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Does God let people contact the dead?

by Stephen Davey

Does God allow us any contact with a loved one who has died?

The short answer is no, and this is something that Christians should never pursue.

The Bible is consistently clear in it condemnation of seeking to communicate with the dead.

One example is Leviticus 19:31 which says “Do not turn to mediums or necromancers; do not seek them out, and so make yourselves unclean by them: I am the LORD your God” (ESV).

I encourage you to read Leviticus 20:27 and Deuteronomy 18:10-13 as well.

Someone asking this question is probably thinking about 1 Samuel 28, when King Saul goes in disguise to meet with a medium, and the dead prophet Samuel appears to them. From this we know that mediums did exist in Israel, despite that warning in Leviticus that they should not be consulted.

However, in this one instance, God does allow Saul to speak with the dead. But the passage makes clear this was not done by the power of the human medium; in fact, we read in the passage that when Samuel does appear, "she cried out with a loud voice" (1 Samuel 28:12). In other words, she was surprised! She didn't think Samuel would appear, because she knew she didn't really have this power; she was faking it.

God used the prophet Samuel one final time to deliver judgment onto Saul, just like he allowed Moses and Elijah to appear to Jesus and the three disciples during the Transfiguration. These two specific events are not evidence that we can speak to the dead, they are one-time miracles performed by God for specific purposes and only for specific people. They are not a pattern we can follow today.

I believe that people who claim to be able to communicate with the dead today fit into the category described in 1 Timothy 4:1–2. They are deceived and are deceiving others. Paul said:

“Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared.” (ESV)

The Bible tells us to turn in faith to Christ and to seek the truth He has given us in the Bible. God’s Word alone gives us spiritual truth. Any other path will lead us astray.

Attempting to speak with the dead is an Occult practice that Christians must avoid. Anyone who has been involved in this practice must confess the sin to God and turn to Jesus for forgiveness, cleansing and protection.

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Jim Mcneese says:
Amen Brother
Stacy says:
I was born with the ability and spirits talk to me all the time. If God made me, and knew he was giving me this ability then he must not want me very much cause I love him with all that I am but the dead talk to me every day. I'm not crazy or fake. Why am I cursed ?
Hoyt says:
Sir, O.T. In past, before Jesus Christ time, Christianity, so would like only Bibleverses in N.T. On all things,DOES BIBLE SAY IT OR NOT, thank you.
Darrin Long says:
A reader comments here that she feels she was born with a God given ability to hear those who have passed on speak to her. She states that she loves God. So what does this mean?
Felena Bartlett says:
I too wish that these questions were answered. And though I don't know the verses. It makes sense not to contact the dead. Because even though it might be a possibility. How would a person know if they were talking to a deceptive spirit. The enemy, Satan / Lucifer is sly like a fox. And if he was powerful enough to make war in heaven. What do you think he's capable of doing to meet humans in earth. Those who aren't necessarily bad people. ( For were all born sinners. Definition of sin .Meaning disobedient ) But those who don't know the love of God or have accepted Christ as their Savior. Can be led astray for lack of obedience. God loves us and desires that we are seeking to be like minded with His guidance of what true and just. That we die to our fleshly worldly desires. And seek the abundance of Heavenly things. Those who contact the dead intentionally will be decided in one way or the other. The devil is a liar. And he only deals with bringing about half truths. Hie imitates God in his ways. But to eventually deceive. Remember he tried to be God, He thought he deserved to be placed even higher than God. God response in my words here. "NOT ON MY WATCH" 😂 Though the enemy and the fallen angels taught things to early mankind. It's never the whole truth. It never is with Lucifer/ Satan. And God knew that mankind was easily deserved. This is why Christ came to die for our sins. To save our souls. The bible is only the first part of God's teachings. But it is the truth in love. He is the word. The word is Him. Jesus the holy spirit and God. "The Holy Trinity" is a reference to being one in spirit as we should desire to be in the Lord God. As to the ladies question. I also have heard spirits of those who have past. Though I place my faith in God all mighty. I am aware their are generational curses that are passed down. And I've repented from these. However I'm at peace with the fact I still hear what I hear. I just pray that God shows me what I'm meant to understand in this. And I don't feel I'm a witch or trying to be anything that God hasn't got the ability to cleanse or change in me. I know there are those who have religious spirits. But God's mightier than any deceiving spirit of the devil. Or who's in league with him. Well know what Jesus knows when he returns and were bought to live in his spiritual presence of heaven. Until then...By be His Mercy and Grace go I. Even the most devout Christian is always learning God's ways and desires for their spiritual well being. May His will be done. And it will. Be assured of that. His live and truth will reign forever and ever Amen! 🙏💜
Maryann Boston says:
It’s not possible for people to speak to the dead. This lady is misleading people thinking she can talk to the dead: She is completely wrong. We do not have the ability to do it.
Audrey novel says:
I asked Lord to forgive me because love for my departed just missed them so and I did not think I I betrayed him but the apologizes are from my heart
Lulekwa says:
I do not believe Stacy necessarily calls the dead to speak with her. Stacy, do you call these people?
Willard says:
First of all , l want thank the owner of this platform for answering my Questions. Im the one who used to talk or communicate with these spirits of dead people. Please with the knowledge that l received help me with the prayers so that l can be separated to that mentality forever , because l use to talk with those spirits for a long period of time .The ways l use to spoke with them : l was speaking with them through someone in the form of he/ she regardless to the situation. nomatter who you are as long as you have the the loved ones who are dead l could speek with them one after the other through you. So challenges now , some of those spirits know nothing too much lies unless if the spirit of the dead you call was a prophet or sangoma .They will tell you something that is happening in the future or past .Those spirits they deceived me dangerously lf can tell you .l wish if you can get my contacts details so that l wil tell you what happened with these spirits. I don't think you will never liked it anymore lm talking from experience. Thank you l have a lot to share from these spirits learning from these spirits maybe someone will be helped.
Michelle says:
If it is possible then I want to break the rules and turn away from Christ for inflicting this pain when we did no wrong to you.
Judy says:
Hi everyone I don’t know when all this was posted but Stacy you are not curse God gave you a gift but like my pastor said we have to be trained my our pastor n over seeer about our gift cuz the devil will try n used what Gods giving us for himself these are demons that are coming to u sounding like those you know the dead don’t know what the live ng is doing they can’t come back to talk with us don’t inter tain them read Jhon 8 verse 44
Kate says:
What if we are just talking about our own bloodline, for instance, our own ancestors? Maybe all of the people that are dead are not safe for us, but cannot our ancestors is helpless with guidance that we may not yet ourselves now? Isn’t the Bible riddled with mythology and puzzles, which is how the dead contact me? I’ve never gotten a direct answer, only asked a question where every answer leads back to something that will help myself or something that leads back to understanding unconditional love. If this is something God doesn’t want, he hasn’t told me yet 😂
Darrin Long says:
Why are almost every one of these comments except literally 3 written in a suspicously chopped up manner? Almost as if they are all written by someone who is learning to speak english yet they seem to have no trouble spelling complex words? Something is very off about these comments.