Sermons in Psalms
Stephen Davey's verse by verse exposition through select chapters in Psalms.
Stephen Davey's verse by verse exposition through select chapters in Psalms.
Sermons in Psalms
(Psalms 23:1–2) Introducing the Creator-Shepherd
(Psalms 23:3–4) Ruts of Righteousness
(Psalms 23:5–6) Nasal Flies and Sheep Dogs
(Psalms 19:1–6) The Footprints of God
(Psalms 19:7–9) God's Inspired Little Book
(Psalms 19:10–14) Taste and Treasure
(Psalms 73:1–17) Forbidden Questions
(Psalms 73:16–24) The Turning Point
(Psalms 73:25–28) The End of One Story
(Psalms 139:1–6) Rejoicing in the Omniscience of God
(Psalms 139:7–14) Reveling in the Omnipresence and Omnipotence of God
(Psalms 139:15–18) Designer Made
(Psalms 139:19–24) Inviting God's Searchlight
(Psalms 11:1–3) Farewell to the Foundations
(Psalms 11:4–7) Faithfully Alert When Society is Falling Apart
(Psalms 56:1–13) The Tear Collector
(Psalms 1:1–6) Drawing Circles for All the Right Reasons
(Psalms 1:2–6) Evergreen
(Psalms 78) An Unbroken Chain
(Psalms 46) Between a Rock and a Hard Place
(Psalms 100) The First Thanksgiving Hymn
(Psalms 69) Singing About the Messiah
(Psalms 69) Abandoned at the Gate
This is the collection of Stephen Davey's full-length sermons. You can listen, or download the manuscript, for every lesson in Stephen's Bible teaching archive. We believe the Bible is God's Word, and that it speaks with authority to our lives. These messages are faithful to the meaning of of the Bible and will help you understand God's message to you.