Echoes from the Desert
Isaiah 40:3
A voice cries: “In the wilderness prepare the way of the LORD; make straight in the desert a highway for our God.”
To a world full of vice, a world marked by that telltale indictment in Judges 21:25—“Everyone did what was right in his own eyes,” the voice of truth has always been an ostracized voice, a banished voice, a lonely voice crying in the wilderness. Even Christ, the Word of God, the King of Righteousness, the Light of the world, called beggars and shepherds and fishermen from the margins of society who hadn’t really found a place in the inn either. So don’t fall for the hoax of social media today, friend. Don’t think that the value of your voice is measured by the number of subscriptions or likes or shares. Truth spoken in love brings real change, real encouragement, real revival, and though it’s the medicine for a sick souls, it rarely goes viral. Often, it’s seen as the virus.
But remember: your words can prepare others for the Lord, and they can lead others away from this barren earth and upward toward highest Heaven, so follow the example of Isaiah and John the Baptizer and Christ Jesus before you and be a voice crying in today’s wilderness.