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Sabbath Psalm (Revised from John Peterson’ hymn ‘A Flag to Follow’)

I sought a flag to follow,
A cause for which to stand;
I sought a valiant leader—
A King with shepherd’s hands.
I sought a stirring challenge:
Some noble work to try;
To give my life fulfillment—
My faith a chance to fly.

I found them all in Jesus—the Life, the Truth, the Way;
Beneath His cross I’ll take my stand and follow Him today!

I sought a Shield of reason
For doubts the devil sends;
A Bow of godly wisdom
To fire back at him.
I sought a word of comfort,
With real authority;
To solve life’s deeper meaning;
Or at least to find the key.

I found them all in Jesus—the Life, the Truth, the Way!
Beneath His cross I’ll take my stand and follow Him today!


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