point a “God’s Heartbeat” and box the quote from scripture – I Corinthians 1:26-30.

By the way, has it ever occurred to you that the less “attractive” you may be on the outside, the greater the possibility of people seeing the glory of God's Spirit from the inside.

What was Jesus coming to do?  For one thing - He was coming to put into flesh the lesson of who God is.

18.  No man has seen God at any time (that is the full glory of the triune God); the only begotten God, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has explained Him.

(Beth:  Draw a line from the word explained above to the word in the paragraph below . . . how about in the other places where I do this – is this a good idea?)

The word "explained" is from the Greek word “exegesato” (exhghsato) which has given us the English transliterated word “exegesis”.  Jesus is the exegesis of God the Father.  The word exegesis means to explain, to unfold, to lead the way.

So, Christ has not only explained who God the Father is, but he is going to lead the way to live with the Father in heaven.

There’s a familiar story that relates the explanation of God the Son toward confused, helpless sinners who are in need of salvation.

One raw winter night a man heard an irregular thumping sound against the kitchen storm door.  He went to a window and watched as tiny, shivering sparrows, attracted  to the evident warmth inside, beat in vain against the glass.  Touched, the farmer bundled up and trudged through fresh snow to open the barn for the struggling birds.  He turned on the lights, tossed some hay in a corner, and sprinkled a grail of crackers to direct them to the barn.  But the sparrows, which had scattered in all directions when he emerged from the house, still hid in the darkness, afraid of him.  He tried various tactics; circling behind the birds to drive them toward the barn, tossing cracker crumbs in the air toward them, retreating to his house to see if they’d flutter into the barn on their own.  Nothing worked.  He, a huge alien creature, had terrified them; the birds could not understand that he actually desired to help them.  He withdrew to his house and watched the doomed sparrows through a window.  As he stared, a thought hit him like lightning from a clear blue sky; ;if only I could become a bird – one of them – just for a moment.  Then I wouldn’t frighten them so.  I could show them the way to warmth and safety.  At the same moment, another thought dawned on him.  He had grasped the whole principle of the Incarnation. A man’s becoming a bird is nothing compared to God’s becoming a man.  The concept of a  sovereign being as big as the universe He created, confining Himself to a human body was – and is – too much for some people to believe. Yet God did just that so that He could come among us and communicate to us the way to safety.   Taken from The Tale of A Tardy Oxcart, Charles R. Swindoll, Word Publishing, 1998, p. 294   

Now John presents Defense Exhibit C.  Jesus Christ is the redeeming lamb of God

Notice verse 19.  And this is the witness of John, when the Jews sent to him priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, "Who are you?"

I love this question.  The religious world was in a tizzy, turned upside down with curiosity.  “Just who is this man?”

And they arrived before John the Baptizer as an official delegation.  I imagine starched collars, flowing robes, and diplomas conspicuously carried in their hands.  They were the delegation from Jerusalem.

John responds to their question;  v. 20.  And he confessed and did not deny, and he confessed, "I am not the Christ."  21.  And they asked him, "What then?  Are you Elijah?  And he said, "I am not."  Are you the Prophet?  And he answered, "No".

Did you notice the definite, to the point answers of John.  No hedging, no boasting, no exxagerating.  Just simple answers that revealed his humility.  When they asked him, “Are you the Messiah”, he could have answered,  “Messiah . . . you really think I could be . . . wow that's quite a compliment. . .uh, no I'm not, but I am one of His choicest servants!”

They asked him, “Are you Elijah?”  Couldn’t he have answered, “That's close!  You know at my conception an angel from God said I would come in the spirit of Elijah.  Matter of fact, I've tried to pattern my ministry after him . . . we are a lot alike you know.”

But John said none of that, nor did he imply anything of his own merit.  Remember, if the moon could talk, it would never say – “Isn't my brilliance magnificent!?”   Nor would the moon ever say, “You know, I don't think I'm getting the recognition I deserve here, I think I'll not shine tonight.”


Not a chance.

Think about the fact that one of the best qualifications for a witness is humility.  John will later say those deeply humble words, “He [Christ] must increase, and I must decrease.”  (John 3:30) 

I am convinced that a lot more Christians would serve God if they could share the credit; if God would split His glory 50/50.

If you look carefully at the text in John 1:19 & 20, you’ll notice that John’s answers didn’t get larger, more exaggerated, more descriptive of himself, the truth is, John's answers actually get shorter and more pointed.                                     1st Question:      “Who are you?”

