Sermons in Mark
Stephen Davey's exposition of Mark.
Stephen Davey's exposition of Mark.
Sermons in Mark
(Selected Scripture) Introducing the Gospel of Action
(Mark 1:1-8) Five Small Locusts & Two Cups of Honey
(Mark 1:9-15) First Things First
(Mark 1:14-20) The Demands of Discipleship
(Mark 1:21-45) The Final Authority
(Mark 2:1-17) Never off Duty, Always on Call
(Mark 2:18 - 3:6) Splitting Hairs
(Mark 3:13-19) A Ragtag Band of Misfits
(Mark 3:20-35) The Unpardonable Sin
(Mark 4:1-20) The Sower, the Soil and the Seed
(Mark 4:35-41) Human Impossibility + Urgency = A Divine Miracle
(Mark 5:1-20) When Pigs Are Preferred
(Mark 5:21-43) Divine Delays
(Mark 6:7-13;30) A Disciple's Job Description
(Mark 10:21-37) When Caring Comes First
(Mark 6:32-56) Grace Before Greatness
(Mark 7:1-13) Hypocrisy in the Church
(Mark 8:34-38) Will the Real Disciples Please Stand Up?
(Mark 14:32-42) When God's Will Hurts
(Mark 14:43-72) The Night Before Calvary
(Mark 15:1-4) Compassion from a Cross
(Mark 15:42-16:8) Shattering the Myths of Man
(John 20:19-21:25) Turning Cowards Into Crusaders
This is the collection of Stephen Davey's full-length sermons. You can listen, or download the manuscript, for every lesson in Stephen's Bible teaching archive. We believe the Bible is God's Word, and that it speaks with authority to our lives. These messages are faithful to the meaning of of the Bible and will help you understand God's message to you.