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Guest Post: Growing Up With Wisdom

NOTE: This post was written by a young lady named Makayla. Makayla has listened to Wisdom for the Heart most of her life and recently interned with our ministry. 

I have vivid memories, even from an early age, of my parents listening to Stephen Davey’s sermons. As I grew in my own faith, my parents have always encouraged me to read the Bible for myself and to praise Him with both my words and my actions. I have many sweet memories of listening to Wisdom for The Heart- one of my favorites would be listening to Stephen on long car rides to visit family. We would often pause the sermon to comment or share about how it relates to another passage of Bcripture that one of us had previously read. This honest Biblical teaching is a refreshing cup of cold water to a thirsty heart. 

The solid biblical teaching I have received, through Wisdom for The Heart, has really strengthened my faith and encouraged my heart. I love hearing how age-old prophesies have been fulfilled (or will be fulfilled), how the Holy Spirit has orchestrated the Bible to come together as one unified book (even with multiple different writers!), and how God’s Word still has promises for us today. So many pastors decide what they will teach based off their own emotions or the opinions of their congregation. I have heard pastors tell the lie that everyone is a child of God because they are made in His image. They choose to only tell the 'fun’ stories, but not the Truth that God the Son was sent to die so that if we believe in Him, we can be saved from our sins and eternal separation from God. Stephen Davey, and the whole Wisdom International staff, want people to hear the truth- the whole truth. 

Stephen is an expository pastor: he teaches verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter, book-by-book. I have noticed that in any stage of my life, I have always ended his sermons in awe of God’s plan and purpose. The Holy Spirit can work beautiful things in the heart and soul of a believer who desires to learn. Jesus told us in John 14 verse 26 (ESV) “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” As I read my Bible, the Holy Spirit will reveal things to me... but not all at the same time. The same is true for the sermons that I listen to from Wisdom for The Heart. God reveals one thing at a time. One can tell from listening to Stephen that he has a love for history and theology. I often feel as if I am getting seminary level teaching when I listen to him preach. This teaching challenges me, encourages me, and emboldens me. I am so thankful that God brought Wisdom for The Heart and Wisdom International into my life. The teaching that I have received throughout my life from this ministry is truly from God’s Word and from His Spirit. 

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