Do people die in the Millennium?
Gary from North Carolina asked: Will people die during the Millennium?
There will be two kinds of people in the Millennial Kingdom. One group will never die and the other group will possibly die. I’ll explain what I mean.
The first group consists of everyone who becomes a Christian prior to the rapture of the church. That would include us, all Christians before us, and all Christians after us until the rapture occurs. All of those believers will return with Christ to reign and rule during the Millennium. We will have immortal bodies and will not be subject to death.
The second group consists of people who trust Jesus Christ after the rapture, survive the Tribulation, and enter the Millennial Kingdom having never died. That group will be mortal. They will marry, have children and have mortal bodies that will age. In addition, all of the children born during the Millennium will be mortal as well.
One interesting thing to note, however, is that God is going to greatly expand the life expectancy during the Kingdom period. Isaiah tell us this:
“No longer will there be in it an infant who lives but a few days, or an old man who does not live out his days; for the youth will die at the age of one hundred and the one who does not reach the age of one hundred will be thought accursed” – Isaiah 65:20.
Isaiah is telling us that during the Millennial Kingdom, if someone dies at the age of 100, they will be considered to have died young. But they could die.
Thanks for your question,
Here is an extended article:
Will There Be Death in the Millennium?
The millennium is a topic that has fascinated theologians and believers for centuries. The idea of a thousand-year period during which Christ will reign on earth and Satan will be bound is a prominent feature of the book of Revelation. But what will this period be like? One question that arises is whether there will be death in the millennium. In this article, we will explore this question in more detail.
Defining the Millennium
Before we can discuss whether there will be death in the millennium, we need to define what we mean by "the millennium." The term refers to the thousand-year period described in Revelation 20:2-7. During this period, Christ will reign on earth and Satan will be bound. This period is also referred to as the "thousand-year reign of Christ" or the "millennial kingdom."
Different Views on the Millennium
There are several different views on the millennium. One view, and the one we hold, is premillennialism, which teaches that Christ will return before the millennium and establish his kingdom on earth. Another view is postmillennialism, which teaches that the millennium is a period of time during which the gospel will gradually spread throughout the world, resulting in a time of peace and prosperity. Finally, there is amillennialism, which teaches that the millennium is a symbolic period of time that began with Christ's ascension and will end with his return.
Biblical Evidence on Death in the Millennium
So, what does the Bible say about whether there will be death in the millennium? There are several passages that suggest that death will still exist during this period. For example, Isaiah 65:20 says, "No more shall there be in it an infant who lives but a few days, or an old man who does not fill out his days, for the young man shall die a hundred years old, and the sinner a hundred years old shall be accursed." This passage suggests that there will still be death during the millennium, although people will live longer than they do now.
Other passages, however, suggest that death will be abolished during the millennium. For example, 1 Corinthians 15:26 says, "The last enemy to be destroyed is death." This passage suggests that death will be abolished at some point in the future, which could refer to the millennium. Similarly, Revelation 21:4 says, "He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away." This passage suggests that death will be abolished at some point in the future, although it is not clear whether this refers specifically to the millennium.
We hold to the first view - that there will be death during the millennium.
Implications of Death in the Millennium
If there will be death in the millennium, what are the implications for believers? One implication is that we should not expect the millennium to be a perfect utopia. While Christ will reign on earth, there will still be sin and suffering. Another implication is that we should not put our hope in the millennium itself, but in Christ who will reign during that period.
Practical Application
So, what does all of this mean for us as believers? How can we apply what we've learned about death in the millennium to our lives? Here are a few practical suggestions:
Keep our focus on Christ. Regardless of whether there will be death in the millennium, our hope is in Christ and his promises, not in any earthly kingdom or period of time.
Live with a sense of urgency. The millennium is a literal 1,000-year period, and we are closer to its beginning than ever before. We should live with a sense of urgency, sharing the gospel with those around us and living for Christ every day.
Trust in God's plan. Whether there will be death in the millennium or not, we can trust that God has a plan for our lives and for the world. We may not understand everything that happens, but we can trust that God is in control and working all things together for good.
Regardless of what the millennium will be like, as believers, our hope is in Christ and his promises. He is the King of the millennium. We should live with a sense of urgency, sharing the gospel with those around us and trusting in God's plan for our lives and for the world.
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Dwight Osborne says:
According to Isaiah 11:3, 4 and 29:20, 21 people will also experience capitol punishment who continually rebel against the authority of Christ.
Dwight Osborne says:
Pastor Davey neglected to mention a third group. There will be those who will rebel against the Messiah's reign. Their egregious sin will result in immediate justice and punishment, capitol punishment, the death penalty as foretold by Isaiah in 11:3, 4, 29:20, 21 and 65:20. It's an important fact to know
Dwight Osborne says:
There's a third group in the millennial kingdom. The first generation born in that time and subsequent generations all have to make a decision to choose or reject Christ. They possess sin natures and those who reject Christ may commit sins egregious enough that Isaiah 11:3, 4, 29:20, 21 and 65:20 will enter the equation and the penalty of capital punishment will be carried out swiftly and without any appeal. Mr Oborn hit the nail on the head in his 3 comments..What people are forgetting is that not all sinners will die in the trib, but will survive to make it into the millinium. now these people know the rules when Christ takes over, but sadly they still have sin in their heart , and they will rebel. Chist I believe knows of these rebellious people and he's given them 100 years to change their ways...they don't..they die...
Now, remember another fact, these people still have the sin nature in them in such a way that when satan is released these ' deceived, walking dead" will be stupid enough to join Satan for one last try at taking over...We know the outcome... death and judgement at the Great White Throne and eternal lake of fire ...
Now those that have come down on white horses with Christ are the raptured, and have no sin nature, and is perfect and will rule and reign with Christ for those 1000 years...So that is another group...
thus is what I believe this verse relates too..No more shall there be in it an infant who lives but a few days, or an old man who does not fill out his days, for the young man shall die a hundred years old, and the sinner a hundred years old shall be accursed. "