Sermons in Ecclesiastes

Stephen Davey's exposition of Ecclesiastes. 

(Ecclesiastes 1:1) Becoming Wise All Over Again

(Ecclesiastes 1:1) Becoming Wise All Over Again


Scripture Reference: Eccles 1:1 Series: Sermons in Ecclesiastes
(Ecclesiastes 1:2–7) Tied to the Treadmill of Life

(Ecclesiastes 1:2–7) Tied to the Treadmill of Life


Scripture Reference: Eccles 1:2–7 Series: Sermons in Ecclesiastes
(Ecclesiastes 1:8–11) In a World of Smoke and Mirrors

(Ecclesiastes 1:8–11) In a World of Smoke and Mirrors


Scripture Reference: Eccles 1:8–11 Series: Sermons in Ecclesiastes
(Ecclesiastes 1:12–15) Chasing After Bubbles and Chickens

(Ecclesiastes 1:12–15) Chasing After Bubbles and Chickens


Scripture Reference: Eccles 1:12–15 Series: Sermons in Ecclesiastes
(Ecclesiastes 1:16–18) King of the Mountain

(Ecclesiastes 1:16–18) King of the Mountain


Scripture Reference: Eccles 1:16–18 Series: Sermons in Ecclesiastes
(Ecclesiastes 2:1–11) Let the Good Times Roll

(Ecclesiastes 2:1–11) Let the Good Times Roll


Scripture Reference: Eccles 2:1–11 Series: Sermons in Ecclesiastes
(Ecclesiastes 2:12–17) Rising Above the Tide

(Ecclesiastes 2:12–17) Rising Above the Tide


Scripture Reference: Eccles 2:12–17 Series: Sermons in Ecclesiastes
(Ecclesiastes 2:18–26) Finding Meaning on Monday Morning

(Ecclesiastes 2:18–26) Finding Meaning on Monday Morning


Scripture Reference: Eccles 2:18–26 Series: Sermons in Ecclesiastes
(Ecclesiastes 3:1–8) Living the Dash

(Ecclesiastes 3:1–8) Living the Dash


Scripture Reference: Eccles 3:1–8 Series: Sermons in Ecclesiastes
(Ecclesiastes 3:9–15)  Wired for Eternity

(Ecclesiastes 3:9–15) Wired for Eternity


Scripture Reference: Eccles 3:9–15 Series: Sermons in Ecclesiastes
(Ecclesiastes 3:16–17) When Life Isn't Fair

(Ecclesiastes 3:16–17) When Life Isn't Fair


Scripture Reference: Eccles 3:16–17 Series: Sermons in Ecclesiastes
(Ecclesiastes 3:18–22) Dust to Dust

(Ecclesiastes 3:18–22) Dust to Dust


Scripture Reference: Eccles 3:18–22 Series: Sermons in Ecclesiastes
(Ecclesiastes 4:1–8) Listening to the Right Voice

(Ecclesiastes 4:1–8) Listening to the Right Voice


Scripture Reference: Eccles 4:1–8 Series: Sermons in Ecclesiastes
(Ecclesiastes 4:9–16) Ministers of Loneliness

(Ecclesiastes 4:9–16) Ministers of Loneliness


Scripture Reference: Eccles 4:9–16 Series: Sermons in Ecclesiastes
(Ecclesiastes 5:1–7) Some Warnings About Worship

(Ecclesiastes 5:1–7) Some Warnings About Worship


Scripture Reference: Eccles 5:1–7 Series: Sermons in Ecclesiastes
(Ecclesiastes 5:8–12) How to Get a Good Night's Sleep

(Ecclesiastes 5:8–12) How to Get a Good Night's Sleep


Scripture Reference: Eccles 5:8–12 Series: Sermons in Ecclesiastes
(Ecclesiastes 5:13–20) Learning the Hard Way or the Better Way

(Ecclesiastes 5:13–20) Learning the Hard Way or the Better Way


Scripture Reference: Eccles 5:13–20 Series: Sermons in Ecclesiastes
(Ecclesiastes 6:1–6) Revising the Rules of the Race

