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The Creator Who Cares

by Stephen Davey Scripture Reference: Genesis 1:1

I want to welcome you as we set sail through God’s Word. We are about to embark on a journey together that will take us through all sixty-six books of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. And since the Bible is the inspired Word of God, we are really beginning a journey into God’s wisdom for our lives. That is why we call this adventure, The Wisdom Journey.

When I was growing up, my parents decided I should take piano lessons—maybe your parents did the same thing. Maybe by now you have forgiven them for that! Actually, if you are like me, you can still play a tune or two on the piano. I remember that I wanted to learn little tunes that were popular and well known, but my teacher focused on the fundamentals like scales, and timing, and rhythm, along with the correct hand placement on the keys. She had this long pencil, and she would tap my hands with it if I dropped my hands down or flattened out my fingers. She wanted me to learn the basics. She knew that if I did not learn those foundational skills, I would never be able to play more complicated pieces of music.

Well, the Bible begins the same way—with basic and foundational truths. None of the Bible is going to make much sense without beginning at the beginning. It is right here in the very first verse. And beloved, if you believe and commit your faith to Genesis 1:1, the rest of the Bible—especially those more complicated sections—will fall into place.

So, here is the opening declaration, and it is one of the most profound statements in all of human history: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”

Now these words are more than just an introduction to the Bible; they introduce us to the Author of the Bible—in fact, the Creator of the universe, the sovereign Lord over all creation.

The name for God used here is Elohim. This name emphasizes the power, majesty, and sovereignty of God above all gods. Interestingly, Elohim is a plural Hebrew noun, and that gives a subtle hint to the complex unity of God, which we understand as a Trinity, a triune God. He is one God in three Persons.

The very next verse tells us that the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters, and the New Testament reveals that the Son of God, Jesus Christ, was the person of the Godhead who spoke the universe into being.

The apostle Paul, writing in Colossians 1:16, says, “By him [Jesus Christ] all things were created, in heaven and on earth … all things were created through him.” Jesus Christ, the eternal Word, was the actual member of the Godhead who did the speaking. He said, “Let there be light!” And there was light.

So, from the very opening lines of the Bible, we see the involvement of the Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This foundational truth—that the triune God literally created all that is—is going to shape our understanding of everything else in Scripture.

Did you notice how the Bible begins here by simply announcing, “In the beginning, God.” It does not start with a detailed argument for God’s existence. It does not give you ten explanations or evidences of His eternal existence. It simply declares, “Here He is.

Whether you believe it or not, God exists, and He created everything.” This is a simple statement of fact, and that demands your trust in His Word.

The writer of Hebrews affirms this when he writes, “By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God” (Hebrews 11:3). In other words, faith allows us to grasp what our finite minds cannot comprehend—that God created everything. In fact, the Hebrew word here for “created” is describing creation from nothing.

As humans, we can create a lot of things, but we have to start with materials already made. But God, in His infinite power and wisdom, created everything from nothing. The heavens, the earth, and all matter that exists were spoken into existence at His command.

Psalm 90:2 says, “Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever you had formed the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.”

God’s act of creation literally marks the beginning of time as we know it, but God Himself exists outside of time. He is eternal, without beginning or end.

Now, this opening announcement—that God created the universe—does not just tell us what God did; it tells us who He is—our Creator, who is sovereign over all. Follow me here: if God created the universe, then the universe rightly belongs to Him. He can do as He pleases with it. His sovereign claim over the universe extends to everything, including the planets and stars, the animals, the weather, and of course, you and me.

I believe this is the primary reason why so many people want to believe in any theory out there, rather than God being the Creator. People intuitively realize that if God is their Creator, then He deserves their surrender.

For you and me, this understanding of God’s sovereignty brings us great comfort. The one who created the universe is in control of the universe. Nothing happens outside of His will and purpose. When your life feels chaotic and overwhelming, you can trust that God is on His throne, governing the world He created.

I wonder if your life, at this moment, is experiencing some new difficulty or perhaps your heart is filled right now with grief or trouble. It might be over relationships, or children, or grandchildren, or your health, or your finances. It feels like you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. You might be wondering how much longer you can carry it all.

Let me remind you that your creator God is a caring God. He knows your burdens, He sees your struggles, and He knows your pain. If you can believe Genesis 1:1, that God is your Creator, then you can believe 1 Peter 5:7, which says you can cast “all your anxieties [your burdens] on him, because he cares for you.” What a promise. If God can hold the world in His hands, He can hold your burdens as well.

Someone once said that grief is love with nowhere to go. You do not know where to take it. Who can share it or understand it? Beloved, there is somewhere to take your grief—take it to God. The God who created the universe created your heart, and He understands your pain. He is big enough to handle your sorrow, your anger, your questions, and your doubts.

In fact, God invites us to bring our grief to Him. The psalmist wrote in Psalm 34:18, “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” God is not distant or detached; He is a Creator who cares about you.

I have a little wooden plaque in my study at home that I inherited from my dad’s study when he passed away at the age of ninety-two. My dad was a great man of faith who never seemed to get discouraged with all the trials and challenges he faced. That plaque says, “God doesn’t give us what we can handle. He helps us handle what we’ve been given.”

So, this opening verse in the Bible is not just an introduction to a story; it is an invitation to trust your Creator—to trust in His power, His wisdom, and His love. “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” is the foundation of our faith. It is the starting point for everything we believe as Christians.

So, as we continue on this journey through Scripture, let us hold fast to this foundational truth. And while we are at it, let us rejoice that God is the Creator who cares about you and me.

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Linda Lyle says:
So thankful God told us that God created the heaven and earth.
Louella says:
I was so excited to come across this program and it was not an accident. I had resolved to read and study God's words daily and prayed for help to stay focused and determined and God brought me here. Thank you so much for making it easier for me to accomplish my goal. I would appreciate your prayers for me to stay strong and determined, this is so important to me.
Shareka Marbra says:
I'm so glad that I stumbled across this website. I mean everything happens for a reason. God is a God of purpose. He knew my desires and lead me right here. So thankful unto God and for you all being obedient to do what God called you to do. Blessing. [We're glad to have you here! Thanks for your comment.]
Tom says:
Thank you. I have only listened to the first message on Genesis 1:1, but I think that you are going to be a daily part of my walk through the Word to get to know my God better. I was blessed. :)
Angela says:
Iam truly glad I can across this .I no I have alot of catching up but i don't mind cause I see this said 2022,and it's 2024.I have my Bible, notebooks pens and my journal so iam ready for this awesome journey. TO GOD BE THE GLORY

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