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Should I engage in the pro-life debate in culture?

by Stephen Davey

Ronald Reagan once said on the topic of abortion, “I’ve noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.” 

This speaks to the often-ignored truth that people who go completely unheard in the debate surrounding abortion are the unborn! They can’t speak for themselves, so God has commanded us to speak out on their behalf: “Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute” (Proverbs 31:8). 

As we represent God’s Word on the reality of life in the womb, we need to walk wisely. Let me recommend a couple of principles to consider as we move into a post-Roe America. 

Ensure our witness is unimpeachable. 

A pro-life worldview is not just a position you take with words; it’s more than articulating your viewpoint on social media. Walking wisely is a lifestyle that testifies to your beliefs every day. In our previous article, we provided some practical steps for individuals and the church to take to ensure that we aren’t hypocritically taking a stand on something we like to talk about but don’t want to do something about. 

When you have conversations in the public square about abortion, be prepared for the question, “So you’re pro-life, what are you doing about it?” Our answer should go beyond, “I just like to tell people I believe in the sanctity of life.” Identifying ourselves as pro-life is important, but it is not sufficient

One political leader challenged a church during a sermon he delivered, urging them to “re-double your commitment to provide care and support to expectant mothers, newborns, and young families.” 

Let’s make sure that our resolution on this issue is more than rhetoric; let’s make it part of our ministry routine. 

Understand the ideological disconnect. 

A common misconception about our nation’s divide on abortion is that this debate is about nothing more than policy and politics. The divide actually goes much deeper. 

The disconnect on abortion is a scientific and moral disconnect about what the definition of “personhood” really is. If an unborn fetus is not a human being, then there are no instances where abortion should be restricted. However, if an unborn baby is, in fact, a human being, then there are almost no circumstances in which abortion should be allowed. 

We know from God’s Word that “personhood” begins at fertilization; we previously explored the description God gave to King David about the unborn life in a woman’s womb. 

When we present a compelling argument, we can use the discoveries of science to illustrate this truth that David wrote centuries before the sonogram was invented! And even more importantly, when we tell our world about God’s handiwork, it changes the perspective about our value and purpose in life. True value, tied to Creator God, has the power to change both individuals and cultures. 

Filter our discourse through a gospel lens. 

We must resist the temptation to becomes like the Pharisees of Jesus’ day, who were looking for a Messiah to bring change in their political system and government. Their political priority caused them to refuse the Messiah. They missed the point that the Messiah had a more eternal, heavenly agenda than His religious world did. 

Keep in mind that our mandate to make disciples isn’t met when America outlaws abortion, or when the majority of people identify as pro-life. While I rejoiced that the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, our ultimate goal is salvation, not legislation. 

Let’s not forget that someone can be “pro-life” and far from God. 

Our pro-life worldview staunchly defends the sanctity of unborn life; but our mission—our primary focus on this earth—has remained unchanged for 2,000 years: proclaiming the gospel and making disciples of the nations. 

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