Third Time’s a Charm
Third Time’s a Charm
Genesis 26:20b-22a
So he called the name of the well Esek, because they contended with him. Then they dug another well, and they quarreled over that also, so he called its name Sitnah. And he moved from there and dug another well, and they did not quarrel over it. So he called its name Rehoboth.
Think of how difficult this series of events must have been for Isaac, friend. Effectively, he places his shovel in the dunes of God’s will and says, “Here, Lord? Is this the place for me?” And the answer seems to gush up from the ground, “yes!”, until it’s drowned out by contention (Esek). So he moves on. He calms himself down, heaves a tired sigh, and says, “Here, Lord? Please let this be it!” And, again, he feels that rush of divine confirmation, only to be met by strife (Sitnah). I wonder, friend: have you been there recently? Maybe you thought you’d found the right spot to serve or minister or work, you thought you’d struck the room (Rehoboth) of God’s blessing, but before long the walls closed in and you found yourself digging again, thirstier than ever, wandering in the wilderness of God’s will.
Remember: contention and strife are bitter wells, but they have this benefit: they give us a greater appreciation for rest when it comes.