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What Is The Purpose Of The Tribulation?

by Stephen Davey

Those who do not believe the rapture of the church occurs prior to the tribulation often speak of the tribulation being used to “purify” the church. Unfortunately, this undercuts the glorious truth that believers are already purified and justified by faith in Christ. What, then, is the purpose of the tribulation? The Bible gives several reasons for this future time of trouble. 


Zechariah records: 

“In the whole land, declares the Lord, two thirds shall be cut off and perish, and one third shall be left alive. And I will put this third into the fire, and refine them as one refines silver, and test them as gold is tested. They will call upon my name, and I will answer them. I will say, ‘They are my people’; and they will say, ‘The Lord is my God.’” (Zechariah 13:8-9) 

There are many more passages indicating that the kingdom will be preceded by a national period of purifying judgment (Jeremiah 30:1- 10; Daniel 12:1; Joel 2). The church isn’t being purified; Israel is. 

Imagine the horrors of the tribulation—war, famine, hail, fire, polluted oceans, falling stars, darkness, scorching heat, and more. Even still, humanity will curse God and millions will persist in their worship of the Antichrist. 

The tribulation will reveal the depravity of humanity and the justness of God’s wrath on the sinful human race. 


When the Pharaoh of Egypt mocked God and refused to submit to Him, God unleashed the plagues upon his land. In a similar display of arrogance, the Antichrist will set himself against the God of heaven. And God will again pour out His plagues to reveal His sovereignty and show that He alone is God. 

Mankind, however, will respond with amazing unbelief. They will follow any god but the one true and living God. 


For generations, through the false teachers he has promoted, Satan has masqueraded as one whose desire is to improve mankind and provide prosperity and comfort. The tribulation will unmask Satan and reveal that he cares nothing about the human race. 

Satan’s masquerade will be thrown aside, and he will become the dragon attempting to destroy the purposes of God. He will spare no one in his quest. His utter hatred for God is seen in that he knows his doom is sure yet he plunges ahead. 

“Woe to you, O earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time is short!” 


Millions will be redeemed by the grace of God during the tribulation, and many, many of those will be martyred for their faith. John tells us in Revelation 7:9-14 that there will be martyrs from every nation, tribe, people, and language. They will come to faith in Christ through the gospel message and then be killed by the Antichrist for their defection from him as they turn their allegiance to Christ. They will emerge from the horrors of the tribulation prepared to serve Christ in the coming kingdom and enjoy heaven forever. 


This is the fulfillment of Romans 11:26-27, where Paul declares with great confidence the faithful completion of God’s election of Israel. Ethnic Israel will be revived, reconstituted, and redeemed as their Messiah returns to earth at the end of the tribulation. 

What is the Chronology of the Tribulation?

The chronology of the tribulation period is outlined as follows: The tribulation is predicted by Christ to occur just before His return, as detailed in Matthew 24:29-30. This period is expected to span seven years, characterized as a time when God will pass judgment on those who do not believe, referencing scriptures like 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 and Revelation 3:10. Additionally, it is a time for the salvation of a group destined to praise God during the reign of Christ's millennial kingdom. This group includes the nation of Israel, with further references found in Zechariah chapters 13 and 12, Jeremiah 30:7, and Romans 11:26-27, as well as others who will gather to worship as cited in Zechariah 14:16 and Matthew 25:34.

What Events Will Occur When Christ Returns?

Here are some of the events that will transpire with the return of Christ accompanied by his saints. This return will mark the defeat of the antichrist and the judgment of those who do not believe. Additionally, it brings the salvation of the nation of Israel, the binding of Satan, and the initiation of Christ's thousand-year reign on earth.


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Judith Maratea says:
Thank you
Ken Moersen says:
By the Grace of God I am a member of the Body of Christ because I chose to believe the Gospel message by Faith that Jesus Christ died for my sins, was Buried and Rose from the Dead (1 Corinthians 15:1-4).

Therefore, as a Member of the Body of Christ I will be Raptured prior to the Seven Years of Tribulation on Earth which proceeds Armageddon and Glorious Second Return of Jesus Christ to Earth to set up His 1000 Year Kingdom followed by ETERNITY IN HEAVEN. Praise LORD JESUS CHRIST.