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Unmasked Part 1

Unveiling the Truth About Spiritual Deception and the Role of Elders

01/29/2025 Stephen Davey

In today’s episode, Stephen Davey dives into Titus 1:12-16, where the Apostle Paul issues a stern command to unmask the false teachers spreading lies within the church. In a world filled with deceit, it’s easy for misinformation—even within spiritual circles—to spread unchecked. Paul’s instruction to Titus was clear: these teachers had to be unmasked for what they truly were—rebellious, deceitful, and driven by sordid gain. Their teachings were a mixture of myths and human commandments, things that sounded spiritual but lacked any basis in the truth of God’s Word.

Stephen explains the importance of discerning the real motives behind religious leaders and understanding the difference between sound doctrine and empty talk. As we journey through this passage, you’ll learn not only to recognize false teachings but also how true shepherds are called to guard the flock against such influences. We’re reminded that the pursuit of fame and fortune should never be the motive behind spiritual leadership—rather, it should be the selfless commitment to truth and the wellbeing of God's people. Join us as we unmask deception and uphold the gospel.


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