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(Zechariah 7-8) Trusting in the Wrong Traditions

Zechariah 7-8

05/09/2023 Stephen Davey

In this episode, Stephen explores the book of Zechariah, chapters 7-8. In these chapters, the prophet Zechariah urges the people of Israel to obey God's commands, not just out of tradition, but because they love Him and want to please Him. He also reminds them of the consequences of disobeying God in the past, and the blessings that they will experience if they obey Him in the future.

Zechariah's message is a reminder to us today that our traditions should always be centered on God and His will for our lives. When we put our trust in traditions instead of God, we are setting ourselves up for disappointment. But when we trust in God, He will always lead us in the right direction.

Zechariah 7-8

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