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Godlike Faith

Godlike Faith

Genesis 15:6 And he believed the LORD, and he counted it to him as righteousness.

Genesis 15:6 is like a shimmering star on a clear night sky, every bit as brilliant as the twinkling lights Abram gazes at above his head, and the more I reflect on it, the more it radiates. In the first two chapters of Genesis, we’re told twice that God made man in His image and likeness, which means that man, at his best, is an imitator of God. So if redemption is God’s most extravagant display of righteousness, then faith, which is a participation in God’s plan, is ourmost extravagant display of righteousness. It’s difficult enough for Abram, a seventy-five-year-old barren man, to believe that God can bring him a son in his old age, but it transcends even his wildest imaginations to believe that God can make his descendants outnumber the stars. He doesn’t even have one child yet; he can’t possibly comprehend having trillions. But he knows God can do wonders. He knows God can make worlds out of nothing. So he does the most righteous and manly and remarkable thing he could ever do in response: he believes.

And in that moment he becomes more like his Maker than he’s ever been.


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