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Prophecy Matters!

Living in Light of Christ's Return

09/09/2024 Stephen Davey

Many dismiss biblical prophecies as outdated or irrelevant, much like the fable of Chicken Little who thought the sky was falling. But Jesus'... read more


Understanding the Signs of the End Times

09/06/2024 Stephen Davey

Humanity has long been obsessed with predicting the end of the world. From doomsday clocks to apocalyptic theories, people everywhere are searching... read more

Forecasting the Future

Understanding the Times and Making the Right Choice

09/05/2024 Stephen Davey

Throughout history, countless predictions have been made about the future—some accurate, most not. But when Jesus forecasts the future, we know... read more

What to Expect in Life

Persecution and the Promise

09/04/2024 Stephen Davey

What would you do if following Christ meant risking your life? Around the world today, countless believers face persecution that demands more than... read more

The End is Nearer than Ever!

Signs of the Times

09/03/2024 Stephen Davey

The world is fascinated with the idea of a coming apocalypse, and it’s not just in movies—there’s an intuitive sense that something... read more

The Widow’s Mite

A Lesson in Sacrificial Giving

09/02/2024 Stephen Davey

In Luke 20:45-21:4, Jesus delivers a scathing critique of the religious leaders and then shifts His attention to a poor widow who gives two small... read more

One Final Riddle

Jesus Confronts the Sadducees' Skepticism

08/30/2024 Stephen Davey

In Luke 20:27-44, the Sadducees, who deny the resurrection, approach Jesus with a riddle they think will stump Him. They present a hypothetical... read more

Paying Your Dues

The Dual Responsibility of Citizens in God’s Kingdom

08/29/2024 Stephen Davey

As Jesus faces off with the religious leaders in Luke 20:1-18, He delivers a profound lesson that resonates with believers today. The Pharisees and... read more

The Heir Has Arrived

The Cornerstone of Our Faith

08/28/2024 Stephen Davey

In Luke 20:1-18, we encounter a dramatic moment in Jesus' ministry, where He clarifies His authority, challenges the religious leaders, and delivers... read more

Jesus Wept . . . Again!

A Compassionate King in the Face of Rejection

08/27/2024 Stephen Davey

In the late 1940s, Charles Templeton was a rising star in Christian ministry, preaching alongside Billy Graham. But doubts crept in, leading him to... read more

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