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Wisdom International announces resources in Kirundi

Wisdom International is pleased to announce the launch of our ninth language - Kirundi. Kirundi is spoken by over 9 million people. It is the official language of Burundi, Africa. It is also known in Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Stephen's sermon manuscripts are being translated from English to Kirundi by Pastor NIKIZA Moïse who leads two churches in Birundi, Africa. These churches are supported by Ridgecrest Baptist Church in Lovingston, VA. 

Pastor Ralph Traylor of Ridgecrest Baptist Church in Lovingston, VA. shares our commitment to God’s Word. When his church decided to fund two church plants in Burundi Africa, one of the conditions was that the churches teach the truth as presented in Scripture.

Pastor Traylor has been a longtime supporter of our ministry. He directed the African pastors to our ministry, and suggested that they use our manuscripts as the basis for their teaching ministry.

Those churches were launched in 2020. Since then, each of them has grown to over 100 people and each has a building to gather in. What a thrill to see God at work in the nation of Burundi.

The African pastor who oversees both congregations is fluent in four languages.  He has been translating Stephen’s sermons into Bible lessons that are taught weekly at the two churches. He translates them from English to Kirundi, which is the mother tongue of the people of Burundi.

So far, he has translated 100 Bible lessons covering portions of Genesis, Exodus, and the Gospel of John. 

Other pastors in Burundi have been asking for access to the lessons. In partnership with this this vibrant ministry, we are now making these resources available online for use across Burundi. Any pastor, Bible study leader or individual who speaks Kirundi can now access these resources, free and demand.

We’re thankful that God is continuing to use this ministry to spread the truth of God’s Word - now in nine languages.