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Begging Your Pardon

Colossians 2:13-14
When you were dead in transgressions and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He made you alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our transgressions, having canceled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us, which was hostile to us; and He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross.

Bob Sheffield, a staff member with the Navigators, often shared his testimony of forgiveness. In his younger years, he played professional hockey in Canada. He lived up to the tough-guy hockey reputation. On one occasion, he was involved in a barroom brawl and found himself in jail. Some years later, Bob and his wife became Christians. They accepted a temporary assignment with the Navigators in the United States. Before placement, however, Bob had to apply for landed immigrant status to move from Canada and live in the States. Unfortunately, because of his criminal record, he was denied. Sheffield applied for the Queen’s Pardon. In the British legal tradition, this is one of the historic Royal Prerogatives of the British monarchs in which they can grant pardons to convicted persons. To their amazement and joy, Bob received an official letter from the Home Office, informing him that pardon had been granted.

The letter read:

Whereas we have since been implored on behalf of the said Robert Jones Sheffield to extend a pardon to him in respect to the convictions against him, and whereas the solicitor general here submitted a report to us, now know ye therefore, having taken these things into consideration, that we are willing to extend the royal clemency on behalf of Robert Sheffield. We have pardoned, remitted, and released him of every penalty to which he was liable in pursuance thereof.

From that moment on, whenever Bob was asked about any criminal record, he could honestly answer that he had none. The Queen’s Pardon meant that he was released from any possible punishment for the crime; in fact, the record of his crime was completely erased.

Paul’s text to the Colossian believers could easily be called the King’s Pardon. Not one sin is left out of that pardon; all our crimes have been erased. Because of that, Paul later informs the Roman Christians that there is now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1). Should you hear Satan’s voice whispering the word “Guilty,” rehearse these great texts and remind him of the pardon you received.


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