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The Journey Through Joel

The Journey Through Joel

The Wisdom Journey through Joel

The theme of the book of Joel is the day of the Lord. This time of direct divine judgment not only points out the need to repent and turn to the Lord now but also assures God’s covenant people Israel—and us—of His ultimate blessing in the future.

CLICK HERE to purchase the manuscript / study guide.

In Control of the Chaos

In Control of the Chaos


经文参考 Joel 1; 2:1–27 系列: The Journey Through Joel
Keeping Your Eyes on the Road Ahead

Keeping Your Eyes on the Road Ahead


经文参考 Joel 2:28–32; 3 系列: The Journey Through Joel

你想要學習指南嗎? We will release the study guide for each book along with this message archive. 單擊此處購買特定書籍的學習指南

We post each book of The Wisdom Journey as they finish airing. When complete, 智慧之旅 will take you from Genesis through Revelation in 780 lessons. We would appreciate hearing your comments or suggestions. 單擊屏幕右下角的幫助按鈕向我們發送消息。

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