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Luke 11-14 / Ministering to the Multitudes CD Set

Luke 11-14 / Ministering to the Multitudes CD Set


Ministering to the Multitudes is an engaging and transformative teaching series designed to walk you through Luke 11:4 to 14:35. This series aims to provide you with an in-depth understanding of what the Bible says, decode its meaning, and guide you on how to practically apply its teachings to your...

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Luke 15 / Lost and Found CD Set

Luke 15 / Lost and Found CD Set


This six-CD set features Stephen Davey's teaching through Luke 15. Messages in the Lost and Found series include: ...

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Luke 16-19 / Parables and Prophesies CD Set

Luke 16-19 / Parables and Prophesies CD Set


This Thirteen-CD set features Stephen Davey's teaching through Luke 16-19. ...

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John 1-3 / "When Heaven Came Down Vol. 1" (CD Set)

John 1-3 / "When Heaven Came Down Vol. 1" (CD Set)


Deepen your understanding of the deity of Christ, the ministry of John the Baptist, the beginning stages of Christ's public ministry and the call of the first disciples in this series. John's Gospel is the perfect starting place to learn about Jesus. ...

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John Volume 1 - When Heaven Came Down (Study Guide)

John Volume 1 - When Heaven Came Down (Study Guide)


Study guide of John 1-3, based on the teaching ministry of Stephen Davey. ...

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John 4-8 / "When Heaven Came Down Vol. 2" (CD Set)

John 4-8 / "When Heaven Came Down Vol. 2" (CD Set)


This series of 5 in-depth messages covers John chapters 4-9. Covering the life and ministry of Christ, this study is especially valuable to Sunday school teachers, Bible study leaders, pastors and Christians from all walks of life who want to grow in their faith. ...

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John Volume 2 - When Heaven Came Down (Study Guide)

John Volume 2 - When Heaven Came Down (Study Guide)


Study guide of John 4-9, based on the teaching ministry of Stephen Davey. ...

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John 10-14 / "When Heaven Came Down Vol. 3" (CD Set)

John 10-14 / "When Heaven Came Down Vol. 3" (CD Set)


This series is a verse-by-verse exposition of John 10:1-16:28. Especially critical to teachers, pastors and Bible students, this study will help you grow deeper in your knowledge of and faith in Jesus Christ. ...

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John Volume 3 - When Heaven Came Down (Study Guide)

John Volume 3 - When Heaven Came Down (Study Guide)


Study guide of John 10-16, based on the teaching ministry of Stephen Davey. ...

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John 14-18 / "When Heaven Came Down Vol. 4" (CD Set)

John 14-18 / "When Heaven Came Down Vol. 4" (CD Set)


Volume 4 picks up our tour of John's Gospel with a careful look at the Holy Spirit. It then takes us to the scenes of our Lord's passion and helps us understand what Barabbas must have been feeling when the crowd asked for his release. ...

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John Volume 4 - When Heaven Came Down (Study Guide)

John Volume 4 - When Heaven Came Down (Study Guide)


Study guide of John 17-18, based on the teaching ministry of Stephen Davey. ...

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John 18-21 / "When Heaven Came Down Vol. 5" (CD Set)

John 18-21 / "When Heaven Came Down Vol. 5" (CD Set)


In this study, we witness the two most important aspects of the Gospel message: the crucifixion and the resurrection. In it we will also see the grace of God on dramatic display as Jesus pursues his fearful disciples and forgives Peter for his denial. ...

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John Volume 5 - When Heaven Came Down (Study Guide)

John Volume 5 - When Heaven Came Down (Study Guide)


Study guide of John 18-21, based on the teaching ministry of Stephen Davey. ...

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Wonder-working Power (Study guide)

Wonder-working Power (Study guide)


From the water at a wedding in Cana to the waters of the Sea of Galilee, multitudes witnessed the miraculous power of Jesus Christ. They witnessed His power, but they missed His purpose. Don't you miss it!

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Acts 1-9 / "The Harvest Begins" (CD Set)

Acts 1-9 / "The Harvest Begins" (CD Set)


Volume One of this engaging 3-part series reveals the changes that took effect immediately after the Lord's asension. The Spirit is moving; the disciples are preaching; and the Gospel is spreading! 24 Lessons.

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Acts Volume 1 The Harvest Begins (Study Guide)

Acts Volume 1 The Harvest Begins (Study Guide)


The Messiah has come and gone. The Holy Spirit is about to descend. Major transitions from the old to New Testament will take place. The church of Jesus Christ is about to be created. Systems of worship, work, and spiritual life are all about to be radically changed. This study guide helps you go...

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Acts 10-17 / "The Gospel Spreads" (CD Set)

Acts 10-17 / "The Gospel Spreads" (CD Set)


This series will encourage you to rediscover the Good News of the Gospel. Jesus Christ has given direction to the apostles to go everywhere and tell everyone. This Gospel is for the rich and poor, the slave and free, the Jew and Gentile. It's for you and I too! ...

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Acts Volume 2 (Study Guide)

Acts Volume 2 (Study Guide)


Salvation is not just for the Jews. The Gentiles are included too, and the gospel is spreading from Jerusalem to Judea and beyond! Jesus Christ has given direction to the apostles - directions for them to go everywhere, spreading the gospel. ...

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Acts 18-28 / "The Story Continues" (CD Set)

Acts 18-28 / "The Story Continues" (CD Set)


In spite of stonings, beatings, imprisonments, suffering and death, the messengers of the gospel continue proclaiming it fearlessly. Paul said he wasn't ashamed of the Gospel, and he proved it emphatically. Let's learn from his example and the example of many others. ...

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Acts Volume 3 (Study Guide)

Acts Volume 3 (Study Guide)


The gospel cannot be stopped! In spite of stonings, beatings, imprisonments, suffering, and death, the messengers of the gospel continue proclaiming it fearlessly. When Paul said he wasn't ashamed of the Gospel, this is where he proves it emphatically. ...

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Romans 1:1-7 / "The Gospel Truth" (CD Set)

Romans 1:1-7 / "The Gospel Truth" (CD Set)


Everywhere we turn, differing religions are holding out their version of the truth. Eternal matters of heaven and hell are debated, discussed, and distorted. What is the truth? This series lays out the true gospel and the response it demands. ...

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Romans 1:14-17 / "Living with Forever in Mind" (CD Set)

Romans 1:14-17 / "Living with Forever in Mind" (CD Set)


The Apostle Paul had one passion, can you guess what it is? In his testimony, delivered in Romans 1, Paul reveals his motive in life: to enable people to live with forever in mind.

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Romans 1:18-32 / "Banquet Table of Consequences" (CD Set)

Romans 1:18-32 / "Banquet Table of Consequences" (CD Set)


Robert Louis Stevenson once said that "every man shall one day be seated at a banquet table of consequences." In this 9-message series, Stephen gives us a glimpse into what that final day of reckoning will look like. ...

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Romans 1:8-13 / "Affections of a Godly Man" (CD Set)

Romans 1:8-13 / "Affections of a Godly Man" (CD Set)


Scripture calls men to lead their homes and churches with truth and love, and that is a difficult responsibility. It's not for the faint of heart. Only the men who are passionately committed to God will succeed in such a role. What kind of man are you? ...

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Romans 2:1-16 / "The Perfect Judge" (CD Set)

Romans 2:1-16 / "The Perfect Judge" (CD Set)


People today are all bent out of shape over the concept of hell. The idea of eternal judgment seems so primitive and unjust. But Paul reminds us that God will render to every man exactly what he deserves. God is the only perfect judge, and He will be sure to judge perfectly. ...

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