Sermons in Romans
Stephen Davey's exposition through the book of Romans chapters 1-8.
Stephen Davey's exposition through the book of Romans chapters 1-8.
Sermons in Romans
(Romans 1:1) Truth for Today!
(Romans 1:1) Somebody's Servant
(Romans 1:1b-3) Introducing the Gospel
(Romans 1:4) A Forest of Truth
(Romans 1:5) True Faith Works
(Romans 1:6-7) Saints Alive
(Romans 1:7) Empowered By Grace
(Romans 1:7) Peace!
(Romans 1:8) Chasing Sticks
(Romans 1:9-10) Struggling to Kneel
(Romans 1:11–12) Beyond Christmas and Birthdays
(Romans 1:13) Resolution
(Romans 1:14–16) Three Perspectives . . . One Passion
(Romans 1:16b) Gripped by the Gospel
(Romans 1:17) Recovering the Gospel
(Romans 1:18a) The Other Side of God
(Romans 1:18) Truth Imprisoned
(Romans 1:19–20) No Excuse!
(Romans 1:21-23) Embracing the Darkness
(Romans 1:24) Saltwater
(Romans 1:25) Trading Away the Truth
Romans Lesson 22 - The Reign of Mother Nature
(Romans 1:26-27) The Sands of Sodom
(Romans 1:28-32) Pandora's Box
(Romans 2:1-3) Hiding Behind Your Halo
(Romans 2:4) Choosing Oranges Over Diamonds
(Romans 2:5-8) The Rumbling of Vesuvius
(Romans 2:9-16) No Excuse . . . No Escape
(Romans 2:17-18) The Business of Whitewashing
(Romans 2:19-24) Churchianity
(Romans 2:23-24) Ruining the Reputation of God
(Romans 2:25-28) The Latest Fashion in Fig Leaves
(Romans 2:29) The Heart of the Matter
(Romans 3:1,2) The Advantage of Being Jewish
(Romans 3:2) The Sacred Book
(Romans 3:2) The Breath of God
(Romans 3:3-8) Sins in the Name of God
(Romans 3:9) The Guilt of Mankind vs. The Glory of God
(Romans 3:10-12) Anything but Godly . . . Anyone but God
(Romans 3:12) The Prodigal People
(Romans 3:13) The Venom within Us All
(Romans 3:13) Seasonings for the Tongue
(Romans 3:15-18) The Road Most Traveled
(Romans 3:21-22) Bridging Niagara
(Romans 3:21-22) But . . . Now!
(Romans 3:22-23) The Great Divide
(Romans 3:24-25) The Wooden Memorial
(Romans 3:25-26) Going to Heaven . . . Old Testament Style
(Romans 3:27-28) The Gospel War: Paul vs. James
(Romans 3:29–31) What the Cross of Christ Destroys
(Romans 4:1-3) Father Abraham
(Romans 4:6-8) The Cover-up
(Romans 4:7-8) Forgiven . . . Forgotten
(Romans 4:9-12) The Sign and Seal of Faith
(Romans 4:13-16) Ruling Out the Law
(Romans 4:17) Origins
(Romans 4:18-19) The Hopeless Case
(Romans 4:20-21) Abraham and Islam
(Romans 4:22-25) Like Father Like Son
(Romans 5:1) Peace
(Romans 5:2) Grace
(Romans 5:3-4) Pain
(Romans 5:3) The Holy Spirit
(Romans 5:6-8) The Love of God
(Romans 5:9-11) Assurance
(Romans 5:12-14) Terminal!
(Romans 5:18-21) Triumphant!
(Romans 6:1-2) Transformed!
(Romans 6:3-5) You Were There!
(Romans 5:6-12) Know...Consider...Present
(Romans 6:12-14) Sacred Beyond Sunday
(Romans 6:14) Governed by Grace
(Romans 6:15-19) Whose Slave are You?
(Romans 6:22-23) Pay Day!
(Romans 7:1-4) The New Marriage
(Romans 7:4) The Offspring of Our Union
(Romans 7:4-5) Fruit and More Fruit
(Romans 7:7-13) The Five-fold Function of Law
(Romans 7:14-17) The Battle Begins
(Romans 7:15-24) Keeping Poodles out of Portraits
(Romans 7:24-25) Blessed Are The Bankrupt
(Romans 8:1) The King's Pardon
(Romans 8:2-4) Introducing . . . The Holy Spirit
(Romans 8:5-11) A New Obsession
(Romans 8:12-15) Hand in Glove
(Romans 8:16-17) Our Incredible, Immortal Inheritance
(Romans 8:19-22) The Groaning of Creation
(Romans 8:23-25) Longing for Home
(Romans 8:26-27) When You Don't Know How to Pray
(Romans 8:28) What it is NOT!