(Ecclesiastes 6:1–6) Revising the Rules of the Race


Scripture Reference: Eccles 6:1–6 Series: Sermons in Ecclesiastes
(Ecclesiastes 6:7–9) Chasing a Carrot on a Stick

(Ecclesiastes 6:7–9) Chasing a Carrot on a Stick


Scripture Reference: Eccles 6:7–9 Series: Sermons in Ecclesiastes
(Ecclesiastes 6:10–12) Making it Safely Home

(Ecclesiastes 6:10–12) Making it Safely Home


Scripture Reference: Eccles 6:10–12 Series: Sermons in Ecclesiastes
(Ecclesiastes 7:1–14) Following the Best Advice

(Ecclesiastes 7:1–14) Following the Best Advice


Scripture Reference: Eccles 7:1–14 Series: Sermons in Ecclesiastes
(Ecclesiastes 7:15–29) The Balance and Behavior of Wisdom

(Ecclesiastes 7:15–29) The Balance and Behavior of Wisdom


Scripture Reference: Eccles 7:15–29; 8:1 Series: Sermons in Ecclesiastes
(Ecclesiastes 8:2–8) Bringing Wisdom to Work

(Ecclesiastes 8:2–8) Bringing Wisdom to Work


Scripture Reference: Eccles 8:2–8 Series: Sermons in Ecclesiastes
(Ecclesiastes 8:9–17) The Missing Piece

(Ecclesiastes 8:9–17) The Missing Piece


Scripture Reference: Eccles 8:9–17 Series: Sermons in Ecclesiastes
(Ecclesiastes 9:1–10) Dancing Before the Grim Reaper

(Ecclesiastes 9:1–10) Dancing Before the Grim Reaper


Scripture Reference: Eccles 9:1–10 Series: Sermons in Ecclesiastes
(Ecclesiastes 9:11–18) Expect the Unexpected

(Ecclesiastes 9:11–18) Expect the Unexpected


Scripture Reference: Eccles 9:11–18 Series: Sermons in Ecclesiastes
(Ecclesiastes 10:1–3) Uncommon Common Sense

(Ecclesiastes 10:1–3) Uncommon Common Sense


Scripture Reference: Eccles 10:1–3 Series: Sermons in Ecclesiastes
(Ecclesiastes 10:4–15) Wisdom in the Traffic Patterns of Life

(Ecclesiastes 10:4–15) Wisdom in the Traffic Patterns of Life


Scripture Reference: Eccles 10:4–15 Series: Sermons in Ecclesiastes
(Ecclesiastes 10:16–20) How to Ruin Your World,  Your Life & Everything Else

(Ecclesiastes 10:16–20) How to Ruin Your World, Your Life & Everything Else


Scripture Reference: Eccles 10:16–20 Series: Sermons in Ecclesiastes
( Ecclesiastes 11:1–8) Living with the Unexplainable and Unexpected

( Ecclesiastes 11:1–8) Living with the Unexplainable and Unexpected


Scripture Reference: Eccles 11:1–8 Series: Sermons in Ecclesiastes
(Ecclesiastes 11:9–10) How to Maximize Your Life

(Ecclesiastes 11:9–10) How to Maximize Your Life


Scripture Reference: Eccles 11:9–10 Series: Sermons in Ecclesiastes
(Ecclesiastes 12:1–8)  Before The Final Awakening

(Ecclesiastes 12:1–8) Before The Final Awakening


Scripture Reference: Eccles 12:1–8 Series: Sermons in Ecclesiastes
(Ecclesiastes 12:9–14) The Meaning of Life

(Ecclesiastes 12:9–14) The Meaning of Life


Scripture Reference: Eccles 12:9–14 Series: Sermons in Ecclesiastes

This is the collection of Stephen Davey's full-length sermons. You can listen, or download the manuscript, for every lesson in Stephen's Bible teaching archive. We believe the Bible is God's Word, and that it speaks with authority to our lives. These messages are faithful to the meaning of of the Bible and will help you understand God's message to you.