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Be Thou My Vision

Isaiah 29:11a

And the vision of all this has become to you like the words of a book that is sealed.

Haven’t you had seasons in your walk of faith where reading the Bible felt more like hitting a ceiling than ascending to Heaven? To be honest, even as I write these lines, I’m struggling to find inspiration. I didn’t wake up this morning with a wave of insight. I just came to my work the same way you probably went to yours: asking God for His strength to accomplish what I can’t. But friend, the more I think about it, the more encouraging that reality becomes. Because it means that God doesn’t wait for us to have everything figured out before He uses us. He delights to give us eternally significant work, even though we’re always unqualified and often uninspired. Yes, at times our vision for the next step is blurred; at times, the path ahead seems like a dead-end street; but should we stop moving? No! Because God leads us by the light of His vision, not ours. 

Think of it, friend: you could’ve done a million things this morning, but the Spirit nudged you to open this little magazine and read this little reflection. So His wisdom for you isn’t sealed: it’s being revealed!


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