                  John:                       "I am not the Christ

                  2nd Question:     Are you Elijah? 

                  John:                        "I am not" 

                  3rd Question:     “Are you the prophet?”

                  John:                        “No”.

Beth – this might make a good pull quote: Like John, one of the greatest contributions you can make to the body of Christ is in not only discovering who you are, but who you are not!

The religious leaders weren’t getting anywhere so they pressed there questions with even more emotion: verse 22.  They said then to him, “Who are you, so that we may give an answer to those who sent us?  What do you say about yourself?”   23.  He said, “I am a voice of one crying in the wilderness, ‘Make straight the way of the Lord’  as Isaiah the prophet said.”

In John’s answer, he actually referred to a custom that was prevalent in his day.  When the emperor was to pass through a region, the people went out before He arrived and literally ‘made straight the road’; that is, they prepared the road.  Leveling ground, putting down stone, filling in pot holes.

John was in effect saying, “Get ready!  The King is coming. . . prepare the road so that He can enter the nation with ease!”

And who was this King?  He was the King who was also the Lamb!

Twice John gave witness to the fact that the coming King was also a Lamb.  In verse 29.  The next day he saw Jesus coming to him, and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!”  Also in verse 36.  And he looked upon Jesus as He walked, and said, “Behold the Lamb of God!”

“He's here!”  John cried, “He's here!”

And did you notice, He was introduced as a Lamb.  This was a prophetic reference to the fact that Jesus had come to die as the ultimate, final, eternal sacrifice for the sins of the whole world.  (cf. Isaiah 53:7;  1 Corinthians 5:7; I Peter 1:19; Revelation 13:8)

This is the witness of John - "Don't look at me – don’t follow after my shadowy light – just listen to my testimony:”

                  Exhibit A:              Jesus is the light from God!

                  Exhibit B:              Jesus is the explanation of God;

                  Exhibit C:               Jesus is the Lamb of God!


  • Being a witness does not require ability, but availability.

Has it ever occurred to you why you live one hundred years ago, or one thousand years ago?  God did not need your witness then! 

Your King put you in this generation, at this time, with your distinct personality and potential for testimony on His behalf.  He redeemed you, indwells you and empowers you so that you can, in this generation, get up on the witness stand and tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God.

                  Go back to verse 6 – read it over carefully and then write in the Journal your name.

There came a man/woman/ sent from God whose name was ________________________.

  • While you’re at it, remember this truth; being a witness does not require eloquence, but obedience.

John’s testimony is no more or less important that your testimony today.  No one else in your world, in your position, at your address can take the witness stand like you can. 

Believe it!  Accept it!  Act upon it!  This is your mission in life.


Remember what John mentioned in verse 12?  That to become a member of God’s family you have to believe in the name of Jesus and place your personal trust in Who His really is.  That is, you place your faith in His person as God, Redeemer and Savior . . . you recognize that you are a sinner and that He alone must save you from your sins.  

My friend, have you ever believed in that way?  Can you honestly remember a time when you unwrapped the gift of salvation.  Some point in time when you prayed to receive Jesus Christ as your personal Redeemer and Savior?  If not, you can pray right now.  Perhaps this simple, yet Biblical prayer can serve as a guide for you to believe in the “name of Jesus Christ”.

Dear Lord Jesus, I confess my sinfulness to You right now.  I know that all the good things I’ve done are not enough to merit heaven with You forever.  In fact, Lord, I readily admit that I’m not worthy of Your love and forgiveness.  Yet, I thank You for dying on the cross to pay the penalty for my sins. I thank You for experiencing the eternal and awful wrath of God the Father as You died in the cross on my behalf.  I place my faith and trust in your death and resurrection alone for my salvation. 

I believe that You alone can save me and give me the gift of eternal life, promised in Your Word, for all those who would simply ask.  I’m asking you right now Lord to forgive me, save me, adopt me into the family of God and give me the gift of eternal life.  Thank You Lord for hearing my prayer, as You promised you would!  Thank You for forgiving me and giving me eternal life in Heaven as a free gift.  I love you Lord Jesus and commit my life, from this point forward, to honoring Your name and advancing all that pleases You.  In Jesus’ name, Amen!

If you prayed this prayer, please let us know right away so that we can send you some free materials we’d like to send you that will help you take important steps in your relationship with Jesus Christ.

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