(Romans 8:28) What It IS?
(Romans 8:29-30) The Unbreakable Chain
(Romans 8:31-34) Answering Eternal Questions
(Romans 8:34-37) The Five Points of Security
(Romans 8:35-39) Jesus Loves Me, This I Know
(Romans 9:1-3) Hooray for Crocket!
(Romans 9:4-5) Rejecting the Silver Spoon
(Romans 9:6-13) Sovereignty . . . in the Nursery
(Romans 9:14–18) Not for the Faint of Heart
(Romans 9:19-23) Just a Quarter Pounder with Cheese
(Romans 9:24-33) The Solid Rock
(Romans 10:1) Leaving a Suitcase in Israel
(Romans 10:2-3) Full Speed . . . in the Wrong Direction
(Romans 10:4–8) Buying Heaven with Make-Believe Money
(Romans 10:9-11) The Real Apostle's Creed
(Romans 10:11-13) The Consumer is not King
(Romans 10:14-15a) Rescue the Perishing
(Romans 10:15b-17) This Little Light of Mine
(Romans 10:15-20) Now Performing: The Original Gospel Choir
(Romans 10:21) The Wounds of God
(Romans 11:1-6) Castaway Nation?
(Romans 11:7-10) You Can't Get to Heaven in a Wooden Crate
(Romans 11:11-15) Green with Envy
(Romans 11:17-24) Gentiles in the Family Tree
(Romans 11:25-32) Exit Strategy
(Romans 11:33-36) Paul on Mount Everest
(Romans 12:1a) More Than Skin and Bones
(Romans 12:1b) What Makes You Tick
(Romans 12:2a) Breaking Free of Cocoons
(Romans 12:2b) I Spy . . . And Other Christian Games
(Romans 12:3) The Puzzle Has a Designer
(Romans 12:4-6) Puzzle Principles
(Romans 12:3–8) Solving Rubik's Puzzle
(Romans 12:6-7a) An Audience of One
(Romans 12:7) Both Muscle and Mouthpiece
(Romans 12:8a) Starting with Socks
(Romans 12:8) Three Gifts of Great Passion
(Romans 12:9) Catching the Right Bus
(Romans 12:10-11) Every Christian a Cheerleader
(Romans 12:12-13) The Fine Arts of Godly Living
(Romans 12:14-15) Beyond Greeting Cards and the Golden Rule
(Romans 12:16) Eating Humble Pie
(Romans 12:17-21) Refusing the Urge to Feud
(Romans 13:1) Missing the Mark
(Romans 13:2-4) Staying On Task
(Romans 13:6-7) Paying Your Dues
(Romans 13:8-10) Maxing Out Your Love Limit
(Romans 13:11-13) Children of the Light
(Romans 13;14) What's in Your Wardrobe?
(Romans 14:1-4) Food Fights
(Romans 14:5-9) For Heaven's Sake, Make Up Your Mind!
(Romans 14:10-12) Oh Be Careful Little Feet
(Romans 14:13–15) Adding the Third Crayon
(Romans 14:16–18) Wearing C on Your Sleeve
(Romans 14:19–21) Guarding Stradivarius
(Romans 14:22–23) Living On Three Levels
(Romans 15:1–8) Impersonating the Savior
(Romans 15:4–13) Decorated With Stars
(Romans 15:14) Three Radical Refusals
(Romans 15:15–16) Gripped by Grace
(Romans 15:17–19) The Magnification of the Master
(Romans 15:20–29) Great Expectations
(Romans 15:30–33) On Your Mark, Get Set . . . Pray!
(Romans 16:1–2) Make Room for My Sister!
(Romans 16:3–5) Choosing Third Class
(Romans 16:5–16) The Hall of Faith
(Romans 16:17–18) We Interrupt This Letter . . .
(Romans 16:19–20) Surviving Vanity Fair
(Romans 16:21-24) A Gallery of Grace
(Romans 16:25–26) Let's Sing it!
(Romans 16:27) Unending Praise
This is the collection of Stephen Davey's full-length sermons. You can listen, or download the manuscript, for every lesson in Stephen's Bible teaching archive. We believe the Bible is God's Word, and that it speaks with authority to our lives. These messages are faithful to the meaning of of the Bible and will help you understand God's message to you.